Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2014 A small accident, one step further

In the next few days, Qin Chuan began to monitor the beggar. It was not considered surveillance, but he would take some time to watch the beggar's movements.

In addition to this, he will also look for other people to see if there is anyone else monitoring his group.

He didn't know if the other party valued this beggar very much. Anyway, Qin Chuan didn't find anyone else, and he also knew that the other party must be waiting for the opportunity, but he didn't know when.

Since the other party has not taken action, Qin Chuan knows that his side has not taken any extraordinary actions. He is sure that the other party will not act immediately and seems to be preparing something.

Qin Chuan didn't know exactly what he did that would make the other party jump out, but he felt that there were two possible situations.

The first is to go to the Yue family's ancestral home, and the second is to leave here.

So Qin Chuan avoided these two and lived a leisurely life here every day, drinking tea, cooking delicious food, and of course practicing, mainly about formations and formations.

So I had a very comfortable life, because there was also a great beauty Yue Qingyin.

The relationship between Qin Chuan and her is now very mysterious. Even if they are separated, it cannot reach this level, or it is vague. Although it is a statement, Yue Qingyin does not clearly reply, but she also shows a little bit of her thoughts in some words and actions. .

This is enough, for a woman like her, it is enough, but even if you know it, you can't act too hastily. Many things, or everything, must have a degree. Don't overdo it. Overdoing is not enough, just like boiling a frog in warm water.

Of course this is just a metaphor, just like stewing meat, simmering it slowly over low heat is a skill, as long as you have enough time.

"I'll treat the eldest lady to a drink today." Qin Chuan smiled and invited Yue Qingyin.

After all, everyone is actually cultivating separately, and they don't eat together. Moreover, at this level, you don't eat every day, so Qin Chuan will invite people who are idle when he wants to eat.

And others can't refuse, after all, this is a huge enjoyment. It is no exaggeration to say that this meal is no less tempting than a beautiful woman. The same is true for women, especially cold women.

It is said that a cold woman is not rich in emotions, and if she is not rich in emotions, she will not enjoy much, and the impact of the enjoyment of delicious food on her is huge, even incalculable.

Yue Qingyin agreed without thinking. She also wanted to eat during this period, but she couldn't afford to ask Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile,

Yue Qingyin blushed with a guilty conscience and glared at him angrily: "What are you looking at..."

"It looks good. Eating with you will taste better than usual." Qin Chuan smiled.

"Why?" Yue Qingyin felt a little regretful just by asking. She seemed to know what Qin Chuan said.

"You're beautiful and delicious. Looking at you is much more delicious than eating something delicious. If I eat you...ahem, let's go to eat. What do you want to eat?" Qin Chuan braked quickly. Besides, he can't even eat. To the mouth.

Yue Qingyin wanted to tear Qin Chuan's mouth apart now, but she was slightly panicked and her heart beat faster. She was not a little girl. Although she had a cold temper, she knew everything. She naturally knew what Qin Chuan said.

She just didn't expect that she could hear such disgusting words that made her panic. She felt weird for a moment, but it didn't seem that she was angry or couldn't bear it, or even more flustered.

Yue Qingyin was too embarrassed to just eat, so she took charge of helping the two of them cook. They were very quiet and didn't call anyone else this time.

"Do you want to learn to cook?" Qin Chuan asked with a smile.

Yue Qingyin was stunned and nodded. She really thought about it, or she liked it, otherwise he wouldn't be able to make the jade bamboo leaves to this extent, but hers was a secret method, but as the saying goes, if one method is accessible, all methods are accessible.

Delicious food cannot be separated from the secret method. Qin Chuan actually has it, which is the spices he mixed with the Golden Eyes and craftsmanship. This is also very crucial. The same spices can exert more than ten times the effect in his hands. , this is a complete distance.

Coupled with Qin Chuan's craftsmanship, as long as he uses his own spices and makes it himself, generally no one can surpass it.

The other is the Five Elements Immortal Chef recipe, which cannot be ignored. It can reach far beyond the imperial chef. If it is paired with secret spices, it will be directly sublimated, and it will definitely belong to the level of dragon liver and phoenix marrow in the human world.

Qin Chuan told her that it was from the Five Elements Immortal Chef recipe, but there was one thing that required cutting skills, and Qin Chuan naturally stood behind her, held her hand, and guided her through the cutting process.

Yue Qingyin didn't know why she didn't refuse.

To Qin Chuan's voice, the gentle, faint masculine breath, and the gentle touch from the younger generation, she was now in Qin Chuan's arms, as if she was surrounded. She was flustered, but also had A faint sense of security that grew stronger and stronger.

Qin Chuan was actually a little distracted and almost couldn't control himself and held her in his arms. Fortunately, it didn't last long. After this process, he reluctantly let go of her hand. The gentle feeling made him particularly reluctant to let go. .

I don't know if Yue Qingyin was restless and accidentally cut her finger with a sharp guess.

The warrior is powerful, but automatic protection usually only protects the key points, not to mention that now she has no vitality to move. She cut her finger with a sharp kitchen knife and let out a slight exclamation.


Qin Chuan picked up her hand with concern. The injury was not serious, so he put it in his mouth and sucked it twice.

At this moment, Yue Qingyin couldn't bear it anymore. Her body became weak and she wanted to push Qin Chuan away, but she didn't know why she didn't. She was half-hugged by Qin Chuan. The two of them were very quiet. This injury was nothing. , he has stopped bleeding.

But the two of them were cuddling together. No one said anything at this time, or they didn't know what to say, because everything happened so fast, and Qin Chuan didn't expect it to happen. Confession at this time?

But I always feel that the relationship between the two people has not reached any step yet, and there is no feeling of success. For her, Qin Chuan doesn't know whether he loves her more, desires more, or something else. However, Yue Qingyin is actually more complicated for Qin Chuan, and I don’t know if it’s gratitude, dependence, or really love?

After a while, Yue Qing smiled and pushed Qin Chuan away gently: "Let's cook, I want to eat."

"Okay, it'll be quick. Why don't you sit outside for a while?"

"I'll watch you right here." Yue Qingyin said softly.

There is a table of food for two people, but there is no need to worry about not being able to finish it. With her strong cultivation, even if Yue Qingyin eats it by herself, she can finish it and refine it directly. Of course, there is no need for this. Qin Chuan's food, more What is important is to enjoy the process.

In the end, Yue Qingyin did not eat as much as Qin Chuan. Facing each other, the food seemed to be very warm this time, and Yue Qingyin seemed to talk a lot more.

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