Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1993 Jun Wuya’s Ending

Jun Wushuang laughed, and it seemed that he couldn't stop laughing.

His smile not only woke up the people around him, but also puzzled Ju Wuya and the woman. Fortunately, time made up for it. Jun Wushuang stopped smiling and looked at the woman: "I wonder if you feel how I feel now?"

Sometimes when people are about to die, their true feelings may be revealed and they will not be false, because at this time there is no need at all, because they are about to die and there is nothing to care about.

Besides, although she has done these things and pursued these things, she may really not be patriotic. Jun Wushuang, but at the very least, she knows the concept of right and wrong, good and bad. It is not that bad people don’t know that they are doing bad things, but they know and do whether they do it or not. They are two concepts.

"I'm sorry for you. I deserve what happened today. I'm about to die. Can you forgive me?" The woman looked at Jun Wushuang and said with a weak smile.

"You were beaten by me, and I have not forgiven you. Do you know how much I want you to live now? Because you are dead, but I still have to bear a lot. If you are alive, there is someone who will bear the same pain as me." There are many things, and I am no longer lonely.”

The current woman is being held back by Jun Wuya. If she does not die, everything she has done over the years and everything she has done in the past will be completely negated. She will have to bear more things and have more postures than Jun Wushuang.

But now that she is dying, she is very happy now. She is not afraid of death, and is even glad that she is dying. He is not afraid at all, and looks at Jun Wushuang a little unbearably, because she can feel Jun Wushuang's love for her.

She could feel Jun Wushuang's self-blame and heartache now, but she was about to die, and none of this mattered. Besides, she didn't just feel it now. He knew it before, but he still loved her now that something like that happened. Hold yourself.

This made her very touched, maybe because she was about to die, so she no longer rejected some thoughts in her heart, and said softly: "Today's ending is the best ending. Don't feel guilty. It's my fault that I don't have the blessing to love you. The days with you will be my best memories, thank you for loving me."

She smiled, and even forced herself to stand up from Jun Wuya, walked to Jun Wushuang, hesitated for a moment, then reached out and gently held his face.

Jun Wushuang hugged her: "I'm about to die too. I can live for up to seven days. After the matter is settled, maybe we can meet again. We won't be separated by then, okay?"

"I'm not worthy of you anymore. I'm not a good woman." At this time, the woman finally couldn't help but shed two clear tears.

"Whatever is not worthy of me, whatever is not a good woman, go to hell. Maybe others say I am cheap,

It doesn't matter whether you say I deserve it or not. I can't control my heart. This may be what I owe you in my previous life. "Jun Wushuang hugged her tightly.

"You don't want to die. I'll give you an antidote. If I beg him, he will definitely give me the antidote. Let me do one thing for you. Do one thing for you before I die." The woman gently pushed Jun away. Unparalleled.

"If you don't ask him, even if you ask like that, I won't eat it. Besides, you don't know who he is. Do you think he will give you the antidote?" Jun Wushuang held her hand.

At this time, the woman was already jealous and weak. Jun Wushuang pulled her, but she couldn't go even if she wanted to.

"Hahaha, yes, you don't ask me. To be honest, I don't have an antidote. There is no antidote for this dark poison." Jun Wuya said with a smile.

At this time, he was extremely proud, but at this time Qin Chuan smiled and said: "Brother, don't worry, I will help you cure your poison, and does she want to be saved?"

Qin Chuan saw Jun Wushuang's fascination with this woman. Based on Qin Chuan's plan, such a thing happened, and now he was beaten to death by Jun Wushuang by chance. Maybe all this was arranged secretly, but seeing With Jun Wushuang's look on his face, Qin Chuan decided to ask.

"Brother, do you mean we can be saved?" Jun Wushuang asked in surprise.

"Okay, it's just a little troublesome." Qin Chuan nodded and said.

"Okay, brother, please help me and save her." Jun Wushuang said excitedly.

Qin Chuan smiled: "There is no question of whether we brothers can help or not. As long as you want me to save you, I will save you."

Three Tianxing needles were pierced, directly hanging the woman's life so that she would not die. As for the treatment, she would have to wait until the matter here is over.

When the woman heard that Qin Chuan could save her, she was not happy, and even instinctively avoided him. Even when Qin Chuan was giving the acupuncture, she was still avoiding him, and even said: "Don't save me, I just want to die now." "

Of course Jun Wushuang would definitely not agree, but now he still had things to do. Looking at Jun Wuya, it was really unpredictable why he took in a child in the first place and ended up like this.

Jun Wuya's previous behavior of pulling the woman to death completely made Jun Wushuang murderous. Although he hated Jun Wuya at first and thought about killing Jun Wuya, after all, this was the person he had grown up watching and said he was his elder brother. In fact, he is almost the same as his father.

This is why even if Jun Wuya did such a heinous thing, he still had a trace of intolerance in his heart, but what Jun Wuya did today completely made him put away that trace of emotion and intolerance, because this person simply couldn't bear it. He's not a human being, he's just a beast, and he's worse than a beast.

For such an existence, relatives will also be destroyed.


At this time, Jun Wushuang no longer hesitated and took action directly, but Jun Wuya never thought that Jun Wushuang would take action. After all, he was poisoned by him. As for Qin Chuan's statement that the poison could be detoxified, he didn't believe it at all. In fact, there was no antidote as he said before. It's also a lie.

He has an antidote, but this antidote cannot be completely removed. It can save Jun Wushuang's life, but his cultivation level will be greatly reduced. He is stronger than ordinary warriors, but compared with him now, there is a gap between heaven and earth.

So at this time he shouted: "Stop, do you really don't want to live anymore?"

Jun Wuya didn't believe Qin Chuan's words, but Jun Wushuang believed that since Qin Chuan said he could detoxify him, it must be possible, so he no longer hesitated and had to kill him.

Jun Wuya was confident. Seeing that Jun Wushuang did not dodge at all, in his opinion, he would not kill him at all.

But he felt that Jun Wushuang didn't hold back this attack, his expression changed, and he instinctively avoided it, but he had already missed the best opportunity, so he couldn't completely avoid it. Besides, Qin Chuan passed by with a thought at this time.

Divine Eyes Immortal Power.

A direct and powerful weakening. At other times, this weakening is already terrifying, but not to mention this time. It is fatal. I missed the best opportunity to dodge, but at least I can dodge, even if I am injured. Not too heavy.

But now, there is no way to dodge it. Not only that, this attack can be said to increase by another 20%.


Jun Wuya flew up.


He vomited blood, and the bones on his body were broken and smashed into pieces. His whole body turned into a bloody man.

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