Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1978: 1 Golden Coffin

The ghost elder was dead, and the last glimmer of hope was gone. At this time, everyone looked at Qin Chuan.

The eyes of these people are complicated now. They chose to stand on the opposite side before. No matter whether Qin Chuan can detoxify or not, they have no hope of getting the antidote from Qin Chuan.

After all, they wanted to kill each other before, but now that the situation has changed, they can't be shameless enough to ask for an antidote.

The main reason is that they can hardly ask for it even if they are shameless, and they know that they cannot do things, so they do it, but they are very angry and can't live anymore, so naturally they go crazy.

Pull the people here to support us, and we will die together.

So the remaining people went crazy, their eyes turned blood red, and then they rushed over in a desperate posture.

Qin Chuan frowned. These people did not regret dying. They provoked again and again. Before, they did not hesitate to stand on the other side in order to survive. Now they felt that they could not survive, and they actually dragged his own group to be buried with him.

Such people cannot be forgiven and cannot live.

So Qin Chuan directly led his men to take action. Qin Chuan showed his powerful attack, interference and lethality without hesitation. Because of Qin Chuan's participation, the battle ended easily.

All opponents died.

Naturally, some people on Qinchuan's side were injured and some died, but these are inevitable. Now that they are here and involved in this matter, they must consider the consequences. Everyone must be responsible for what they do.

Break the formation!

Qin Chuan is breaking the formation now and summoning the formation-eating beast. The formation-devouring beast is no small matter now. After all, it is already in the heavenly realm. At this level, it is already a terrifying existence.

The poison array was broken in Qin Chuan's hands in just a moment.

The poisonous array dissipated, and the breeze blew away the poisonous gas here, revealing the surrounding terrain. This is an underground cave, but the interior is very gorgeous, with complete facilities.

This is a den of the ghost elder. He practices here all the time.

Especially some special practices, such as Jiuyou Baiyin Kung Fu, Blood Sacrifice Vajra Finger...

These evil skills, legend has it that the Blood Sacrifice Vajra Finger needs to be practiced by a living person. One hand is bent into a claw, inserted directly from the top of the living person's head, and then the blood in the body is refined...

Next, Qin Chuan led people to find the place where the children were imprisoned.

Open the cage.

When these people went in, the bodies of those children were trembling.


Suddenly there was a crisp sound, and a little girl ran towards an old man, her cry full of surprise.

The old man was also extremely excited. He took a step over and picked up the little girl: "Yaya, it's okay, grandpa is here!"

There was anger in the old man's eyes. The ghost elder was dead. If he didn't die, he would probably go up and fight for his life. Almost soon, dozens of families who lost their children found their children here.

Many of the people who came with Qin Chuan were looking for their children, but some people did not find their children, and some children did not find their families at the scene.

Qin Chuan took them out.

However, I also saw what evil is along the way. There are jagged bones and many rotting corpses. The air here smells very bad. There was a formation before, but now the formation is broken. The smell here makes people almost faint.

"This old guy is really evil and has no conscience. Mr. Qin killed him today to eliminate harm for the people. This is a meritorious deed." said the old man who was the first to find the child.

Speaking of merit, after Qin Chuan killed the ghost elder, his merit body really broke through to a small level.

This breakthrough is very small, it should be a small realm. Although it is a small realm, the benefits are still great. Only Qin Chuan can realize this benefit. The power of merit and the body of merit are very mysterious.

This kind of power is not easy to come by. You must kill those heinous people before you can gain merit and awaken the body of merit.

Some people may say that Qin Chuan can increase the power of merit as long as he kills the evil person. Improving the body of merit will soon be much faster, and it doesn't seem to be that difficult.

In fact, this is not the case. Even if a person like Qin Chuan awakens his body of merit and kills some people, he can really gain the power of merit. However, everything in the world is done step by step. It is impossible to become a fat man in one bite, let alone to soar into the sky. legend.

Just like cultivation, as long as you practice hard, you will definitely grow, but it is extremely difficult to truly practice. The same is true for merit cultivation. Sometimes killing a bad person can increase your merit by one point, and sometimes killing an evil person can increase your merit by one point. Not added either.

In addition to cultivation, this test also tests the body of merit, understanding, physique, talent, environment, timing, etc. It is not as simple as it seems. Just kill more evil people. If this is the case, then everyone will become a holy body of merit and a divine body of merit. , Immortal Lord of Infinite Merit...

Just when Qin Chuan was about to leave, he suddenly stopped and Qin Yunwu looked at Qin Chuan: "What's wrong?"

"You guys go out first, I'll go inside and take a look." Qin Chuan said.

"Chuan'er, I'll go with you." Qin Yunwu said without hesitation.

"It's okay, there's no danger. Sister, please go out with them first and send these children back." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Qin Yunwu looked at Qin Chuan and said seriously: "Are you sure there is no danger?"

"No, I promise. Besides, sister-in-law, don't worry, my life-saving ability is definitely the strongest, so don't worry." Qin Chuan assured again.

Seeing Qin Chuan nodding so firmly, Qin Yunwu warned him again: "You still have to be careful!"

Qin Chuan nodded, said goodbye to everyone, and walked inside.

Others don't want to go in even if they want to die. It's so disgusting, dangerous and scary inside.

Qin Chuan walked all the way to the end, and then looked at an inconspicuous wall. There were some carved runes on it, which were very light, not many, and even hidden.

If Qin Chuan hadn't used his golden pupil to scan over it, and after taking a closer look, he wouldn't have discovered that there was actually a hidden entrance here.

Qin Chuan looked at the runes on it, and then began to carve on it with his sword. Soon new runes were formed, and then the stone wall began to slowly open.

This is a golden sarcophagus.

This is not an ordinary coffin, and this stone is not an ordinary stone, it is a golden diamond.

Is this diamond or the finest diamond among diamonds? It is extremely hard and precious. The value of such a coffin is not small. This value is not money, but a symbol of status and other things.

Qin Chuan walked over slowly.

His golden eyes could only see a golden coffin, but he couldn't actually see inside.

This made Qin Chuan curious, so he came to take a look.

He was very curious about what was inside, and did the ghost elder know about the existence of this golden coffin?

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