Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1918 Tianwu Academy, sister-in-law

Therefore, under normal circumstances, it can be said that no one dares to do anything to their own talented juniors, even if it is a borrowed knife to kill someone unless it is absolutely necessary.

In fact, not only the own family, but also the talented descendants of the opponent's family cannot be killed at will.

This is a big taboo. Unless there is a real enemy that will never stop fighting, most opponents will not dare to start this easily. If the opponent discovers this, then the opponent will definitely get angry.

Therefore, the road to genius is very difficult, but in fact only a few are thought to be killed.

There are too many risks along the way to the growth of genius, so it is easy to die young.

Qin Chuan's performance this time suddenly calmed down the people around him.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Lao Yezi's happiness at this moment was indescribable, but thinking of Qin Chuan's previous performance, he felt lost for a moment.

But he soon felt relieved. This was his descendant, a direct lineage, and the blood of the Qin family flowed in his body. However, no matter how high he flies in the future and how great his achievements are, he will all be from the Qin family.

Now that he is the head of the family, all he has to do is provide him with the best convenience.

Before he knew it, Qin Chuan had been in the Qin family for three days.

Qin Lang's branch is relatively weak, with relatively few people. The old man only has three sons. Counting Qin Lang's illegitimate son, Qin Lang's eighth ranking is based on the ranking of everyone in his area, including the descendants of the old man's brothers and those who are more related by blood. Farther away.

But they all belong to the Qin family.

The Presbyterian Council is the largest authority in the Qin family. Major family affairs are handled by the head of the family and the Presbyterian Council. Major matters need to be discussed jointly by the head of the family and the Presbyterian Council, depending on the support rate of the Presbyterian Council.

If the support rate of the Presbyterian Church is less than half, then this matter cannot be exercised. The people of the Presbyterian Church are the strongest in every branch.

Those who can enter the Presbyterian Church are people with high status. Beings like "Third Brother" Qin Lang still cannot enter the Presbyterian Church.

To join the Presbyterian Church requires strength, experience, contribution to the family, and prestige.

Therefore, those who can enter the Presbyterian Church and become family elders are all old people.

The Presbyterian Council is the Grand Elder or something like that. In principle, the more important the position, the heavier the weight of the words. The Presbyterian Council has the right to supervise the head of the family. This is also for the sake of the family inheritance. After all, if the head of the house insists on doing something that is clearly unacceptable and must be done, the Presbyterian Council will It's time to stop it.

The father of "Third Brother" is the great elder of the Presbyterian Church.

The position of the Great Elder is very special. His power is not much worse than that of the head of the family to a certain extent. In the history of the family, there have even been times when the power of the great elder exceeded that of the head of the family.

This is passed down from generation to generation. Gradually, I don’t know when it started, the position of the great elder has gradually become equal to that of the head of the family.

The head of the family is worried that the great elder will manipulate the Presbyterian Council. Once some people in the Presbyterian Council are controlled and become a force, then the title of the head of the family will seem to be in vain.

Qin Lang has two older brothers. In addition to the two older brothers, there is also a younger sister.

The eldest brother Qin Yi has three sons and two daughters, and the second brother Qin Liuyi has two sons.

The younger sister Qin Yunwu is not married, but she is a teacher at Tianwu Academy in this area, and her status is extremely noble.

Tianwu Academy is an extremely powerful force. The Qin family is the master of Qin Royal City, but it is one of many cities with many strengths in this area, and the master of many strengths in this generation is Tianwu Academy.

Tianwu Academy is a behemoth, a real behemoth. Compared with others, the Qin family can only look up to it.

Tianwu Academy is also the dominant guardian of this world.

There are also some people in the Qin family who are in Tianwu Academy. For example, some of the younger generations are going to Tianwu Academy for further studies. Being able to become a teacher in Tianwu Academy is also a huge trump card. After all, being a teacher in Tianwu Academy is not an ordinary person.

Because when it comes to this sister-in-law, well, Qin Chuan calls her sister-in-law, so he knows more about this Tianwu Academy.

Tianwu Academy is said to be very mysterious, and its origins and inheritance are very mysterious. For example, the Shenhuang family can be traced back to the Shenhuang family in ancient times.

The Qin family can also trace back to tens of thousands of years ago, where it started in the city, and it was passed down through branches and leaves.

But this Tianwu Academy seems to have no roots. If I have to say one, it is said that it seems to be inseparable from the legendary Tiandao Temple.

These are all legends. Qin Chuan now knows that it is useless to overthink them, so he just talks about them.

At present, he just wants to recover this debt from his parents, and will talk about the other things later.

In the Heavenly Saint Realm, this journey will take some time. Besides, this is also my home, so I will settle here first. When everything is stable, Qin Chuan will consider going back to pick up the strangers and the others.

Now the mother can only wait.

The parents are reunited and the family is reunited, which is perfect. Now Qin Chuan is relaxed and has nothing to do.

Every day I go shopping with my eldest uncle and my second uncle’s children.

We made an appointment to go out today. In the past few days, they had taken Qin Chuan to get familiar with King Qin's city.

In three days, I almost recognized everyone in my family.

The youngest is the uncle’s daughter.

Qin Yiyi.

She is much younger than Qin Chuan and very beautiful. She is the eldest daughter of the Qin family, but her personality is a bit eldest. Qin Chuan understands after thinking about it that her grandfather is the head of the family and is praised wherever he goes. After all, he is also a Beautiful woman.

She didn't seem to like Qin Chuan. Anyway, she was always lukewarm towards Qin Chuan these days.

It doesn't matter if it's neither cold nor hot. Occasionally, he will say one or two offensive words.

Qin Chuan doesn't know her as well, and his two brothers are quite nice people. The eldest brother Qin Wu is honest, has a powerful appearance, and seems to be more loyal and honest.

He is indeed more loyal and honest, which gives people the feeling that he is not particularly intelligent.

But Qin Chuan knew that this was just an appearance.

The second brother, Qin Xiao, is handsome and a bit narcissistic, but has a good nature and a strong sense of family honor and disgrace. Regardless of spring, summer, autumn or winter, he always wears white clothes and a fan. The fan is his weapon.

The two sons of the second uncle's family are considered the third brothers in the photo. Of course, they are only ranked between Qin Lang's third brothers. The third brother Qin Wen may want him to study essays. He is quiet, bookish, and has a very complex expression. Bai, who had been in poor health since childhood and had average cultivation, actually read a lot of sages' books.

The fourth brother, Qin Ye, is considered a dandy disciple of this generation, well, he is not considered a dandy disciple. He has very good talents and qualifications, but he has a wild personality and is not afraid of anything. He often looks for trouble and gets into bloody fights with others if he disagrees with them. .

"Fifth brother, today I will take you to Chunhua Tower to play." Qin Ye chuckled.

"Fourth brother, if you dare to go, I will tell grandpa to go." Qin Yiyi waited for Qin Ye to say.

"That's all you have, go ahead, why are you always following us?" Qin Ye said nonchalantly.

Although Qin Chuan had heard of Chunhua Tower for the first time, he could guess that it was the kind of place where people drink flower wine.

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