Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1934: The Way of Divine Dragon Transformation

Qin Chuan was very excited at this time. After all, a breakthrough in strength at this time would be a great thing, and he had already promised his grandfather.

In fact, it has already exceeded the target, but at this time, I naturally don't think that my strength has increased too much.

The Nine Divine Dragons will directly affect the Divine Dragon Avenue, as well as the realm of the Nine Divine Dragons themselves.

Qin Chuan is not sure what this drop of essence and blood will improve next, but since it was the Divine Dragon Avenue that was promoted before, it should not be surprising that it will still be promoted to the Divine Dragon Avenue.

However, Shenlong Avenue has already broken through a realm before, and I don’t know if it will continue to break through in the future.

However, you must know that the next realm of Shenlong Avenue is a transcendent realm. Everyone knows that this realm is an extremely critical realm. It can even be said to be much higher than the previous realms combined.

Just like its name, it is superb. In fact, Qin Chuan wanted to reach this state on Shenlong Avenue, but unfortunately he never found the opportunity.

Unexpectedly, this time I seemed to have seen the door to a transcendent realm.

The power of this drop of Fairy Tyrannosaurus blood essence is really too great.

Qin Chuan actually didn't know what kind of dragon the Fairy Tyrannosaurus was, but the name suggested it was very powerful. However, there was a legend about the Fairy Dragon. I wonder how this Fairy Tyrannosaurus compares to the Fairy Dragon, and how does it compare to the legendary dragon?

Judging from the desire of the nine divine dragons for the essence and blood of this fairy tyrannosaurus, it can be judged that even if this fairy tyrannosaurus is not as good as the dragon, it should not be much weaker.

Thinking about it this way, Qin Chuan felt more confident.

After all, the Nine Divine Dragons are feeling very turbulent now, and the trend will undoubtedly last for a long time.

And the Shenlong Avenue has been moving forward, and that feeling is particularly mysterious. After all, the improvement of the avenue can only be understood. Qin Chuan can clearly realize that this feeling is really good, very refreshing, and indescribably comfortable. It is a feeling of complete happiness and indescribable satisfaction.


A happy smile appeared on Qin Chuan's face.

It has always been one of Qin Chuan's most important and difficult levels, and now he has actually broken through it.

Shenlong Avenue has broken through!

A state of transcendence.

This is a leap forward breakthrough.

A breakthrough with a gap between heaven and earth. This realm is also called the difference between immortal and mortal. This is also a qualification for becoming a truly super strong person. Of course, it does not mean that a person with the ability to reach this realm is considered a super strong person, but a super strong person The great path of the person must reach this state.


At this moment, Qin Chuan broke through again without any suspense, breaking through the realm of strength.

Qin Chuan did not have any surprises at this time. After all, Shenlong Dao had broken through to the realm of perfection, so it was not a surprise for him to break through in strength. If he did not break through, it would be abnormal.

Half step to heaven!

Qin Chuan's strength suddenly broke through continuously. A drop of Fairy Tyrannosaurus essence and blood, coupled with other abilities, actually broke through several realms. At this time, he was already in the Half-Step Heavenly Immortal Realm, and was still half-Step Heavenly Realm. The perfection of wonderland.

At this time, he could say that he had truly stepped into the heavenly realm.

It can even be said that he has touched some of the abilities of the Celestial Immortal Realm. This is also an ability of the Half-Step Celestial Realm. The Half-Step Celestial Realm is not the Celestial Immortal Realm, but it is said that he is not the Celestial Immortal Realm, but he is the Half-Step Celestial Realm...

Qin Chuan felt the surging strength in his body and smiled happily. When he came back to his senses, he found that the whole family around him was looking at him with surprised and strange expressions on their faces.

Qin Chuan scratched his head and smiled sheepishly: "I'm sure this time, don't worry, there should be no problem in self-protection. When the time comes, everyone will listen to me."

The others did not speak and nodded. This was all they could do at this time. After all, they had no choice.

The old man was very happy, as if he really felt that Qin Chuan could settle everything, and even his body became much lighter when he stood up at this time. He walked over and patted Qin Chuan on the shoulder: "Do within your ability, if, I said, if there is any accident , don’t hesitate, run away directly, leaving the green hills without worrying about having no firewood.”

"Okay, but don't worry, grandpa, it's just the Pei family. As I said before, he is seeking death for bullying our Qin family. We didn't go to them to ask for justice. Instead, they asked for justice from us. I want to give them one." Let's take a fair look." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

His smile was very confident. His confident smile made everyone in the Qin family feel dazed for a moment. They felt a lot quieter inside, as if they had found their backbone.

This feels very strange,

Subconsciously, he was unwilling to accept it. After all, Qin Chuan was very young. Even if he performed very well, the other party was the Pei family, one of the four major families of Tianwu Academy. They were not someone that a family like them could provoke. If he was not careful, he would It could put the entire family in a desperate situation.

Unfortunately, there are tigers outside and wolves at home, so there is no way out at this time.

Qin Yiyi felt a little sad now. After all, she had never experienced such a thing. She couldn't eat or sleep well these days, and she was afraid of being handed over by her family. Originally, it happened a few years ago. She thought it was over. But I didn't expect that I couldn't escape it, and it was very serious.

She had even prepared for the worst. After all, she was in a big family, and the idea she had been instilled in her since she was a child was to obey the family. The interests of the family were above all else, and the individual must be given up between the individual and the family.

So if something like this happens, if your death can save your family from disaster, then you must die.

She didn't want to die, but no one could help her.

But now Qin Chuan stood up and spoke with just a few words, so domineering that it felt fake, like a newborn calf not afraid of tigers. Even many people just took it as a joke, but she still felt very warm, as if she was watching in the dark. To the sunshine.

I don't know when, many people from the Qin family were already outside. Looking at this place, they could naturally hear Qin Chuan's words clearly.

Many people even laughed at it. After all, at this time, it could be seen that the Qin family might really be in a huge disaster, and all of them might die.

If people are not silent in death, they will explode in death.

At this time, many people are very courageous. It can be said that they are extremely bold.

"Now, why are you still like this? Do you really want everyone to die with you?"

"That's right, you are the cause of the trouble. Why do you want us to die with you? I don't care. I want to leave. I want to break away from the Qin family."

The conflict seemed to break out. Qin Chuan looked at the people around him, still very indifferent, but soon glanced at them coldly: "Do you think it is reasonable to say this? Do you feel that this matter is just a matter of course?" Should Qin Wu and Qin Yiyi be handed over?"

"Isn't it?" Someone rushed with enthusiasm.

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