Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1939 I will go to Tianwu Academy

This is a full blow in the nine-step heaven-defying step state. Tianlai NovelWw『W. ⒉3TXT. COM

The living King of Hell's face was pale, a bit ashen, and the smell of death was too clear. None of his life-saving abilities actually appeared. Unfortunately, he didn't even have time to be shocked and surprised, so he was lost in the darkness.

A powerful being like Pei Yinfeng, the Living King of Hell, fell into the hands of Qin Chuan, which shocked everyone, including Qin Chuan himself.

The Living King of Hell, Pei Yinfeng, is dead.

This was Pei Yinfeng, the Living King of Hell. It was shocking enough that the middle-aged man was beheaded before, but now that Pei Yinfeng, the Living King of Hell, was beheaded, it was really shocking. It really made people feel numb and unbelievable.

Qin Chuan was also stunned. Looking at everything in front of him, he felt a little unreal, as if he was in a dream. Qin Chuan was also surprised to kill the middle-aged man, but he accepted it after thinking about it.

But killing this living King of Hell was such a surprise to him, well, it was a surprise.

"Is this going against heaven? This descendant of the Qin family is so evil." Someone exclaimed for a long time.

"This is the most dazzling young man I have ever seen, bar none."

"The rise of the Qin family has become unstoppable, and this young man's future is limitless.\

,""I feel sad for my third brother now, and I feel sad for the great elder. Look, the faces of those two people are now in the dark."

At this time, the Great Elder and his group did have ugly faces, but they were only a minority. The most ugly ones were the Great Elder and "Third Brother", but more people were happy. Although the big family was fighting for it, there was one person in the big family. An existence that cannot be ignored.

Family pride!

Many people see that Qin Chuan is so powerful and a genius. He is a member of the Qin family and can lead the Qin family to glory in the future, so they feel happy and proud when they think of this. After all, they are all members of the Qin family.

The Great Elder's intestines are probably green now, and the "third brother" has begun to be afraid. They will not believe what they did before. Qin Chuan doesn't know that the stronger and more evil the opponent is, the more uneasy they will become. , and even have trouble sleeping and eating.

To the First Elder and Third Brother, Qin Chuan was like a fatal cancer.

Compared with the ugly faces of the First Elder and others, Qin Lang is happy here. The stronger Qinchuan is, the happier they are. This is a life-and-death crisis. If these people cannot be defeated, the entire Qin family will be destroyed, at least this branch of them will be destroyed. .

So now they are naturally happier than anyone else.

The death of the Living King of Hell, Pei Yinfeng, directly knocked down the opponent's morale, and it was still to the bottom. At this time, they had no energy to fight at all. They were retreating now, retreating without saying a word, everyone could see it, The rest were preparing to escape.

Among these people, especially the middle-aged men, they are very afraid of Qin Chuan's pursuit. They will definitely be killed in front of Qin Chuan. They are scared to think about being killed in an instant. Their life safety is completely unprotected.

Qin Chuan naturally saw that the other party wanted to escape.

He glanced around with a sneer: "Run? Believe it or not, I will just let you all stay here?"

If it were before, these people would definitely be angry, pointing at Qinchuan Bizi and yelling at him for being ignorant and not knowing how high the sky is and how high the earth is.

But now, no one refutes Qin Chuan, everyone feels that Qin Chuan can do it now.

Although it can be done, these people feel that if they don't run and stay here, they will definitely die. But run, if no one else runs, and you run alone, you will definitely die. People are actually afraid of death.

Maybe it’s because I don’t want to die like this!

So in the end, they were all frightened by Qin Chuan's words and stood there.

Qin Chuan was very satisfied with this result. Qin Chuan walked over and looked at the two old men. These two old men were also the leaders here, and even had more power than the Living King of Hell to a certain extent.

The Living King of Hell is the one who kills people, and these two old men may be the real decision-makers.

After killing the Living King of Hell before, the power of merit in the body has directly increased. This is an unexpected surprise. The main reason is that this Living King of Hell has killed too many people. Just like a butcher, he can gain merit by killing these people. of.

This thing is not so easy to save. Most people will not have any merit when they are killed, not even a little bit. If you want to have merit, then the person who is killed must be a bad person. Only when he is bad enough can he have it. The worse the merit, the more evil deeds you have done, the more merit you will get after killing it.

The merits of this living King of Hell were very high, even more than that of the butcher. This made Qin Chuan stunned. Normally, he shouldn't have more merits than the butcher. After all, the butcher really slaughtered the whole city.

In general, the merit gained is about the same, this time it is a little higher than before.

A little surprised, but after thinking about it, I feel relieved. What does this mean? It means that this living king of hell is well-deserved. He has committed more sins than the butcher who massacred the city. Killing him would be an advantage for himself. The power of his merits this time made Qin Chuan The road to becoming a virtuous body has made great progress.

It's a pity that there was no breakthrough.

Qin Chuan's body of merit has been introduced, but it is very low-level. However, this ability cannot be measured by conventional methods. For example, Qin Chuan's current body of merit, although it can only be regarded as an entry level, has extremely powerful power to increase Qin Chuan's ability. This is an all-round increase, which is also a reason why Qin Chuan can kill the living King of Hell now that cannot be ignored.

Therefore, Qin Chuan attaches great importance to this body of merit, and even thought about finding more evil people to kill in the future, even if it is to eliminate violence and bring peace to the people, eliminate harm for the people, and gain some merit.

The power of merit needs to be awakened and requires an opportunity. It does not mean that killing evil people will result in merit. Only by opening up the opportunity for the power of merit to reach the entrance of merit can the power of merit be obtained.

It is not difficult to kill evil people, but what is difficult is that you can earn merit by killing evil people.

Qin Chuan was very satisfied and walked to the two old men.

The two old men had no choice but to confront Qin Chuan. They could not lose or show timidity at this time, otherwise they would lose all hope.

"I won't kill you today, but when you go back, you will bring a message to the head of the Pei family. I, Qin Chuan, will go to Tianwu Academy. The grudges between us will be settled by then. There is no need to rush here, otherwise no matter who comes, I will kill them without mercy, and I guarantee there will be no return."

Qin Chuan's words can be said to be extremely arrogant, but no one dares to refute them now.

The other party is the Pei family. These people are afraid, but to the entire Pei family, it is nothing.

However, Qin Chuan revealed a piece of news, that is, Qin Chuan would go to Tianwu Academy to stop them from coming, and he would go to the Pei family.

Qin Chuan's behavior made them feel really young, impulsive and ignorant. They still felt that Qin Chuan was ignorant and didn't know how high the sky was. That was the Pei family, and they didn't just come and settle accounts. This time the Pei family came here to settle accounts. The Pei family will definitely not swallow this tone if it hurts others.

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