Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1969 The Evil Ghost Cultivator

"I have forgotten. If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. Indeed, indeed, in that period of time, it was a great honor for anyone to be challenged by the ghost elders." Tianlai Novel WWW.⒉3TXT. COM”

"Things are really a bit complicated now. This is the ghost elder. He doesn't just represent the Xi family."

"But today I should represent the Xi family or the four major families, not the Tianwu Academy."

"Although I say that, Elder Ghost is the great elder of Tianwu Academy after all. Where is his identity? Even if he does not represent Tianwu Academy, can he make it clear about his identity?"

There were a lot of discussions around him, but Qin Chuan heard clearly that this ghost elder was really something special. He was actually the great elder of Tianwu Academy.

However, Qin Chuan was shocked by the strength of the ghost elder, not his identity. No wonder the ghost elder dared to come out to fight.

The cultivation of ghost elders is very special, and it is a relatively rare ghost cultivation.

Ghost cultivators are different from demon cultivators. They all talk about demons and ghosts. It seems that demons are more powerful than ghosts. In fact, this is not the case. Thousand-year ghosts, ten-thousand-year calendars, ten-thousand-year bronze corpses, and zombie kings, zombie kings, and zombie kings, especially those who were super powerful during their lifetimes. The existence of the killer would be even more terrifying.

Therefore, ghost cultivation, especially when practiced by humans, can also be a kind of double blessing, which is particularly terrifying.

Therefore, ghost cultivators are not as weak as ordinary people think. On the contrary, the horror of ghost cultivators is unimaginable.

There are very few ghost cultivators, and there are even fewer who can come into contact with them. This kind of thing has very little inheritance. Because it is less mysterious and no one comes into contact with it, it has too many killers and I don’t know how to deal with it. Everyone who has seen it has died.

Ghost cultivators are most famous for their ruthlessness, weirdness, poison, sharpness, and speed. The ghost elder is a ghost cultivator, an extremely rare existence with a far-reaching reputation.

Qin Chuan's golden eyes could tell that this ghost elder's ghost cultivation was not simple, and the current situation was not fun.

At this time, Elder Gui and his party had stopped not far from Qin Chuan and Qin Yunwu.

The appearance of the ghost elder became more and more eerie when viewed up close, and Qin Chuan could see that the ghost elder's body had undergone tremendous changes. His vitality was very strong, but it was different from that of a normal person.

Qin Chuan doesn't know exactly what it is. Anyway, he is much stronger than normal people, and even stronger than monsters.

It seems that the ghost cultivator is very powerful in physical training.

When you think of those super bronze corpses and the existence of the King Kong Corpse Emperor, you know how terrifying ghost cultivators are.

The ghost cultivators and the undead clan were following the same route. Qin Chuan suddenly had some understanding in his heart. He didn't understand it before, but now he can say that he understands it a little bit. No wonder this ghost elder looks scary, which makes Qin Chuan feel a little familiar. Now he finally understands it. The reason is found.

The trump card of this ghost elder cannot be underestimated, so Qin Chuan warned Qin Yunwu: "Sister-in-law, don't be careless for a while, this old guy is a ghost cultivator."

"Well, you have to be careful, let Auntie do it by herself, and you can help me." Qin Yunwu said.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Sister-in-law, you don't have to worry about me. My life-saving ability is still very strong, and he can't kill me yet."

Seeing Qin Chuan's confident look, Qin Yunwu felt relieved. Although she had not known her nephew for a long time, he was very mysterious, but she was very happy. With him here, even if he was an enemy of Tianwu Academy , she is not worried either.

"Mr. Qin, right? The main reason we are here today is to resolve the grievances between you and my Xi family." Elder Ghost suppressed a hint of anger in his cold tone.

Qin Chuan looked at Elder Ghost with a sneer: "Elder Ghost, are you planning to use the big to bully the small, to defeat the small with more?"

"Of course not. Today you and I will have a fair fight. Regardless of victory or defeat, how about the grievances between you and the Xi family being wiped out?" Elder Ghost said matter-of-factly.

Qin Chuan smiled and couldn't help laughing.

Many people around him didn't understand why Qin Chuan suddenly laughed. In the eyes of many people, there was nothing wrong with this sentence. They even felt that Qin Chuan had made a profit. After all, the Xi family was not unreasonable. He was just here to compare with you. Winning or losing has been written off. In their opinion, this is definitely beneficial to Qin Chuan.

"Mr. Qin, what are you laughing at?" Elder Ghost said calmly.

"Are you fighting me? You are trying to bully the small. If you admit today that I am bullying the small, I will fight you. Don't look like I have taken advantage."

"What do you mean, Mr. Qin?" Elder Ghost seemed to not understand.

"Again, do you really want to bully the small? With your status, if you can win me 100%, you will go to so much trouble. Now you are just afraid that you can't win me today. Leave a note for yourself later Lu, you don’t have the courage, you are afraid of my revenge in the future!” Qin Chuan said lightly.

In fact, many discerning people could see it before, but now that Qin Chuan said it, some people who didn't understand before can now see it.

The ghost elder looked ugly at this time, but he couldn't back down at this time: "You are so good at putting gold on your face, do you think you are worthy?"

"Okay, I'm not worthy, so I'll leave my words here today. If you dare to bully the small today, I will make your Xi family disappear in the future." Qin Chuan's voice was not loud, and he did not mean to be cruel. Said very calmly.

The ghost elder wanted to kill Qin Chuan directly at this moment, but he had no time to think about this now. What Qin Chuan said was right. This was his idea, he could retreat to defend, and he could advance to attack.

But Qin Chuan didn't want him to have this idea, so the situation was a bit tense now.

"Young man, are we going to be exterminated? You are very powerful among young people. I won't tell you this, but others also know that you bullied my Xi family. I want to ask for an explanation and discuss it. Shouldn't we? "The ghost elder beat him with a rake.

Qin Chuan looked at the ghost elder with a sneer: "You are so stupid. I bullied your Xi family. You are blind. That eye saw me bullying your Xi family. I said at the beginning that if you bully me, I will I came to Tianwu Academy to get it back in person, and now it's in your mouth that I bullied your Xi family."

Qin Chuan has no respect for such an old man. He just wants to force the other person to do what he wants and is disrespectful to the old man. Besides, ghost cultivators are not good people, or they are all crooked and evil, because ghost cultivators need rotting corpses. Extremely evil.

"Very good. In all these years, no one has dared to talk to me like this. You are the first. I don't care what you say. Let's compete today." Elder Ghost said forcefully.

"Okay, as long as you dare to take action today, my previous words will stand. You are not competing with me, you are trying to see if you can kill me. Why are you so hypocritical? There is a price to pay for killing others. I hope you can afford it. The price." Qin Chuan opened the skylight and spoke frankly.

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