Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1974 The Evil 9 Nether 0 Yin Kung Fu

"I give up, I give up!" the ghost elder shouted.

At this time, the ghost elder couldn't care about anything. When life and death were at stake, he had to live first before saving face, so he shouted loudly.

But Qin Chuan had no intention of stopping, and just said lightly: "We will fight until death!"

This sentence contained less than ten words, but it was bone-chilling, extinguishing his last bit of hope. But he didn't want to die, but he could see that Qin Chuan was determined to kill.

"If you kill me, you will offend the entire Xi family, the entire four major families and the Tianwu Academy, and you will have endless troubles." The ghost elder saw that begging for mercy was not enough, and directly threatened.

"I'm not afraid of trouble." Qin Chuan said.

"There will be no benefit if you kill me. If you don't kill me, I can do things for you. One more friend and one more path. Think about it." The ghost elder was covered in cold sweat at this time. One was from pain and the other was from fear. Yes, and nervous.

Qin Chuan was really moved when he heard this, but he quickly put aside this idea. Ghost cultivators are real evil cultivators. The poison in their bodies comes from rotting corpses, which require countless corpses. And generally the best ones are human corpses.

Therefore, ghost cultivators are basically not good people, and can even be said to be heinous people. Therefore, Qin Chuan does not intend to hold back on such people. He will kill them to earn some merit. Besides, this is what he had agreed to before. of.


Qin Chuan's attack continued, and the ghost elder's vitality was rapidly drained from the attack. Now he had no power to fight back and was completely restrained. Besides, even if he was not restrained, he might not be Qin Chuan's opponent.

Now that he is restrained, there is no suspense anymore. Death is only a matter of time, so the ghost elder is now fighting for every chance to survive.

But Qin Chuan has now thought of killing, so he no longer gives the other party a chance. But at this moment, the ghost elder gritted his teeth and said: "If you kill me, a hundred little girls will be buried with me. These children Only three to five years old.”

As soon as these words came out, Qin Chuan stopped, but his eyes became colder, because he knew that what the ghost elder said was true, because Qin Chuan suddenly thought of a very poisonous technique in ghost cultivation.

Nine Nethers and Hundred Yins Kung Fu!

Qin Chuan also saw the Nine Nethers and Hundred Yin Skills accidentally. The main reason is that this skill is an existence that cannot be ignored by ghost cultivators, because the advanced level of this skill is comparable to the god level.

But the difficulty is relatively the lowest.

However, to practice this technique, a hundred little girls are required, and they must be talented and intelligent. They must be three to five years old and have extremely yin horoscopes in their birth date. Then, with the blood sacrifice of these one hundred little girls, there is a 10% chance of practicing it to the ninth level. Youbaiyin Kung Fu.

If it fails, you need to find these one hundred little girls again until you succeed. They are three to five years old, so generally you need to find one hundred three-year-old little girls with extremely Yin fate within two years. Of course, you can find four-year-old girls later. Anyway, there are one hundred, no more than five years old, no less than three years old.

This is extremely time-consuming. After all, this is a shady thing, so the difficulty lies in finding a hundred little girls with extremely yin fates, and all of them are geniuses with this kind of physique. Therefore, what this little girl basically needs is from A little girl from a big family, because the probability of this is relatively high.

This kind of genetic fate is not a physical constitution. It is usually born when the time of day belongs to Yin, and the year, month and day are all in the same range, so it is not difficult to find it. It is not difficult to find it.

As soon as the ghost elder said these words, many people stood up at once.

Because many people think about the lost children in their own families, these people are not a minority, because each time requires a hundred little girls, and they must be in good physical condition and born at a certain time, so as long as they match the requirements, the ghost elders will try to get them This child.

Therefore, he will take action even if it is a family with a good relationship, because he wants to practice Jiuyou Baiyin Kung Fu. Once he masters it, no one can stop him. By then, even if the matter is exposed, he will not be afraid anymore. .

But now it's been exposed. He wouldn't have said this even to death. After all, once everyone knew about this, even they wouldn't spare him. But if he didn't say it, he would die soon, but he needed to fight for a moment. If they have the chance to escape, they will have no symptoms, or they will deny it themselves.

This is the plan of the ghost elder.

But how could Qin Chuan give him a chance and hit the opponent directly in the heart.

He sealed the opponent's energy and life gate, and directly severely injured the ghost elder, and then said: "Take me to find those one hundred children now, or I will send you on your way immediately."

"If you don't let me go, you will never see the child." The ghost elder seemed to have hardened a lot, feeling that he had caught Qin Chuan's weakness.


Qin Chuan directly broke the ghost elder's arm, causing the fracture to be shattered. At this time, the ghost elder was already extremely fragile and had no way to resist Qin Chuan's attack.

"I didn't say that I must see those children. The opportunity is given to you. If you like to talk, I want your life." Qin Chuan said disdainfully.

"You don't care about the life or death of those children?" Elder Ghost stared at Qin Chuan and said through gritted teeth.

"What does it have to do with me? I don't know him. Why do you think you can threaten me with someone who doesn't matter?" Qin Chuan sneered and looked at the ghost elder, as if he was a fool.

"Aren't you a good person? Why don't you try to save them? You will be looked down upon by others. What kind of good person are you?" The ghost elder was angry. He said it before, but he immediately stopped, so he felt that Qin Chuan would be righteous. , He would do anything to save those children, but I didn't expect him to say that.

"Who told you that I am a good person?" Qin Chuan said seriously for a moment.

"Aren't you a good person?" The ghost elder was also stunned.

"Are you finished? After you finish, choose, or die!" Qin Chuan said lightly.

"Okay, I'll take you there!" The ghost elder said through gritted teeth with a halo in his eyes.

Qin Chuan sneered. He knew that the other party would definitely have a way to escape, but Qin Chuan had to rescue those children first, otherwise he would kill him directly.

At the same time, there were also many people from big families, because these people felt that among them were their own children. They looked angry at this time. This was a big force. If it had been before, they would have been worried about the identity and strength of the ghost elder. , but now that he was about to die after being beaten by Qin Chuan, he was naturally no longer afraid. They knew that it was hard to say whether the ghost elder could survive today.

The ghost elder walked calmly, while Qin Chuan was behind him, locking his Qi machine on him. In fact, Qin Chuan was not afraid of him running away, because he had the dragon-seeking skill, so he would definitely find him if he looked for him. He just wanted to find those children.

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