Nine Realms God Emperor

The 179th chapter of the purgatory of fire, quenching the body with fire

There is a lot of ambiguity in this sentence, but Tantai Huangqing looked at Qin Chuan's serious look and suspected that he didn't mean that...

Gouged out Qin Chuan's eyes vigorously: "You are a little wolf cub!"

Qin Chuan smiled, a very pure smile...

The two of them strolled under the setting sun, heading towards their palace, they were going the same way anyway.

In Taoism, only a few direct disciples have their own temples, and the rest are many people living in one temple.

The two walked side by side.

"The splendor of life is mysterious and miraculous." Qin Chuan looked at the front and said with a smile. Now he was in a relaxed mood, and he didn't know whether it was because he saw "The Use and Improvement of Tinder" or thought of Su Ho and his family.

"You are so young, why are you expressing emotion!" Tantai Huangqing said amusedly.

"I just think about it, think about the people I meet and the things that happen, and sometimes I suddenly feel that even people who have conflicts are cute."

"This world is full of people. It's not so magical who you meet. If you don't meet him, you will meet someone else." Tantai Huangqing shook his head.

Qin Chuan felt that there seemed to be a faint worry in her heart, but he was not sure, and it was not good to ask directly.

Everyone has their own secrets and difficulties, but outsiders don't know it, just like Tantai Huangqing, her goddess, the chief disciple of the master of Xuanmen, can be said to be beautiful, but who can tell if there is something embarrassing behind it? Know.

"By the way, the Purgatory of Fire is about to open. Get ready, this time you will go in with me." Tantai Huangqing looked at Qin Chuan with bright eyes.

"Fire Purgatory? What is it?" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

"This is an ancient place in the Mortal Realm. In Huoyun Mountain, it is said that the ancestor of the Yan Kingdom was born. A long time ago, it was said that the Yan Kingdom was once extremely powerful. Now it is sealed, and it takes a lot of money to open it every time. If you are lucky, you can get a lot of opportunities." Tantai Huangqing said.

"Only people from Xuanmen can enter?" Qin Chuan asked.

"No, people from other forces in the Mortal Realm will also enter, so there will be a lot of danger in it, and it is legal to kill people there." Tantai Huangqing said.

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up, this is really purgatory.

"The evil wolf was beaten very badly by you. They have been looking for opportunities to deal with you again. If they go to the Purgatory of Fire this time, they will definitely attack you." Tantai Huangqing said.

"Don't be afraid, this secret door will sooner or later become a scourge for the Taoist sect. Now Master can still shock them, but Master is too kind to make them so rampant." Qin Chuan frowned.

"The Tiger King and the evil wolf in the secret door are not really big figures. You have to be careful about Long Shao, Violent Bear and others. Their strength is terrifying. If you stand by my side, they will definitely deal with you." Tantai Huangqing said embarrassedly.

Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile: "A beauty is a disaster!"

"Are you asking for a beating?" Tantai Huang said angrily.

For a goddess-like woman, this look has an astonishing lethality, which is more shocking than direct scratching her head. This is a pure flower of ice and snow, exquisite and flawless, which makes people sink.

"Sister, your beauty is enough to bring disaster to the country and the people." Qin Chuan smiled.

"You've got an inch, haven't you!" Tantai Huang was overwhelmed and didn't get angry.

"I'm praising my sister."

"Is there such a boast?"

"When will you enter this purgatory of fire?" Qin Chuan asked after thinking about it, and changed the subject.

"A week later!"


After returning to his residence, Qin Chuan began to try to temper his body with fire. The method of quenching his body with fire was recorded in detail in "Use and Improvement of Fire", so Qin Chuan can just follow it now.

With the golden pupil, you can deduce it, so you don't have to worry about killing people with this method. After deduction, you can directly temper your body.

Slowly disperse the fire into the bones, burn the bones little by little, temper the bones, increase the size little by little, until reaching a critical point.

It's like calcining steel with fire. It can't be burned, but it can't be burned lightly. If it's light, it won't have any effect. If it's heavy, it will directly burn itself to waste.


It hurts!

Qin Chuan's endurance is very strong, but he has a good physique, and his bones have been tempered by dragon energy, so using fire to temper the bones requires greater strength, and the pain is naturally increased several times.

Sweating profusely, trembling all over, Qin Chuan's bone quenching began little by little.

This is purgatory, and Qin Chuan fell into a coma in the end.

After waking up, eat something, drink water, and then start. Few people with a strong heart can bear this kind of pain, and they must have firm beliefs.

Lie Yan family!


For the sake of his father, Qin Chuan had to bear it, no matter how hard it was, and the blood was constantly spilling from his mouth, it was because he bit his tongue to prevent himself from passing out.

For a while, he seemed to see his mother, the beautiful woman in the painting, looking at him with distress...

Seven days passed in a flash.

Qin Chuan's bone tempering only completed his hands and arms, as well as his legs and feet.

This is a full seven days of purgatory. Burning bones and burning bone marrow. If you don't have a strong body, you will die from pain.

But the benefits are also huge. The bones of his arms, fists, legs, and feet are also stronger and more flexible. He has improved a lot when he tried to perform Dragon Tiger Golden Tripod Fist and Crossing the World Step.

In addition, the fire of the Nine Nether Earth feels more relaxed and free when walking in the hands, arms, legs and feet, and the feeling of doing whatever one wants is stronger.

This is a feeling, what kind of scene will it be like after I have successfully tempered my body completely? At that time, the power of the Nine Nether Earth Fire Seed will be greatly improved.

The most important thing is that it can be separated from the body. At that time, the attack is absolutely terrifying. It can be separated from the body. With the invincibility of the Nine Nether Earth Fire Seed, once it is glued, the immortal will peel off the skin.

The tinder that came from a near-death situation can even barely compare with the existence of the Golden God Eye, how can it be less powerful.

And there are many wonderful uses of tinder, once mastered, only one tinder can reach the peak.

But if you don't know how to use and improve, just like Qin Chuan before, you can't leave the body, then the strong can easily kill you, after all, you can't exert one percent or one thousandth of the power of the fire seed.

When the fire is used in the later stage, it can be dispersed into the whole body, integrated into the Dao of body protection, and can burn the surroundings, and even incinerate a mountain with a wave of hands...

But these need to raise the realm of Tinder.

According to the legend, the level of tinder is divided into ten levels, and the first level is the weakest. Burning mountains and seas requires tinder to reach an advanced level.

To improve the realm of the fire seed, one must have a comparable physique. If the physical ability is too weak, once the fire seed is raised to the realm, it is very likely to incinerate itself...

Things that can improve the fire state are very rare and extremely precious. They are absolute treasures of heaven and earth, and not only can improve the fire state, but also have other magical effects, so once they are born, they will attract countless strong people to fight for them.

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