Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1981 4 The big family is broken up

Although Qin Chuan noticed that the woman seemed to have something on her mind, he didn't intend to ask at all. He had never thought about having any deeper contact with this woman. Although she was very powerful, she was too evil.

After a while, the woman came back to her senses, looked at Qin Chuan, and left together.

Qin Chuan placed the woman outside Tianwu Academy. In fact, the woman didn't need Qin Chuan for anything. She didn't even know what she needed Qin Chuan to do for her.

The most important reason why she found Qin Chuan was that Qin Chuan was her savior.

It's that simple. Maybe she subconsciously wants to repay this kindness, but there is no chance for a while. After all, she has nothing now, except for her good cultivation.

Of course, she didn't think about the promise of her body.

In fact, even if she considered it, Qin Chuan would not agree. She had enough troubles on her own right now, so she didn't want to bring trouble to herself now, and she wouldn't cause any more trouble for herself.

"If you have anything to do, go ahead. I saved you just out of curiosity. You don't have to take it to heart. We are all adults. Go ahead!" Qin Chuan said seriously when he left.

This sentence is actually a kind of drawing a boundary. After leaving this time, everyone will be regarded as unrelated people.

In other words, it is two intersecting lines that only cross each other now. They will become farther and farther apart in the future. Unless something unexpected happens, they will never see each other again in this life.

The woman naturally understood the meaning of Qin Chuan's words and was slightly startled. Although she didn't know how many years she had been in this golden coffin, she felt that it hadn't been long. After all, she just slept.

After all, she is a woman and a super beauty. Although she has an unusual temperament, there are still many people who like her and want to pursue her, but this young man seems to be avoiding the plague.

She didn't mean to do anything, and she didn't think too much about it, it was just a passing thought, because she could feel that Qin Chuan really wanted to draw a line with her.

"You hate me?" The woman looked at Qin Chuan curiously.

Qin Chuan was stunned and shook his head: "No, why do you say that?"

"What difficult thing do you have that you can't do yourself?" the woman asked. She wanted to repay Qin Chuan before leaving.

Qin Chuan naturally saw what the other party was thinking and smiled: "Okay, I know you don't want to owe me anything. In fact, you don't owe me anything either. Everyone meets many people in this life.

For many things, I don't extend my hand occasionally to repay you. Besides, I'm also curious this time, and I want to see if there is any peerless treasure in the golden coffin. I want to take it for myself, so you don't have to worry about it. . "

The woman was stunned. Qin Chuan's words made her a little speechless. There was a peerless treasure in the golden coffin. Was she considered a peerless treasure in the eyes of many people? Wanting to take it as her own made her feel weird. She looked at Qin Chuan

Qin Chuan didn't think much about it, but when he saw the look in the woman's eyes, he seemed to understand a little, so he naturally stopped talking and looked at her awkwardly.

He is actually very afraid of offending a woman. He feels that there is no problem in escaping from a woman's hands, but he doesn't want to escape, and he is also afraid that if something goes wrong, it will be bad.

"There's nothing difficult for me. I know your good intentions, so there's really no need." Qin Chuan said again.

The woman obviously didn't like to owe others, but now she had nothing. Finally, she gritted her teeth and seemed to have made a big decision. She took out something and handed it to Qin Chuan: "This is for you!"

This is a small ink pad with colorful colors. This color can generally confirm that this is a divine weapon, a real divine weapon, and it is also a natal divine weapon.

The woman is crazy. She actually gave away her natal artifact. You know, since this thing is an artifact, it goes without saying that its value is natural. The natal artifact is even more terrifying. The most important thing is that the natal artifact needs to be eliminated once it is completely gone. Mark, this would be a big harm to her.

A gentleman does not take away what others like. Qin Chuan is not a gentleman, but he is not a bad person, and he does things casually. He likes this kind of magic weapon, but a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. If a woman is a heinous devil, Qin Chuan You can grab it with peace of mind.

But when a woman gave it to him like this, he really couldn't take it.

So he shook his head: "If you insist on doing this, why don't you enter the golden coffin? I'm making a restriction. What do you think?"

The woman was stunned. You must know that this is an artifact. No matter whether it is suitable for the other party or whether it can be used, it is definitely difficult to refuse this. Besides, as long as this artifact reaches this level, there will be many benefits after getting it. So it is difficult for ordinary people to refuse.

But the young man in front of her refused and was a little impatient, which made her unclear. But she saw that Qin Chuan's expression was not polite. Besides, she was actually a little reluctant to let go. She didn't even know why she took it out before. All a little regretful.

So now I simply put it away and said seriously: "I still want to thank you. If we meet again someday, I will definitely give you a satisfactory return."

Qin Chuan didn't take it seriously, but smiled: "Okay, then I'll wait!"

He didn't know that a few years later, he would really meet this woman again, but her identity was very unusual, and he also needed her help. Naturally, the woman did not hesitate and happily helped him.

This is something to talk about later. Now the woman has left. Qin Chuan has been watching her leave. Soon he forgot about this incident and even forgot about this woman. He felt much more relaxed, as if he had left behind a little burden. He felt clean inside, and now he felt like he could have a rest for half a day.

Back at Tianwu Academy, those little girls have basically returned home and to their parents.

The Xi family has naturally become a target of public criticism, and it is even said that other families of the four major families have to put aside their relationship with the Xi family. This time, the Xi family and the Pei family were vaguely involved, and both of them were attacked by Qin Chuan. It's already a loss of face.

Under this situation, within a few days, something big happened. The four major families were disbanded. They were no longer a whole, no longer in alliance, and they went from being like brothers to not even being friends now.

It's impossible to be friends.

Qin Chuan also didn't expect that he would disintegrate the four major families in this way, and the Xi family was the worst. Because what the elder did, he angered many people in the family, so the Xi family didn't have to do it himself. It will be difficult to get through.

The Pei family is not much better. There is a living King of Hell in the Pei family. Although the big family came up with many bones, they also have their own methods, fair and honest competition, fighting, not bullying the weak, and not killing innocent people indiscriminately. ,all good.

But the Pei family is different. The Pei family took advantage of the situation and used bloody methods.

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