Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 176 Failed to save her, Lin Lang's...

One by one golden needles pierced into Tantai Huangqing's body.

Now that the realm has broken through, the holy qi has become two. This time the effect is different immediately, and the speed of the death qi subsides is not known how many times faster than last time.

Qin Chuan was overjoyed, and stepped up his efforts to mobilize the awe-inspiring righteousness and holy energy. Gradually, the dead energy became less and less, and when it reached the center, a small gray cyclone gradually appeared, the size of a fingernail, exuding Horror mysterious atmosphere.

When we got here, we couldn't get in anymore, and Qin Chuan's head was already sweating.

No, still no, this dead air is too tenacious.

Another golden needle went straight in.

Straight towards the dead air cyclone.

The needle was too deep, so Qin Chuan's hand sank into Tantai Huangqing's chest. The amazing elasticity and smooth touch shocked Qin Chuan.

He was in a cold sweat, and even his eyes were closed.

Tantai Huangqing suddenly opened her eyes, and suddenly raised her aura. Her deep eyes stared at Qin Chuan, looking at the handsome face that was sweating hard, she slowly put down her hands.

Qin Chuan really couldn't care about anything at this time, and he wouldn't be reconciled if he didn't try, but he didn't expect this to happen.

Suddenly Qin Chuan saw the fire of Jiuyou Earth!

The current awe-inspiring righteousness and holy energy still can't get rid of this deadly vortex, but he didn't want to wait any longer. He saw the fire of the Nine Nether Earth and was ready to try it.

Qin Chuan took a deep breath, controlled the temperature of the Jiuyou Earth Fire Seed to the best level, and then adjusted it slowly, but the Jiuyou Earth Fire Seed cannot be separated from the body...

Qin Chuan withdrew his hands in frustration, his whole body was stunned as if he had collapsed, it would be great if the fire from the Nine Nether Earth could leave his body, maybe there would be a chance?

Qin Chuan closed the needle.

"You don't have to worry about her, maybe she's different from me, and maybe the longevity has no influence. "I is more and more complete"" Tantai Huangqing said.

"I'm also worried about my sister!" Qin Chuan sighed.

"Is it difficult?" Tantai Huangqing felt a little heavy in his heart.

"Believe me,

I will think of a way. In fact, I have a way, but I can't reach it at the moment. "Qin Chuan sighed.

"Okay, I believe you!" Tantai Huang smiled, but he knew it was difficult in his heart.


Taoism is divided into nine gates, which are divided into five elements, namely the golden gate, the wooden gate, the water gate, the fire gate, the soil gate, the ground gate, the wind gate, the thunder gate and the secret gate.

Qin Chuan was going to see that senior brother, that is, the drunk lunatic, but he just walked a few steps and saw an acquaintance.

"Brother Lin!"

What Qin Chuan saw was Lin Lang from the Lin family of Yan Kingdom, and he was obviously taken aback when he met him here.

Lin Lang seemed to have something to do, his face was a little anxious, and he was taken aback when he saw Qin Chuan: "Brother, why are you here?"

"You joined Xuanmen too?" Lin Lang saw Qin Chuan's clothes.

"Well, you've joined for a week, and you haven't come out yet. Brother Lin, what are you going to do? I think you seem to be in a hurry?" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

"Qin Chuan, my girlfriend was taken away by evil wolves." Lin Lang hesitated and said anxiously.

Qin Chuan was taken aback: "Evil wolf, secret door evil wolf?"

"Well, you know?" Lin Lang was a little surprised.

"Let's go, I'll go with you, why did he arrest your girlfriend? Do you have any festivals?" Qin Chuan motioned Lin Lang to say as he walked.

Lin Lang sighed: "In Xuanmen, the weak are the same as the strong, and evil wolves are people in the secret sect. Although Xuanmen prohibits such things, such things still happen from time to time. Many people dare not say anything when they are bullied, otherwise It will be worse."

"The people from the secret door are so overbearing?" Qin Chuan wondered.

"The secret sect is the strongest sect of Taoism. Even the suzerain has to give them three points. The secret sect has the most disciples, and the most outstanding disciples. The remaining sects are far inferior. The suzerain is powerful, but the suzerain alone There is no successor," Lin Lang said.

Qin Chuan knew that the sect of the suzerain was not strong, and the suzerain was unfathomable, but there was only Tantai Huangqing below, and the drunk lunatic was almost a useless person. It is estimated that not many people knew that he was a disciple of the suzerain, and he probably knew his identity Not many people, but it should be known soon.

"By the way, Brother Lin, why did the evil wolf arrest your girlfriend?" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

"The evil wolf was going to bully a female disciple. This female disciple was a friend of mine and my girlfriend. She came to me. I brought a group of people there, and the evil wolf took notice of it." Lin Lang said.

"So it seems that the evil wolf is taking revenge on you and your girlfriend." Qin Chuan knew that the evil wolf would take revenge.

"Yes, and this time he is prepared, it is useless even if I take someone there, brother, you will probably be beaten badly if you go with me, I think you don't need to suffer with me, you should go back! "Lin Lang stopped and said.

Lin Lang panicked when he got the news before, and he had a deep impression of Qin Chuan, so he always felt that he was quite good, but now that this is a secret door, it is useless for Qin Chuan to go, let alone one Qin Chuan, ten Qin Chuan Chuan is useless.

Qin Chuan also laughed, because Lin Lang was serious.

"Let's go, it doesn't hurt so much for two people to be beaten." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Lin Lang looked at Qin Chuan, looked at that gentle smile, his heart unexpectedly calmed down, and he felt a burst of warmth: "Thank you, brother!"

In fact, he was a little scared to go alone, Qin Chuan accompanied him, at least he could be more courageous.

Qin Chuan and Lin Lang walked into a remote hall.

There are tables, chairs and even beds.

At this time, there were four young men drinking at the table, and a woman was tied to a pillar not far away. She looked very beautiful and pure.

"I'm here, you let her go." Lin Lang came in and said to the four people after seeing the woman.

The four drinking youths put down their glasses and stood up. One of them smiled and looked at Qin Chuan and Lin Lang: "Why did you bring a helper?"

"Don't talk so much nonsense with them, brother wolf said, he broke his leg directly, and didn't look at what he was, dare to spoil brother wolf's good deeds, and brother wolf is coming soon, let this kid look at him My girlfriend was played by Brother Wolf." A young man laughed.

"Then don't know if we have a share?" Another young man looked at the tied female disciple and said hopefully.

Qin Chuan's eyes turned cold. He knew Xie Lang, he was a **** guy, and he would definitely do such a perverted and heartless thing.

He even dared to fight Tantai Huangqing's idea, let alone an ordinary female disciple.

And it's okay to hit Tantai Huangqing's idea. The most likely reason is that Tantai Huangqing didn't talk about it, but it can also be seen that the secret door is powerful, and the evil wolf's status in the secret door seems to be very high.

"This is Xuanmen, how dare you do this?" Qin Chuan was surprised.

He was really surprised, Dazong of Xuanmen, they dared to do this, but thinking about it, it seems normal, there are tens of thousands of people in Xuanmen, it is difficult to survive here, and there are dark places here , except for some direct disciples, most people have to behave with their tails between their legs.

The evil wolf is the strongest member of the secret sect, and has status, killing someone is nothing, the sect of the jungle is so cruel.

Many female disciples even let the evil wolf play with them willingly, so that they can obtain more resources, improve their strength, and survive better in the Taoist sect. (Nine Realms God Emperor../24/24642/)--( Nine Realms God Emperor )

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