Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1839: Divine Realm, Little Fox

Qin Chuan was very happy that it could still be used, but he thought it would be better if it could be used elsewhere.

But he knew that he was overthinking it, and his heart was not as strong as a snake swallowing an elephant.

Before, I couldn't go to those places in the Immortal Realm, but now I can go to the Immortal Realm in the Divine Realm. This is already the best result, so there is nothing to be dissatisfied about.

In fact, this is just Qin Chuan's idea, not dissatisfaction.

He was actually very satisfied, extremely satisfied. This was actually his greatest wish.

God’s Domain, this is God’s Domain.

However, he is very unfamiliar here now, and it seems to be deep in the mountains, so it is not suitable to order Tianmen Escape here. Qin Chuan does not know how many Tianmen Escape can be done now, so he does not dare to waste it.

He didn't know if it could be changed after it was set, so he planned to find a suitable place first before conducting experiments.

I hope it can be like before, where I can set it up as many times as I want as long as I go to a place.

That way, you can be unscrupulous, and you can set it up casually to avoid running out of times. You can reset it next month. As long as you go to the place you have been to, you can just set up Tianmen Escape next time.

But this is the realm of God, and I don’t know what I can do.

He had never tried it in the Immortal Realm, and only set up a position in the medical sect.

Because he didn't dare to try it easily, he needed to set up a heavenly gate in both the divine realm and the fairy realm after trying it in the divine realm, and then experiment again. Even in the worst case scenario, he could still travel between the fairy realm and the divine realm.

However, the Divine Realm is too big, so he has to find a good location. The Immortal Realm is no problem, but the Medical Sect is the best place to set up Tianmen Escape.

Let’s get out of this mountain first!

Qin Chuan found a certain direction and moved forward.

He could feel that it was very dangerous in these mountains and he couldn't fly, but he could use the ruler, but he only used it once and for all. Don't wait until the last time, when he got to a group of terrifying monsters, it would be funny.


Fortunately, my luck was not that bad, I didn't encounter any danger, and I didn't see any special powerful monsters.

Call out the Earth Golden Dragon Bear and move on.

This walk took half a day, and with the scale of the land reduced, Qin Chuan wondered how big these mountains were, and how long would it take him to get out of the mountains?

The sky was getting dark, and Qin Chuan didn't plan to rush on the road at night, so he found a place on the mountain and decided to rest for the night and rush on the road tomorrow.

The moon was sparse, but the earth was still very bright. The surrounding insects chirped loudly, and from time to time deep beast roars could be heard in the distance.

Qin Chuan hunted a hare and then barbecued it here.

Sprinkle with spices.

Although it is said to be a divine domain, Qin Chuan's current strength cannot be underestimated, and he is not afraid of attracting any monsters.

A wild rabbit, no matter how fragrant it is, can only travel a few miles. A dozen miles is an exaggeration. Qin Chuan knew that there was no powerful monster in these ten miles or hundreds of miles.


Just when the hare was about to be roasted, a small figure stood in the distance.

Qin Chuan looked over and was a little surprised, because it was a girl wearing white clothes.

Fourteen or fifteen years old, fifteen or sixteen at most, looking timidly.

In the barren mountains and ridges, this is not a city. A person suddenly appeared, but you haven't noticed it before?

Qin Chuan also felt a little numb.

The girl looked here from a distance, not daring to come over, and reluctantly left, just staring at Qin Chuan's barbecue.

Golden Divine Eyes.

At this glance, Qin Chuan understood that this was not a monster or a human being, but actually a little snow fox.

She should still be alone, because Qin Chuan didn't notice anyone of her kind around, and she looked a little different.

Seemingly seeing Qin Chuan looking at her, he instinctively ducked back and even wanted to run.

She is very beautiful, with a delicate little face. You must know that the most beautiful people in the demon clan are the fox clan and the mermaid clan. After all, there are too few legendary fairy dragons. Even if they exist, they are too few and far between.

She was born with a pitiful aura that made people unable to bear to hurt her.

Besides, she was still a child when it came to it.

Qin Chuan smiled and waved, then raised the barbecue in his hand.

The little girl looked at Qin Chuan and was reluctant to leave, but she didn't dare to take the exam.

She knew the other party was human, and she also knew humans would hurt them.

"I don't mean any harm. If I want to catch you, you can't run away."

After saying that, Qin Chuan came to her side in a flash.

But the next moment Qin Chuan returned to his previous position.

"Come on, aren't you hungry?" Qin Chuan smiled.

The little girl dared to come out because of Qin Chuan's temperament, his natural temperament, and the demon tribe still had a good impression of him.

The little girl was startled by Qin Chuan, but when she saw Qin Chuan coming to her side and then going back, she became bolder and walked over slowly.

Qin Chuan tore off a hind leg and gave it to her.


The little girl's voice was small and tender, just like that of a teenage girl. Her big, pure eyes contained confusion and a trace of panic about the world.

"You're welcome, why are you alone?" Qin Chuan said casually.


The little girl wanted to say that she was not human, but she was afraid that the other person would not know and would hurt her if he knew that she was not human.

Qin Chuan smiled. He was actually thinking of Li Yan, who was from the Fox Clan.

"One of my women is from the Fox Clan." Qin Chuan said softly.

This sentence actually tells the girl that he knows the identity of the other party.

This sentence made the girl stunned, and she was instinctively afraid, but she found that Qin Chuan had no ill intentions. She had already clearly felt this, it was instinctive.

"My parents are gone. I don't know where to go. I'm scared." The little girl said softly while eating.

In fact, she was already very hungry. The smell of Qin Chuan's grilled meat was undeniable. She was attracted by the smell and couldn't control it.

But she ate very gracefully.

After a while, the little girl finished the meat Qin Chuan gave her, and Qin Chuan gave her another piece.

She must be very hungry.

"What are your plans?" Qin Chuan looked at her and said.

"I don't know, it's very dangerous here, and I don't dare to go to a human place." The little girl said helplessly.

Qin Chuan didn't speak immediately. In fact, the little girl was still wary of him.

Besides, Qin Chuan has not figured out how to help her now. After all, he has just arrived here. Letting her eat is a kind of help within his ability. If he takes her with him now, he can't decide now.

The girl was full and looked at Qin Chuan, as if she had been hesitating.

After all, she was alone. She knew that she couldn't survive if she stayed here, and it would be difficult to survive if she went out. This man could appear here, and she was sure that he was a capable man. The little girl instinctively wanted to follow Qin Chuan, because she couldn't. Knowing why, intuitively this man would not hurt her.

"Uncle, I want to follow you!" the little girl said seriously.

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