Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1816 Can we still be friends?

It was quiet. Qin Chuan knew through this incident that he still had to be careful. Even if he had this token, it was useless. The most reliable thing was strength.

When he returned to the room, the stranger had already woken up, and his face turned red when he saw Qin Chuan. Now she was covered with a quilt, half sitting, leaning on the pillow, looking lazy and charming.

His face was a little pale, which was due to the injury, but he had a touch of softness.

Qin Chuan walked over, sat on the edge of the couch, and put his hand on her pulse gate. This was a habitual action. He paused for a moment and reached out to touch her forehead.

Just this action made the stranger's face turn redder, and he said softly: "I want to take a bath!"

Qin Chuan smiled: "Okay, I'll go out first. If you need help, call me."

"No need!" the stranger whispered with a red face and lowered his head.

Then I went directly to the bathroom.

Qin Chuan smiled and walked out of the bedroom. People's thoughts are always changing. They always thought that they would never forgive, but they found that those things had disappeared long ago. Since they were willing to let her leave in the first place, then even if she didn't say anything, , will also let her go.

I'm just not satisfied with her attitude.

But think about it, in fact, under such circumstances, how many people can be like falling flowers? Husband and wife are birds in the same forest. When disaster strikes, they can fly separately, not to mention they are just friends.

But when he thought of this, Qin Chuan thought of Luo Hua, that equally beautiful woman. He didn't know where she was now, whether she was living well, or whether she still remembered him.

For some reason, Qin Chuan thought of Luo Hua and wanted to go see her right away. At that time, she liked him very much, and it could even be said that she loved him. After all, only one of the two could survive, but she was willing to give it to him.

Later, when the Five Elements Immortal Flag's Tianmen Escape is available, you can go and see her, at least secretly. If she is already married and has a loved one or even children, he will not disturb her. Yes, bless her.

Not long after, the stranger came out, neatly dressed in a snow-white dress, and walked towards Qinchuan, as if there was still a trace of thunder and lightning surrounding his steps.

She sat next to Qin Chuan, with a foot of distance between them. The faint fragrance came from her, making Qin Chuan feel very calm.

The stranger seemed to want to say something, but couldn't. Qin Chuan looked at her and smiled: "I thought I would never see you again.

It seems that we are really destined. "

"Do you hate me?" The stranger raised his head slightly and looked at Qin Chuan.

"Why do I hate you?" Qin Chuan looked at her.

"I did that to you, I was so selfish." The stranger said.

"Actually, everyone is selfish." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Then why did you let me go? If you didn't let me go, I would definitely not be able to leave." The stranger said.

Qin Chuan had gods and Buddhas at that time, and he at least felt a little hope of living, so if the stranger didn't leave, Qin Chuan would let him go. It wasn't that he wasn't afraid of death, or that he was sure of surviving, it was just that he You can't be that ruthless.

Especially the falling flowers at the end, it was true love for him, great love.

So thinking of this, Qin Chuan wanted to see her. If she was not married and still loved him, Qin Chuan would definitely marry her.

"Because of the fate between us, one should cherish everyone around him in one's life, because in fact there are not many people who can interact with you in this life, and even fewer who can last for a period of time, and who can meet several times and still be able to meet each other. There are even fewer people who can be friends, so I’m very happy to see you.”

The stranger looked at Qin Chuan: "Why is your hair white?"

"Does it look good?" Qin Chuan smiled.

The stranger smiled: "It looks good, it always looks good."

"How are you feeling? Do you want me to give you a massage?" Qin Chuan said.

"It's okay, thank you!" the stranger said politely.

Qin Chuan held her hand, and a warm breath came in. This was Qin Chuan's holy energy, dragon energy, Buddha energy, etc., pure energy, which traveled around to temper the muscles, bones, and body, and also lightly cleansed the body. effect.

The stranger's hand was held by Qin Chuan, she trembled slightly and lowered her head slightly. Her heart was actually beating very fast. After many years, the throbbing has never disappeared. It has been suppressed. It used to be the memory of the unforgettable past. Every time I think about those days, I can't help but smile, but thinking about never seeing him again makes me sad.

Sometimes she wanted to find Qin Chuan and hug her, just hug him, but now that Qin Chuan was by her side, she didn't dare.

Even now she feels a little foggy, and even feels that this is a dream. She has been cautious, she is afraid of suddenly waking up, even if it is a dream, she hopes it will be longer, and longer.

"Qin Chuan, is all this true? Am I dreaming?" The stranger looked at Qin Chuan's face close at hand and said softly.

"Whether it's a dream or not, you can tell if you try it?" Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

"How to try?" The stranger was stunned.

"The prince can kiss the beautiful princess awake, do you want me to try?" Qin Chuan said.

The stranger was stunned and shook his head: "This must be a dream. You won't talk to me like this. Qin Chuan, I don't want to wake up."

Qin Chuan smiled: "Since it's a dream, why not be bold and do whatever you want. Anyway, you'll wake up soon."

The stranger was dumbfounded, looking at Qin Chuan's smiling face, and slowly stretched out her hands. When she held Qin Chuan's face with both hands, she suddenly let go, and her body instinctively moved back, and her face became even redder.

Qin Chuan knew that she must believe it was true now, so he stood up with a smile: "Okay, I'm going to make something to eat, and we can all eat together later."

"Well, let me help you!" the stranger said.

"Your injury hasn't healed yet. Let's take a rest. Don't think so much. Things won't get worse, don't you think?" Qin Chuan patted her shoulder gently.

Looking at Qin Chuan's back, the stranger was a little confused now. After all, something had happened and it was almost impossible to go back to the past. Even if Qin Chuan didn't care, it was difficult for her to be her former self.

In fact, she couldn't forgive herself.

Mingyue and the stranger here are women, so they will naturally get closer to each other. They will become familiar with each other after a while. Let's have a meal and then take a look at the King Kong City together.

Walking in King Kong City again, strangers felt like they were in another world. Before, they were almost forced into a desperate situation and were even prepared to die. But now they can go shopping here easily, and there is no need to worry at all.

"Come with me!" Qin Chuan said softly.

Several people walked together, Qin Chuan and Stranger, Canglan and Mingyue, and finally Xuanyuan Xuan and Jun Wushuang.

The stranger did not speak immediately, but said softly: "Why?"

"Because we are friends." Qin Chuan said.


The stranger smiled self-deprecatingly and asked seriously: "Can we still be friends?"

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