Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 188 1 Supreme Treasure, Terrible Knife...

Qin Chuan waved his hand to let Bai Yao and others leave. Tantai Huangqing walked to Qin Chuan's side and looked at the little golden Buddha curiously.

"This little golden Buddha is so beautiful!"

Qin Chuan smiled and said, "Do you like it?"


"It's a pity I can't give it to you. This is of great use to me." Qin Chuan smiled.

Tantai Huang gave him an angry look: "Is this really a treasure?"

"Absolute treasure!"

Qin Chuan said, watching with the golden pupil, then took out three drops of blood essence, dripped them into the brows of the Golden Buddha, and then began to temper them with awe-inspiring righteousness.


A wave of consciousness entered his mind, and Qin Chuan was stunned by the obscure and huge information.

Before, I thought it was just the Buddha's radiance, but now I realized that I was wrong. The Buddha's radiance is just one of them, and this is actually a supreme treasure.


This little golden Buddha directly entered into Qin Chuan's sea of ​​consciousness, and it became clear for a while, and the Buddha's light and precious energy automatically swam in his body...

Qin Chuan felt extremely comfortable. There was a trace of breath in his body. It was an indescribable feeling, a little refreshing, and a little bit of strength... At the same time, it also allowed the body's functions to reach the peak, which had a great impact on cultivation. With the help, whether it is speed or progress, it will also greatly increase.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, a golden Buddha exuded an aura of supreme dignity, and all the functions and feelings of Qin Chuan's body had completely risen to a higher level.

The artistic conception of the whole person is completely different, it is an indescribable feeling, as if I was a child facing a child before, and I feel that the child is very powerful, but now I have become an adult, facing the child, that This feeling is naturally different.

A kind of control, a feeling of seeing more thoroughly and clearly.

In addition, the awe-inspiring righteousness and holy energy in the body are actually entangled, fused, and fused with the Buddha's light, but they are still three strands, mixed together, and no one absorbs the other, it is a fusion of coexistence.

Along the meridians of the body, he kept walking and refining. Although there was no breakthrough in strength, he was now much stronger than before, and his actual combat ability was even higher.


Qin Chuan punched out,

The treasure is majestic, upright, righteous and holy, this punch is as fast as lightning, surrounded by golden light, with an invincible momentum and solemn coercion.

Qin Chuan made seals with his hands, and an obscure aura gathered in front of him, quickly condensing into a faint Buddha shadow, very similar to the golden Buddha.

It seems that more practice is needed. According to the consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, Qin Chuan used it for a while, and it can be condensed, but now the fire is not ready.

Buddhist secrets, Buddhist handprints!

This is a treasure, and I will study it slowly in the future, so I can't digest it for a while.

Qin Chuan withdrew his hand, while Tantai Huangqing watched from the side, as if looking at a freak, and only came up when he saw Qin Chuan stop.

The two continued to move forward, Qin Chuan did not expect that this time the purgatory of fire would receive such a rich product...

But this Golden Buddha can only be regarded as robbing others, strictly speaking, it cannot be regarded as the Purgatory of Fire, but if there is no Purgatory of Fire, I can't get it...

If this continues, he will soon be able to go to the Lieyan family, and then he will know the news of his mother.

Qin Chuan was a little excited, for his father and himself, because he fused this little body with everything about him at that time, and he also had a deep attachment to that woman, who was his mother, the dearest mother, the two of them There is only one mother in the world, but this kind of thing still happened.


Unknowingly, a few days passed, and it seemed that the good luck had been used up at the beginning, and nothing was found after that, but it was considered a big profit at the beginning.

Encountered many powerful monsters, Qin Chuan refined a lot of Jingyuan Pills, now it is very easy to kill these monsters, Qin Chuan is like a tyrannosaurus, violently crushing and killing.

Tantai Huangqing shook her head speechlessly, the man is so rude, she sometimes thinks of the scene when she saw him that day, he was almost naked and saw everything, just thinking of the "thing" she saw made her flustered Incomparable.

Although I didn't get any more treasures, I was content.

A man wants to be content, he is already content, very content!

Every night I still insist on quenching the body with fire, the bones have been tempered long ago, and now I am tempering the meridians, internal organs, flesh and skin.

"Qin Chuan, it's time for us to go back!" Tantai Huangqing said.

Qin Chuan nodded, and the two walked back.

This time, riding on Tantai Huangqing's golden light sculpture, the flying monster bird is different, it feels really good, the speed of the earth golden dragon bear is not slow, but the feeling on the ground is different from that in the air.

This made Qin Chuan feel that if he encountered a suitable flying demon bird, he had to tame one. With the Chaos Furnace, it was not difficult to tame a flying mount.

Soon I got to where I went out, the formation has not been opened yet, it will be opened tomorrow morning, and it is only afternoon.

But now basically people from the Taoist sect are here, and here are all people from the Taoist sect. Long Shao and others naturally don't look good when they see Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan didn't bother to look at them, and Tantai Huangqing found a place to set up the tent.

At this moment, a young man came out and walked up to Qin Chuan.

"Are you Qin Chuan?"

Qin Chuan looked at him. He was in his thirties. He looked a little familiar, but he couldn't remember it. He just saw that the other person was not kind.

"Is there something wrong?" Qin Chuan replied.

"My name is Yang Hao, the Yang family of Yang Chengyang in Yan Country, do you remember?" the young man said coldly.

Qin Chuan remembered that he had collapsed the gate of the Yang family and shocked the Yang family, so why did someone stand up.

"Oh, what do you need from me?" Qin Chuan asked with a smile.

"You killed my Yang family, do you think it's okay?" Yang Hao looked at Qin Chuan and said coldly.

"It's okay, they are looking for death. They have already taken advantage of my family by daring to touch me. Why? You want to avenge them?" Qin Chuan's eyes turned cold.

"Murder pays for life, you are going to die today." Yang Hao drew out a knife.

It was as black as ink, but it looked like a knife burning with magic fire.

Black Flame Demon Knife!

With a knife in his hand, Yang Hao's whole person changed.

Qin Chuan also narrowed his eyes.

"Qin Chuan, he is a strange person. He is a direct disciple of Huomen, and he is also a person of the younger generation who can rival Long Shao, especially that knife, which is very evil." Tantai Huangqing said softly to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan took out some golden swords!

The people around looked curiously, even Long Shao and others were very interested, Yang Hao was not an ordinary person, some people said that he would become a demon in the future.


A circle of black flames appeared around Yang Hao's body, this is his way of protecting himself.


The black fire on the Black Flame Demon Knife spewed out more than two meters, swaying in and out, exuding violent power, just like a bar of the most poisonous black.

Qin Chuan held a golden sword.

Protective God Cloud!

Surrounded by golden vortexes, the momentum continues to increase.

Yang Hao moved!

Sword intent!

What a terrifying knife intent.

Qin Chuan narrowed his eyes.

Golden pupil!

At this time, Yang Hao's whole body and the Black Flame Demon Knife seemed to be connected as one.

Broken Wave Knife!

The saber is as fast as lightning, as cruel as a poisonous snake, as jade shatters Kungang, splits the sea and waves.

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