Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1959 The Pei family takes action

Qin Chuan's attack this time was also to scare some people, so naturally he would not hold back as long as he did not die.

"People are not afraid of making mistakes, but there are some mistakes that we cannot make. You came to kill me today. For someone like you, it is not an exaggeration to say that I will kill you!" Qin Chuan's tone was calm and calm.

The more this happens, the more frightened the man is. He can't feel what Qin Chuan will do next moment. He crushed his arm before without blinking. This man is very scary and has the potential of a devil.

"Yes, yes, I was wrong. Can you please let me go? I won't dare to do it again." The man was really scared.

A grown man cried as he spoke.

Maybe many people feel spineless, but at the end of life, at that moment, they feel the breath of death, and at that moment they don't care about anything else, as long as they can survive.

Qin Chuan naturally did not intend to kill him, but he had to scare some people.

"I know I was wrong. Don't argue with me, sir. If you have any instructions from now on, I will definitely do my best to handle them." The man was about to collapse.

"I'll let you go once today. Remember what you said. Next time, whether it's you or someone else, you won't be so lucky. Maybe you won't die, but your life will definitely be worse than death." Qin Chuan said calmly. Turn around and go back.

More than a hundred people came, and then they didn't do much. Qin Chuan took action directly to shock them. The gap between them could not be made up by the number of people.

So no one on the other side dared to take action, just a mob.

Qin Chuan and others returned to the small courtyard. Qin Chuan didn't have any more formations or anything. There was no need. If it really got to that point, no one could keep him if he left, so he was not worried. Even the genius class did not let him go. What does Qin Chuan feel?

Tianwu Academy is unfathomable, but this does not include students. Of course, there must be some super geniuses among the students, but Qin Chuan himself is a monster-like existence, so he is still afraid of geniuses?

Perhaps it was Qin Chuan's methods that frightened those people. The day passed like this. Nothing happened. It was very quiet. However, Qin Chuan knew that this was temporary. If he could scare them like this, it would not be his turn. By myself.

It's just that these people probably don't know Fairy Nuo's physique, because if this physique is discovered by men, many people will definitely take risks.

Three Lives Lotus Avenue,

Women cannot be dyed, but it is different for men. Whoever can get her will get unimaginable benefits, which are greater than the "Crown Red" of the Fox clan.

The "Crown Red" of the Fox Clan can already make people crazy, but it is not as good as Fairy Nuo's Three Lives Lotus Avenue, so if people know about her physique, this is simply a peerless treasure.

So Qin Chuan knew very well that he was the only one who knew her physique, otherwise he wouldn't be able to stay here without being disturbed.

The next day, Qin Chuan still went to the woman.

When the woman saw Qin Chuan, she was not surprised and let Qin Chuan in.

"Good morning, teacher!" Qin Chuan greeted with a smile.


"I brought you breakfast." Qin Chuan handed it over with breakfast in his hand.

The woman was stunned, she had clearly told him not to come again if he did this again.

Her expression changed. Qin Chuan took a look and quickly put it away: "Oh, I forgot."

With quick movements, Qin Chuan put away the things as if nothing was wrong. The woman originally wanted to say something, or even get angry, but seeing Qin Chuan like this, she seemed to have lost the target of her anger, and shook her head slightly and walked towards the room.

What we are talking about today is still the lowest level Fu Zhuan, but it is much more difficult than before. Step by step, today's study makes Qin Chuan feel more fulfilled, and the progress of Fu Zhuan is even more unimaginable.

Now it seems that what I am learning is just a basic number. When I come to Qinchuan and integrate it with his talisman and seal script, it will take dozens of times or even more amplification.

This is also why Qin Chuan pestered women to teach him talisman seals. After all, this can save a lot of time.

Half an hour passed unknowingly, and Qin Chuan still had unfinished business, but the woman was very strict here, and she would leave when the time was up, but this was okay, half an hour every day, and the remaining time was just enough to break down what she had learned again. Mix it up.

The woman saw that Qin Chuan was really listening. In fact, she herself did not believe too much in the way of talisman and seal script. Everyone had different opportunities to break through, so she did not know whether Qin Chuan's reasons were true or false.

In addition, she saw that Qin Chuan was different from ordinary people, and she agreed without even knowing the reason. Could it be because his talisman seal was unique?

Putting aside the thoughts in his mind, when the time came, Qin Chuan stood up to leave. The woman thought for a moment and said, "Be careful!"

Qin Chuan was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that this woman could still care about him. He quickly said, "Well, don't worry about me. You also want to be safe."

The woman wanted to say that she was not worried about him, but in the end she didn't say it and nodded.

Qin Chuan left, perhaps because of the woman's words. Many people showed up today. As soon as Qin Chuan reached the square of Tianwu Academy, he was surrounded by people. Many people looked at Qin Chuan with amusement.

Qin Chuan shook his head slightly, surrounded by these things, but he seemed to have no intention of stopping, and kept walking forward, falling with his footsteps.

The ground shook, but not too much.

The distance between each step is not large, but with each step he takes, his momentum will rise. A strong wind has begun to form around him, raging like a knife and spreading out in all directions.

"Boy, you're really crazy!" A young man who didn't look very big blocked Qin Chuan's way.

"Get out of the way, don't say I didn't give you a chance!" Qin Chuan didn't look at it and continued to walk forward, his steps getting heavier and heavier. His whole body was elegant, but as thick as a mountain. These two weird feelings were perfect. combine.

This is not a matter of lifting a weight lightly, but it has gone far beyond the realm of a matter of lifting a weight lightly.

"Interesting, boy, do you know who it is?" the man laughed heartily.

"Young Master Pei, what are you talking about with him? Give him a good beating first. Don't beat him to death. That would be boring." Someone around said.

Qin Chuan now knows who this person is. Well, where he comes from. The Pei family. The person who can be called Young Master Pei here must be the Pei family of the four major families of Tianwu Academy.

What is supposed to come will come. The conflict between the Xi family and the Pei family has not yet reached a point where they will never end. It is just that the two sides think that there is a huge disparity. If their statuses are similar, maybe this conflict will not matter, but in their case In his eyes, Qin Chuan was just a low-class person. In addition, during the contact, both the Pei family and the Xi family suffered a little loss, so they naturally felt uncomfortable.

As for how far it will develop next, Qin Chuan doesn't know, but Qin Chuan knows that they will definitely regret it in the end.

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