Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1823 Are you a good person?

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It is difficult for Qin Chuan to break the formation from the outside, and it is almost impossible for the opponent to break the formation from the inside.

The woman seems a little confused now, because she doesn't know who she is or where she is, but she knows everything else, such as her cultivation, the fact that she is trapped in the formation, and that the people outside are strangers.

She can know the strength of outsiders, so it is impossible for outsiders to help her break the formation.

In addition, she naturally saw this crystal coffin, the dragon and phoenix crystal coffin, and she had the phoenix fairy clothes on her body. Who was she?

This question made her understand immediately.

She lost her memory and couldn't remember anything from the past. She didn't know who she was, why she was here, and where she was going.

She was so confused now that she didn't even think about going out immediately because she didn't know what she was going to do.

It is said that people are always curious about one question when they are alive: What are you living for?

There are naturally many answers to this question. For example, in order to enjoy the glory and wealth, some people have beautiful wives and concubines, are extremely luxurious, have unlimited scenery, and hold great power.

Of course, there are some people who have been beggars all their lives. Why do these people live? In fact, many of them also have their own beliefs, which is when they can have a good meal and be full.

Of course, there are many people who live for their relatives, children, family, and sect.

But some people have said that it is actually the most standard answer.

Living is an instinct of human beings, and this instinct also includes beasts and monsters.

But there are times when you really don’t feel happy when you are alive. For example, when you are sick, it is very painful to live, and you have to endure the torture of the disease every day. This is one.

Another one is completely hopeless.

Under what circumstances will a person lose all hope? The simplest one is to lose a loved one. This loved one not only includes people, such as relatives, women, and children, but also includes other things, such as someone who likes money.

Losing millions of wealth overnight may make you lose all hope. In addition, for example, if you have power, some people suddenly step down from the position of city lord or country lord. They cannot bear it and lose all hope.

There is also the loss of cultivation,

In the eyes of many warriors, cultivation is more important than life. If a strong man loses his cultivation, he will be completely devastated. Life would be worse than death. He really has no courage to live.

This woman just lost her memory, but her cultivation is still there. Sometimes losing her memory is a kind of protection.

For example, if something unexpected happens and you are in a state of self-protection, you will have selective amnesia and forget about it, because once you think about it, you will not be able to bear it.

That's what happened to Concubine Qian.

The woman came back to her senses after a while, looked at Qin Chuan, but still said nothing. Instead, she turned around and walked back to the Phoenix Crystal Coffin, in a daze.

I suddenly woke up and I didn’t know where I was or what time it was. Most importantly, I didn’t know who I was and what I was going to do next.

Well, go out first and know who you are? Find your loved ones.

The woman's beautiful eyes like moonlight lit up, and she looked towards Qin Chuan. She couldn't get out, so she had to rely on the help of these people. She asked them to help find someone who could break the formation, and she could promise them benefits.

The woman came over again, took a look, and finally walked towards Qin Chuan. Her voice was clear despite the barrier.


The voice is elegant, with a ray of magnetism, sweet, soft, but also clear and sweet. It is indescribably good. This voice is really fairy music. I am seriously curious. With so many people, no one has the same voice as others. , some sounds like broken gongs, extremely unpleasant to hear.

But some sounds are like fairy music, which can make people's bones melt.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Hello!"

"I need your help, and of course I won't let your help go in vain. Revenge will definitely satisfy you," the woman said.

"You want to break the formation?" Qin Chuan said.

The woman was not surprised when she heard Qin Chuan's words. In fact, most people could guess this, so she nodded: "Yeah!"

Qin Chuan is very confused now. After all, this woman is unusual. He doesn't know whether her release will be a trouble to him and his group. Even if he doesn't take action against him, if she is a big devil and causes a bloody storm, then the cause and effect is also his. Come and carry.

So Qin Chuan is confused now, because he can let the woman come out, but of course he can't. In fact, he only needs to point out the woman to break the formation and break the formation from the inside, but he is afraid of trouble.

The woman seemed to see Qin Chuan struggling, but she didn't understand why. She asked in confusion: "Please help me invite the formation master to come over. Well, the best formation master, as long as he can break the formation, I will give you something you can't imagine." benefit."

The woman's words made Qin Chuan tremble. The main reason was that the ambiguity of this sentence was a bit big. I will give you unimaginable benefits. Qin Chuan smiled and put aside this unrealistic idea.

He is a man, and it doesn't matter if he thinks too much. People actually think too much, but as long as they can restrain themselves, they are considered good people.

What the woman is actually talking about is the benefit. She can know the cultivation level of people like Qin Chuan. If he just takes out something or gives some advice, these people can benefit from it for a lifetime, so she is talking about this benefit.

She thought Qin Chuan was worried about not getting any benefit from you, so he was worried.

Also, she knew that if she wanted more people to come here and try to break the formation, they had to promise benefits, and there would be brave men who would be rewarded heavily.

But she didn't know that what Qin Chuan was hesitating about was whether to let her out.

She would be speechless if she knew.

And sometimes it's so wonderful. In the Immortal Realm, in this area, it can be said that there are very few people who can find this place, and there are even fewer people who can break the formation, so sometimes everything that feels like a coincidence just It can be explained by fate.

"If you have any worries or difficulties, please tell me and we will find a solution together. Don't worry, my promise is valid and will always be valid." The woman's pleasant voice sounded again.

She was also worried that Qin Chuan and his party would leave directly without finding someone for her, and it would be too difficult for her to get out.

So Qin Chuan and his party are her hope. If she can't get out this time, she doesn't know how long it will take to get out again. It's too boring here.

Qin Chuan looked at this woman and wanted to know an answer, for example, that she was a good person and a very good woman.

"Are you a good person?" Qin Chuan asked seriously.

The woman looked at Qin Chuan in slight surprise. He never expected that Qin Chuan would ask this question...

Qin Chuan was stunned when he asked.

The stranger laughed and looked at Qin Chuan funny, but didn't say anything.

Qin Chuan seemed to realize something.

In fact, looking at a woman's appearance and temperament, she doesn't look like a bad person, but they say a person should not be judged by appearance, so Qin Chuan is so entangled.

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