Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1931: The Great Elder’s Persecution

When Qin Chuan saw everyone's expressions, his heart suddenly trembled. Could it be related to the four major families of Tianwu Academy?

It's a bit tricky to know that the old man is here with a frown on his face.

"Grandpa, parents..." Qin Chuan said hello to the elders first.

"Chuan'er, sit down. You're here just in time. Let's discuss it together." When the old man saw Qin Chuan, a smile appeared on his face and he asked Qin Chuan to sit down.

Qin Chuan didn't say anything, but found a seat and sat down next to Qin Ye.

At this time, the old man looked around and said, "What are your plans?"

At this time, Qin Yiyi whispered to Qin Chuan that Qin Wu accidentally killed Pei Shisong. In fact, Pei Shisong wanted to tease Qin Yiyi, but Qin Wu and others naturally stopped him. Under normal circumstances, they were not Pei Shisong's opponents.

But that time it can only be said that Pei Shisong was unlucky. During the battle, a demonic barrier suddenly appeared in his body for a moment, causing his body to become still, so he was stabbed to death by Qin Wu.

Now that the Pei family knows about this matter, and the news is reliable, the other party will come to King Qin City soon.

Qin Chuan and the Pei family also knew that, like Master Xilong's family, they were a big family of Tianwu Academy and one of the four major families.

Qin Chuan was slightly relieved. It was the Pei family from Tianwu Academy who came. Fortunately, after all, if they were stronger, the Qin family really didn't know what to do.

The old man waited for a long time, but still no one spoke. The old man finally looked at Qin Chuan, smiled and said, "What are Chuan'er's plans?"

The old man's tone was very calm. Although it was a question, it was more like a statement.

In fact, Qin Chuan knows that no one else can answer this question. After all, where are the abilities of the four major families of Tianwu Academy? They are not as powerful as the Qin family in the current King of Qin City. In the face of strong strength, sometimes it is really impossible to say anything. is pale.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Brother is a good killer. Since he dares to take Yiyi's idea, he deserves to die. Now he wants to ask for justice. How can he get justice? This kind of person will be beaten to death. He deserves to be beaten." Qin Chuan said slowly.

The old man was stunned for a moment, but then he smiled.

To be able to sit in this position, one must not only know how to be roundabout, but also be iron-blooded, and nothing less. Therefore, what Qin Chuan said was actually to the old man's liking.

But the words don’t suit my appetite,

But we have to look at reality, so the old man smiled and didn't speak.

Qin Yiyi looked at Qin Chuan with slightly mixed emotions. She felt that she was not good to Qin Chuan before. Although she got better later, it was still not good, but now she is very protective of her.

The main reason for such a thing happening is her. Of course, she can't be blamed for this. But in a big family, even if it's not a big family, if anything happens, once you offend someone you can't afford, the cause will always be attributed to her. onto the victim.

For example, the same is true for the Qin family now.

The Qin family was discussing things here, and a group of people walked in. The leader was the elder, followed naturally by the "third brother" and others.

"Master, the main reason for this incident is Yiyi. Now we have to hand Yiyi over, maybe we can be forgiven. Well, hand over Yiyi and Qin Wu to the Pei family, otherwise everyone will die."

The first words the great elder said when he entered the door.

The old man frowned slightly. He was the head of the family. Although he had always been at odds with the great elder, it was the first time that he led someone to show off his power and made rude remarks like today. He even asked him to hand someone over directly. This was the first time he had done this.

However, the old man still said nothing and looked at the great elder calmly.

The great elder and the "third brother" both looked at Qin Chuan vaguely.

Qin Chuan's consciousness was now very sensitive, so he naturally felt it, but he remained calm. He knew that his last performance naturally made some people uncomfortable, and the most uncomfortable among them were the great elders.

No one spoke. The old man seemed to have no intention of speaking, and he didn't even stand up. However, some people in Qin Lang stood up, no matter what the reason, they had to stand up.

"I wonder why the Great Elder came here?" Uncle Qin Yi said.

"What's the matter? Didn't you hear what I just said? This is a matter for the entire Qin family. I don't want the entire Qin family to suffer due to this incident." The eldest elder said angrily.

Qin Yi also looked ugly, but this incident really left them at a loss for reasons.

The Great Elder has said this about such things, and this time, looking at the many people behind the Great Elder, many of them are elders, this is actually the Presbyterian Council coming. This time they are not here to discuss, but It's for execution.

"Let's discuss it if there's anything we need to do," uncle Qin Yi said.

The uncle has a kind-hearted temperament and likes to compromise a lot. Although sometimes he is not angry or iron-blooded, he is generally calm and does not suffer in many cases. It is said that impulsiveness is the devil, and Qin Yi is rarely impulsive.

The Qin family is the master of Qin City, so under such circumstances, Qin Yi has a very good temperament and manages the Qin family in an orderly manner. Now the old man almost always takes care of this kind of things for Qin Yi.

"Discuss? When you come to discuss it, we don't even know how we died in the end. Now let me tell you, should these two people make friends or not?" the great elder said angrily, with a firm attitude.


Say two words.

It wasn't the old man who said it, nor Qin Yi, but Qin Chuan.

When Qin Chuan spoke, many people were shocked. You must know that in such an occasion, some juniors would not even dare to take a deep breath, let alone speak out to contradict him.

When the elder heard Qin Chuan's words, his face suddenly turned ugly. At this time, "Third Brother" spoke: "Who do you think you are? Do you have the right to speak here?"

Qin Chuan looked at him with a sneer: "Then who do you think you are?"

"That's enough!" The old man said at this time.

But when the old man spoke at this time, everyone could see that he intended to defend Qin Chuan. After all, Qin Chuan's words at this time were indeed a bit abrupt.

"Okay, this is the junior of your family. It would be unreasonable for him not to decline like this." The elder looked at the old man with an angry smile.

The old man also smiled: "You can't see whether it is declining or not, but I feel that your group is hopeless. You will only avoid things when encountering problems, and you will even push your own people out. Why do you still want to rise like this? "

The great elder felt as if he had eaten something unclean at this time. Naturally, he would not regard the old man's branch and theirs as a family, but he could not say it out loud, so he could only bear it, but naturally he had to express it. .

"Sometimes it doesn't matter how many people are sacrificed for the sake of the family. Many of us are willing to cut off our own arms in order to survive. The interests of the family are greater than anything else. The inheritance of the family is the most important. Now I doubt you It is no longer suitable to be the head of our Qin family." The elder's voice was clear and his tone became increasingly serious.

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