Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1943: The death of the Great Elder and

The Great Elder is now crazy. He knows that his lineage is no longer good anyway, so he is not afraid of exposing that he found the Nine Domain Secret Door to assassinate Qin Chuan. "The sound of nature is small" said WWW. ⒉3TXT. COM

After all, if you come into contact with the Nine Domains Secret Door, let alone deal with your own family, even if you are dealing with other families in this world, you cannot invite the Nine Domains Secret Door. This is an unwritten rule.

Inviting people from the Nine Realms Secret Door is a big taboo, and you will be beaten by a group of people.

Now the Great Elder actually invites people from the Nine Realms Secret Door to deal with his own family. This will definitely not be tolerated.

"Great Elder, you are so brave."

The old man and his party walked in. They had just heard the conversation between Qin Chuan and the Great Elder. Their faces were livid. You must know that Qin Chuan was very powerful and he was not dead. If the person from the Nine Domain Secret Door succeeded, he would be killed. If Qin Chuan dies, what will be the consequences?

So the old man was extremely angry at this time and took action directly, without mercy.


There was a violent sound of wind blowing in the air, and the world became dark. The old man's cultivation still made Qin Chuan stunned. Only now did Qin Chuan realize that he had underestimated the old man's strength. The old man was alone in his lineage. But the biggest reason why he can become the head of the family is that the old man is strong enough.

In fact, the great elder has always hidden his cultivation, and now it has been exposed. Unfortunately, he is still a little different from the old man. The two sides are not on the same level. After this fight, it was immediately obvious.

The Great Elder has always felt that his strength has surpassed that of the family leader, but now after this fight, he realizes that he is still not good enough. The gap is not small. He is secretly annoyed that this old fox hides so well.


After three moves, he was hit in the chest by the old man.

Qin's mountain-holding palm!

This is a palm technique of the Qin family. It is as powerful as a mountain. With great practice, a palm falls like a mountain. Of course, the mountains are also divided into different sizes and realms. The fire of the old man's palm is enough to hit the elder.

A lifetime of cultivation, steady progress, steady progress, and extremely thick vitality. At this age and state, I have already seen a lot, so I have also made unique breakthroughs and insights in martial arts and combat skills.

For example, this Qin family's mountain-holding palm,

The old man's palm has gone beyond being light to being heavy. This is a true transcendence. It has entered a mysterious realm, or it can be said that it has peeked into the corner of the universe.

This requires very high requirements for character, mentality, experience, identity, status, etc. These factors are very important, and the old man is just right, so he has cultivated Qin's Mountain Suppressing Palm to a level that is amazing in the eyes of most people. the point.

The great elder was restrained by the old man's move. With this move, the great elder could not break it at all. He could defeat hundreds of tricks with one force. In the face of absolute strength, any skill was useless.

At this time, "Third Brother" came out and supported the elder. He turned his eyes and looked at Qin Lang: "Qin Lang, I was the one who got you into the fatal hole of heaven and earth, and I was also the one who injured your woman. How about that?" , do we want to have a showdown today to see who is better, you, the illegitimate child, or am I?"

"Third Brother" looked at Qin Lang provocatively.

At this time, Qin Chuan took a step forward, and his shot was as fast as the wind, completely making many people unable to see clearly, and then there was a crisp sound.


"A trash like you is worthy of challenging my father? You injured my mother in the first place. It's up to me to recover this debt."

Qin Chuan's voice sounded.

This slap was so cruel that half of "Third Brother's" face swelled up, his mouth and nose were bleeding, and his ears were also ruptured. Qin Chuan's slap directly destroyed one of the other's ears.

Also, most of the teeth in the other person's mouth were lost and shattered.

At this time, "Third Brother"'s brain was buzzing. Qin Chuan didn't use his full strength in that slap, otherwise he could have killed the opponent instantly. Sometimes, killing the opponent immediately would give him an advantage.

"Third Brother" was horrified at this time. He didn't expect Qin Chuan to be so fast. Although there was a certain element of sneak attack, he couldn't avoid it. Moreover, it was a slap in the face. If it was a sharp magic weapon, Well, is it possible to cut off one’s naotie directly?

The more "Third Brother" thought about it, the more frightened he became. Although he knew that today would definitely be miserable, he actually didn't think about dying. At most, he would be injured a little and lose some status.

Qin Lang smiled and looked at Qin Chuan's high spirits, feeling very happy that his son could stand in front of him and protect him from the wind and rain.

And Nalanhuang's feelings were even deeper. Qin Chuan had done it in the Shenhuang family, and now she naturally felt it again, but she was a little melancholy, always feeling that Qin Chuan would leave.

She knew that it was impossible for her son to be tied down to one place because he was so good. She actually wanted her son to stay with her for a while longer.

In the past, I failed to fulfill my responsibilities as a mother and made her suffer. When he needed me, I was not by his side.

Now, she has been feeling guilty, and there is no way this guilt can go away. Even if Qin Chuan has no grudge against her, it is still difficult to be truly natural.

For example, she hugged him, rubbed his head, or even held his hand. Because she felt indebted in her heart, she couldn't do it freely. This was her reason.

She could feel that her son was sincere and there was really no barrier. He even enlightened her many times. For example, she always remembered some of the words he said.

"We are mother and son connected by blood. I am the flesh that fell from your body. You didn't abandon me at the beginning. You were also injured. We can see each other again. Isn't this the best outcome?"

"Mom, don't think so much, you are the best mother."

"Don't worry, Mom, I will definitely come back often. I promise you that I will come back to see you and your father often. I have the ability."

"Mom, you are irreplaceable in my heart. With you here, I feel like there is the warmest and happiest place in the world..."

Nalanhuang was dumbfounded thinking about some of Qin Chuan's words, with a smile on his face but slightly red eyes: "This brat, God gave me a good son."

Qin Lang held her hand at this time, and it was clear what she was thinking.

Nalanhuang glared at Qin Lang resentfully, and Qin Lang smiled bitterly.

At this time, the winner has been decided, and the great elder and "third brother" are dead.

Asking someone from the Nine Realms Secret Sect to deal with Qin Chuan is unforgivable. Besides, he had injured his mother and forced his father into a fatal situation. This revenge must be avenged.

Xiu An had already reported his crime, and Qin Chuan felt relieved, but only slightly relieved, because Qin Chuan killed the people from the Nine Realms Secret Door, which could be said to be a big deal.

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