Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1985: Golden City, arriving at the City Lord’s Mansion

Qin Chuan has benefited a lot, and the most important point is that the world of consciousness can be said to be 100% achievable, but it will still take time. It can be as short as three months, maybe tomorrow, but as long as it takes more than ten years.

This made him very depressed. He had already reached the threshold. From a distance, he could see that the gate was in front of him, but he didn't know how far away it was. If he really wanted to see it, he could reach it very quickly. A few days would be enough.

But if it always looks so far away, like a mirage, then I really don’t know how long it will take to get to that gate. If I can reach it in more than ten years, it is considered good.

Qin Chuan is constantly moving forward now, hoping to reach the gate as soon as possible. As long as he steps into the gate, the world of consciousness will be complete.

So now he is moving forward every day and insisting on moving forward. Before, he could not see hope or goals, but at least the guidance was in the right direction.

Now is a time of epoch-making significance, because success is just ahead, but I don’t know when it will happen.

But it's still many times better than before.

Haste makes waste, Qin Chuan is not in a hurry, he takes his time, and even stops thinking about when he can practice it or when he can reach it. He just needs to move forward step by step and be unswerving. There will always be a day of success. .

The Jinfeng area is a vast world, but after a month of traveling and using many teleportation arrays, we finally reached Jincheng.

This is the city that Jun Wushuang is most familiar with. Being able to come here again is really a huge emotion.

Qin Chuan looked at this bustling huge city. Because he had seen some scenes like a mirage before, his feelings were different and a little bit familiar. However, they came here this time because they had something to do.

Jun Wushuang used to be the lord of Golden City and lived in a large city, but in the end he ended up in a miserable state. He never thought that one day he would be able to stand on this land again. It felt like a world away.

Many years have passed and no one remembers the former city lord. Walking on the streets of Jincheng, no one knows that he was once the lord of Jincheng, the lord of Jincheng.

Jun Wushuang feels too deeply about this place. He is a city lord who thinks he is good, and he is also very popular among the people in Jincheng, but so what, the world will continue to operate without any change, and there will be no change.

Jun Wushuang walked slowly in front. His steps were a bit heavy, but they actually sounded very light. This meant that his mood was not all heavy, but also a kind of expectation for what was ahead.

The direction is towards the City Lord's Mansion, but the City Lord's Mansion is a bit far away. It would probably take several months to reach the City Lord's Mansion at this speed.

But no one spoke, because they knew that Jun Wushuang needed to adjust his mood now, and the closer he got to the City Lord's Mansion, the more so. So now it was best to follow Jun Wushuang and not say anything, so as not to affect his own judgment and measurement.

It took an hour to leave. After an hour, Jun Wushuang seemed to have returned to his previous state, with a relaxed and happy expression. It seemed that this was not Jincheng, and that what had happened in the past was no longer important.

But they knew that this was not the case. Jun Wushuang just untied the knot in his heart. As for what to do, he already had the answer in his heart and what he thought was the best solution.

"It's getting late today, let's go to the City Lord's Mansion tomorrow!" Jun Wushuang said with a smile.

Qin Chuan and his party found a restaurant to stay. They came without disturbing anyone, and no one noticed them. However, a storm in Jincheng was about to begin, and everyone would know about it soon.

It was a quiet night, nothing happened, not even a little thing happened. The next day, a group of people rode flying mounts and headed to the city lord's palace.

If they walked, they really didn't know how long they would have to go, but flying mounts would only take an hour or two, and half a day would be enough, so they had already seen the City Lord's Mansion near noon.

Magnificent, the facade of a city is naturally the most luxurious and noble. This is the rule. After all, if the city lord's palace is too close to the people and too ordinary, it will look shabby and seem to have no strength.

And ordinary families don't dare to build high-profile mansions that are more gorgeous than the City Lord's Mansion, because they don't want to live. Therefore, the City Lord's Mansion will always be a landmark building in this city and cannot be changed.

No one had any idea when Qin Chuan and the others appeared in other places, but when they stopped at the door of the City Lord's Mansion, someone had an idea.

Jun Wushuang looked at the City Lord's Mansion with a faint complex look in his eyes. Things here have not changed, and the gate of the City Lord's Mansion has not changed. This is his home, his home, and he can say that he has gone home now.

After being away for too long, it is natural for someone to be excited to return home. There are relatives and friends here. For Jun Wushuang, he has the people he loves most, his closest brothers, and his most loyal subordinates...

All this has become the past, and now there are only his enemies.

Home, this is his home, but there is another saying, wherever a person goes, there is home, not because he is close to that city, but because there are people he cares about in that city.

It's not that I'm obsessed with my family, I'm obsessed with the people in my family.

Of course, if you live in one place for a long time, you will naturally have some feelings. This is normal.

Standing at the door of the City Lord's Mansion, just standing like this naturally attracted the attention of many people and the guards of the City Lord's Mansion. These people looked at Qin Chuan and others with confusion.

These people were obviously well-dressed, but standing here staring at the city lord's palace in a daze, frowning, and even having some special meaning made them feel not so good, so they became vigilant.

The responsibility of the guards is to guard this gate, so they must nip all threats in the bud.

So these guards came over and looked at Jun Wushuang. Because Jun Wushuang was standing at the front, the other party's words seemed to be addressed to Jun Wushuang.

"Who are you? This is the City Lord's Mansion. Don't gather other people here."

Everyone is waiting, this is the city lord's mansion...


Jun Wushuang laughed, a little crazy. The laughter was full of sweetness and bitterness, a feeling that made people feel bitter and angry.

Jun Wushuang's smile immediately stunned the guards. This laughter was full of terrifying momentum and pressure. The guards kept retreating and could not bear it. If they did not retreat, they might lose their lives.

This laughter was enough to spread hundreds of miles around the city lord's palace, suddenly making countless people curious. Some people even noticed Jun Wushuang when he appeared in Jincheng.

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