Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1929 Qin Chuan’s Food Cultivation Method

Qin Chuan's cooking skills have reached an amazing level. ︾乐︾文︾小︾说|

But if this alone is not enough to do anything too shocking, but with the addition of the Golden Eyes, it will be different.

The golden pupil is a very special existence among special eyes. It is powerful and terrifying, especially in its ability to see through the weakening of reality and reality, because until now Qin Chuan has not discovered the direct lethality of the golden pupil.

The Golden Divine Sword is good, but it doesn't have the traditional killing power and destructive power.

Maybe there will be special abilities in the future as the realm improves, but at least not yet.

The Golden Eyes can be so powerful, and without offense, naturally there will be very terrifying existences in other abilities.

Therefore, Qin Chuan relied on his strong culinary skills and the golden eyes to see the Xuan level, and he began to slowly deduce it.

It was like an ant nest destroying a levee. Although it was very slow, it felt very fast at the moment, and there was a vague tendency to get out of control, which shocked Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan was in a daze here, looking at the food in front of him as if he was seeing a broad road.

The others looked at Qin Chuan. Qin Ye originally wanted to call Qin Chuan, but Qin Wen stopped him.

They knew that Qin Chuan must have had his own insights, and such an opportunity was hard to come by, so they knew not to disturb Qin Chuan, and they also ordered some people outside not to allow anyone to disturb him.

They don't know what Qin Chuan can gain from looking at delicious food, but such opportunities are rare. Besides, it's not that you can only discover what you look at. Well, although generally speaking, it definitely depends on what you look at, but there are also many things. No connection at all.

Time passed little by little.

What Qin Chuan saw was getting clearer and clearer, as if peeling off a cocoon, becoming clearer and simpler, and of course, this simplicity was only for Qin Chuan.

As time passed, a smile appeared on Qin Chuan's face, and the smile became brighter and brighter. In the end, Qin Chuan seemed to suddenly open his eyes.

At that moment, it was like waking up. In fact, it could also be said that I woke up.

Looking at the quiet people around him, he smiled sheepishly: "I was distracted!"

Because the dishes on the dinner table have long been cold,

You don't have to think about it to know that a long time has passed.

"Brother Chuan, what are you talking about? I'll ask them to give us new ones." Qin Ye said.

"No, just let them warm up." Qin Chuan said quickly.

"Get a new one!" Qin Ye said.

"Listen to Brother Sichuan," Qin Wen said.

Finally, it was warmed up and served. At this time, Qin Chuan looked at it again. At this time, he found that there was no difference from before.

We all know that food, many foods are delicious when they are freshly made, but the taste will be greatly reduced after reheating. Originally, Qin Chuan thought that even if the food at Jiuyu Restaurant was delicious, some of the deliciousness would still be lost, but now he discovered Nothing has changed.

Qin Chuan now has some ideas in his mind, and feels that it is OK. After all, he can clearly see the ingredients and techniques, as well as how to integrate and refine them.

This is like refining elixirs and medicines. You need to be familiar with the properties and then integrate them perfectly.

These are Qinchuan's strengths. In the past, it was alchemy with medicinal materials, but now it is food fusion and preparation. The principles are very similar to alchemy, and even the intensity is not as good as alchemy.

It is true that one method is universal and all methods are accessible.

Things in the world are not difficult to master, and they are not difficult at all. Soon, the complexity will feel like a book from heaven, like a chasm in the sky. But once you get back to it, it will feel very simple, so Qin Chuan now feels that he has got this opportunity.

Qin Chuan doesn't know yet what kind of opportunity this is, but he is confident that he can make this opportunity stronger.

Several people had a great time eating it, and it was Qin Chuan's first time eating it, so the effect was surprisingly good.

It really improves your cultivation a lot. This method of food cultivation is similar to elixirs, but it is better than elixirs. This kind of food is also the first time you eat it. The effect will gradually decrease with the number of times you eat it. , until the negligible increase is left in the end.

It's like a mountain apart. Qin Chuan now knows a little about the power of the Nine Domains Restaurant. This may be the tip of the iceberg. It can carve out a large territory in the Nine Domains world and leave a great reputation. It is by no means a wasted reputation.

At this level, if you don't have real ability, it won't work if you just rely on trying to find ways to get things done.

Therefore, just by being able to have the words "Jiuyu" on it, it is enough to show how powerful Jiuyu Restaurant is.

And now Qin Chuan, who has just started, can already feel the breadth and depth of it.

After dinner, I went out and realized it was getting late.

Qin Chuan didn't expect that he had been in a daze for so long. After returning home, Qin Chuan locked himself in the room and took out some materials.

start to do!

Qin Chuan was very serious about the preparation work. This was the first time that he was so serious about cooking. It can be said that it is not just cooking now, it is a practice, it can even be said to be an alchemy.

Qin Chuan had told himself before that he was refining powerful elixirs, so his attitude was very upright and serious.

The familiar fragrance seemed to be different, which made Qin Chuan slightly startled, because the fragrance seemed to be more pure than before, and it smelled better than the fragrance smelled at Jiuyu Restaurant.

This is a good start. It is said that the taste of food is the most important, and it is the first to enter the feeling of enjoyment.

Some people may say that vision is the fastest, after all, it is seen first, but this is not the case. Although the appearance of food is also important, it is far less important than the taste.

The change in taste calmed Qin Chuan's heart a lot. This was a good start. Even now, Qin Chuan can't guarantee success this time, but it is still a good start.

About an hour and a half later.

Qin Chuan stopped and saw that he had only cooked one dish.

But after the scent, appearance, and Qin Chuan's use of the Golden Eyes, he suddenly became excited.


The image of the avenue on it was as lifelike as if it were real. Not only that, it exuded a strong aura, which felt more than a little stronger than the dish at Jiuyu Restaurant, which surprised Qin Chuan.

In the Jiuyu Restaurant, I don’t know if the other party didn’t do their best, or if it was the highest level of the other party, but these are not important anymore. Qin Chuan has already found the door to this door and has stepped in. From now on, as long as he follows this If you walk the road, you can definitely find a bright road.

Qin Chuan tasted the delicious food he made, and he wanted to see the effect.

What he does is Tiansheng Snow Duck!

I have eaten this at Jiuyu Restaurant. Although I used the Golden Eye to see how it is better than Jiuyu Restaurant, I have not tried it yet.

The entrance is soft, but chewy, delicate and fragrant, smooth and refreshing. It spreads in the mouth, and the whole person feels a sense of comfort, reaching directly from the back to the depths of the mind...


Qin Chuan was stunned, his cultivation level had actually broken through.

He was already at the ninth level of the Heavenly Saint Realm.

This is a breakthrough.

Directly reaching the peak of the Heavenly Saint Realm.

There is no calamity of life and death...

Qin Chuan was completely stunned, and he was surprised that not only one dish, but one dish could actually allow him to break through at this level. This was from the ninth level of the Heavenly Saint Realm to the peak of the Heavenly Saint Realm. This was a big chasm.

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