Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 186: Fighting the Violent Bear, Qin Chuan's All...

The evil wolf's hatred for Qin Chuan is absolutely monstrous. If it weren't for Qin Chuan, she would have already got her hands on Tantai Huangqin.

Even if she is Lie Huo Ge's fiancée, he dares. The so-called cowardice is a person like the evil wolf. .

Qin Chuan didn't look at the evil wolf either, but at the so-called Young Master Long, who is the leader and leader of the younger generation in the secret door.

Evil Wolf Tiger King and the others belong to him. Now that Evil Wolf is beaten like this, it's his face. Slapping his face, this face will naturally come back.

"Boy, you beat the evil wolf, let's settle the score today!" A rough voice sounded.

The tallest young man among Long Shao came out.

"Qin Chuan, he is a violent bear, very strong!" Tantai Huangqing said.

Qin Chuan nodded and looked at this violent bear. He was nearly 2.5 meters tall, as thick as a big column, with a square head and big face, and fierce eyes.

He is thicker than Fatty, but no one thinks he is Fatty, his whole body is made of steel, as he walks out, the ground trembles, and a fierce breath blows towards his face.

Qin Chuan walked out, this battle will come sooner or later, it will not be avoided.

"You have to be careful, I won't show mercy." Violent Bear smiled cruelly at Qin Chuan.

"You too, sometimes I feel afraid of my power, if it hurts you, don't take it personally." Qin Chuan said seriously.


Many people around couldn't help laughing, even Tantai Huangqing laughed, looking at Qin Chuan with soft eyes, this little bastard.

"Brother Xiong, beat him up, beat him up, make him unable to be a man, boy, I hope you can still be so arrogant in a while." The evil wolf stared at Qin Chuan viciously.

"Idiot, I haven't exposed your hatred yet. If I break out with a force that I am afraid of and knock down this big bear, do you think I will let you go." Qin Chuan directly replied to the evil wolf.

"I want to defeat Brother Xiong, you boy, wake up!" Xie Lang looked at Qin Chuan with disdain.

"You look so stupid." Qin Chuan said disgustedly as if he had seen the evil wolf.

The evil wolf suddenly felt a choking feeling,

In a word, you can't come out...

"Go ahead, I'm a few years older than you, and I'll let you go first." Violent Bear looked at Qin Chuan with a calm face and sharp eyes. He didn't take Qin Chuan seriously. He felt that Qin Chuan was defeated, even killed. It is easy to beat the disabled.

Qin Chuan was not polite this time.

Don't move like a mountain!

Qin Chuan's breath became stronger, he took out a golden sword in his hand, moved his feet, and rushed directly towards the violent bear.

The epee has no front!

Qin Chuan slammed down with his sword.

The golden sword is not big, but it is heavy, but in the eyes of outsiders, Qin Chuan now seems to be using the sword as a stick, and there are no moves to speak of.

Violent bear's aura suddenly exploded, a circle of earthy-yellow profound energy appeared around him, and a faint halo emanated from his whole body.

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up. This guy is really not simple. He is actually a body trainer. After reaching the Transcendent Realm, body trainers have no advantage, but this violent bear still has advantages. It can be seen that his physique and skills are good, and he even has Some adventures.

Giant Spirit Fist!

The violent bear took a step forward, the aura in his body soared even more, and the huge arm smashed out crazily.

Strength is everything.

This punch moved the breath of the surroundings, and the huge arm was like a huge python, fast and ruthless, and even had the tendency to hold the wind, clouds and heaven and earth.


A sword has a sword intent, a sword has a sword intent, and a fist also has a fist intent.

This punch was like a giant python, spinning, blasting at Qin Chuan with an aura of absolute suppression and crushing everything, and facing Dian Jinjian with his bare hands.

Qin Chuan's golden eyes directly locked on the violent bear, looked at his punch, and looked for flaws in it.

Gravity hit!

A golden light flashed on the golden sword, and it slammed down violently.

Breaking through to the first stage of the Transcendent Realm, surpassing the huge force of 4.4 million catties, plus the blow of gravity and the flaws seen by the golden pupil.

The power of this attack can only be described as terror.



With a crisp sound, the violent bear's body was directly blasted out.


fall to the ground.

This was the first time Qin Chuan used his full strength, and several bones in his thick arm were probably broken.

Violent Bear seemed to have forgotten to cry out for pain, but looked at Qin Chuan in disbelief. He lost in strength, and he actually lost in strength.

He is a body trainer, and he has never seen anyone better than him physically.

In fact, Qin Chuan was also shocked. With only his guns, such a violent sword just broke the opponent's arm.

But thinking about it again makes me laugh. I attacked with all my strength, and the violent bear couldn't resist it at all.

"As I said, once my own power erupts, I'm afraid, so what?" Qin Chuan looked at the violent bear with a smile.

Long Shao and others were all choked by Qin Chuan and couldn't say a word.

"Do you still want to fight?" Qin Chuan said lazily.

Qin Chuan was afraid of trouble, so he hit the violent bear with all his strength. After all, the violent bear is the second person in their group, and now even if Long Shao wants to do it, he has to think carefully.

"Boy, I was careless today, and I will go to you again." Violent Bear stared at Qin Chuan firmly.

"Sister, let's go." Qin Chuan knew that there was no need to fight anymore.

"Qin Chuan, be careful of that Young Master Long. This person is more evil than the evil wolf, but he is more intelligent than the evil wolf. He is proficient in talismans and formations. He suffered a loss today, and he will definitely ask you to get it back. " Tantai Huangqing said.

"They will be thrown farther and farther away by me. I am destined to become a man like a god and marry a woman like a goddess." Qin Chuan laughed.

"Be serious!" Tantai Huangqing looked at him.

"Sister, to be honest, if I got into a fight with Lie Huo Ge, who would you help?" Qin Chuan asked with a smile.

"Why do you have to ask this question?" Tantai Huangqing looked at Qin Chuan curiously.

"I feel that one day, we will definitely fight." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"You're a little wolf cub, you won't suffer." Tantai Huang smiled.

Qin Chuan looked at Tantai Huangqing's smile, those deep beautiful eyes, Yixi Yichen and a little bit of resentment, which made Qin Chuan feel that she was a little cute.

Thinking of seeing her for the first time, Gao Shan Yang Zhi, never thought that one day he could watch her so closely.

Beauty, no matter how beautiful it is, will get tired with time. A truly beautiful woman depends on her temperament after all. Will wither soon.

At this moment, she was smiling like a flower, exuding a beautiful aura like a mountain, majestic and magnificent.

Every time Qin Chuan sees Tantai Huangqing, he will lament that a woman can be so beautiful. No wonder even the Lieyan Huoge of the Lieyan family will accommodate her in every possible way. , what kind of beauty is that...

Tantai Huangqing's natural aura is very strong, superior to others, this has nothing to do with cultivation, it is an innate beautiful aura, a haughty aura, just like arrogance, but it is not pride, it is like a goddess, As if standing on a cloud, it is difficult to touch and unattainable.

The dark and deep beautiful eyes have an infatuating charm, and the slender figure exudes a strong repulsive aura while walking, she is like a star in the night sky, everyone fantasizes about taking it off, but no one can take it off.


Tantai Huangqing was stared at by Qin Chuan without blinking, so he couldn't take it anymore and turned his head and knocked.

"Have you seen enough?" Tantai Huangqing blushed, and she felt that she could no longer stand up to this little wolf cub.

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