Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2017: Great crisis, the mythical beast White Tiger

"We are being followed. ︾Le︾文︾小︾said|" Qin Chuan said.

Still walking forward, Canglan and others were stunned when they heard Qin Chuan's words: "Should we wait for them?"

"No, they are just following us from a distance now and have no intention of coming out. There is no need for us to alert them. Then we will need to lead them into some special places and get rid of them." Qin Chuan thought for a while and said.

"Okay, we will listen to you and stop thinking about it." Xuanyuan Xuan said with a smile.

"No, everyone must actively participate in this. After all, one person's ideas are too few. Let's come up with a solution together, and then whoever's idea is better will listen to whoever's idea." Qin Chuan said speechlessly.

Xuanyuan Xuan laughed, what he said was fine, but everyone could see that this guy must be too lazy to think.

This is a habit. Following Qin Chuan, you don’t have to think about anything. Once you get used to it, this situation usually involves unconditional trust in a person, and absolute belief in the person’s strength. This is a kind of habit with Qin Chuan. dependent ingredients.

It must be uncomfortable to be followed like this. Until three days later, this place was already deep in the mountains. The other party still followed his group leisurely, but some powerful monsters and other beasts appeared around him from time to time.

This is a dangerous zone.

Qin Chuan passed through swamps, poisonous gas zones, poisonous insect forests, etc. with ease, but the people following them also passed through easily, and when the other party passed through, Qin Chuan saw some special things in the opponent's camp. people.

Array masters, doctors, poison masters, animal tamers, etc. are found in almost every cultivating existence, and they are all the best. They are definitely very knowledgeable in their respective spiritual realms. In addition to these, there are also a few old men at the head. .

These old people are what Qin Chuan is really afraid of. These people can be seen by themselves, but they don’t know them, have never seen them, and they are not like the Ye family described by Yue Qingyin. When he described these people, Yue Qingyin also Don't know who it is.

So now it seems that I can only ask when face to face in the future, but I don’t know if the other party will tell me.

Now we can only walk and look for treasures first.

I found some medicinal herbs along the way, many of which were more than three thousand years old, especially most of which Qin Chuan had never seen before, and they were very useful and required many materials for single prescriptions.

This makes Qin Chuan very happy. In the past, he used other things instead. Some elixirs have very important materials.

It cannot be replaced, so in that case, it cannot be refined.

Now with these materials, some elixirs can be refined, which can directly improve his cultivation level. Qin Chuan needs to improve his realm now. He does not have to worry about his unstable foundation, he only needs to increase his cultivation speed.

Suddenly Qin Chuan stopped because a monster appeared in the distance. Qin Chuan's face turned pale slightly. Others couldn't see it, but he could see it. He didn't expect it to be so dangerous here.

This is a white tiger.

However, the white tiger with a relatively light bloodline, although the bloodline is light, is still in the same realm as the real dragon. However, at the same time, the difference between the white tiger and the mythical beast is as big as the gap between heaven and earth.

But since it is a mythical beast, there are endless possibilities.

The bloodline of a mythical beast can evolve. As long as it is a true mythical beast, you are not afraid of a weak bloodline. What you are afraid of is that the bloodline is impure. Once it is impure, it will be difficult to become a true mythical beast. This is why bloodline is important.

This white tiger is about ten meters tall and nearly twenty meters long. This size is not very large among large monsters. Although the size of the monster is related to its strength, this is not absolute, especially for mythical beasts.

For example, Qin Chuan's baby dragon is just that small, but its strength is very terrifying.

The size of this white tiger is not very small. The most important thing is the aura exuding from it. It is actually extremely terrifying. It has the aura of a monstrous wave, as if the nine-day divine cloud is tilting down. The oppression makes people feel as if Can't move my feet.

Qin Chuan could feel that the other party had seen the existence of his group, and he was still panicking. The strength of this white tiger must surpass the existence of the Tianzun realm, and the strongest one among them was Yue Qingyin.

Tianzun Realm, Yue Qingyin is the Tianzun Realm, and it is still a low-level Tianzun Realm.

But this white tiger has surpassed the Tianzun realm and is still a divine beast. If it goes crazy, everyone here will be killed instantly. In principle, this is the case. After all, this is a divine beast, a white tiger.

It seems too late to retreat now, but what should I do now?

Qin Chuan's mind was racing rapidly. Others didn't know what was going on, but seeing Qin Chuan's expression, they also looked solemn and alert, ready to take action at any time.


At this moment, there was a loud roar of a tiger, a roar that made even a being of Qin Chuan's level tremble, and his legs weakened slightly uncontrollably.

This is the power of the tiger, the power of the divine beast.

The expressions of Cang Lan and others also changed, and now they knew what kind of danger they had encountered.

"Retreat, retreat, and try to get to those people. Maybe those people can save our lives by then." Qin Chuan said.

Quick back leg.

And Qin Chuan used the ruler.

At this time, this treasure finally played a huge role. He used the shrinking ruler and left the original place directly.

Almost at the same time, a huge tiger's foot landed directly on a bottomless pit. The white tiger's figure landed here, and then the figure flashed and disappeared like a stream of light.

At this time, Qin Chuan appeared not far from the group of people following them.

And those people also discovered the mythical white tiger, so they were ready to run.

But Qin Chuan's sudden appearance interrupted their steps and breath.

It's like shrinking the earth. It has been successfully performed with many dangers before. You must know that once the breath is interrupted, it cannot be used.

For example, the people who are following Qin Chuan now had their breath interrupted by Qin Chuan and naturally failed to use it successfully, so they prepared to use it again, but Qin Chuan smiled and played a chapter, interrupting their retreat again.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" The leader, an old man, was furious.

Qin Chuan doesn't want to run away now, because it's too late. The white tiger is too fast and has already appeared around him. He will be there soon. The breath in the air has been disrupted by the white tiger. Now he can't even use the ruler. .

The white tiger appeared, and these people's faces were ashen. You must know that this is the mythical beast white tiger. Although they are very strong, they have no power to fight back in front of the white tiger, and they can't even run away.

"Qinchuan, what should we do?" Yue Qingyin said worriedly.

"Don't worry, there will be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Act according to the opportunity." Qin Chuan's brain was spinning rapidly at this time, looking for an opportunity.

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