Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2024: The White Tiger Shows His Power, The White Tiger God of War inherits

"You are looking for death!" Yue Qingyin spoke at this time.

Yue Qingyin spoke, and the scene was slightly silent, but soon the old man on the other side spoke.

"Miss Yue, what's wrong with Young Master Xihai? You will enjoy endless glory and wealth with Young Master Xihai. You will be a dazzling presence wherever you go, and your Yue family will continue to be the master of the Nine Realms Fallen Immortal Sect."

Yue Qingyin looked cold and stared at the other party.

"It's not too late for you to look back now. Everything can still be restored. Master Xihai can give you everything you want, and you can be happy again. I wonder what Miss Yue wants?" the old man said with a smile.

He is still a little afraid of Yue Qingyin, not because of her strength, but because she is the woman that Young Master Xihai likes.

Others may not know it, but the old man knows very well how important Yue Qingyin is in Master Xihai's heart. If this woman really becomes Master Xihai's woman, then she may be able to deal with him even if she wants.

Therefore, the old man's eyes were full of murderous intent. It would be fine if such a woman could have a good relationship with him. Otherwise, it would be best to disappear into the Valley of the Fallen Immortals forever.

At this time, Yue Qingyin directly summoned the mythical beast White Tiger, and then took action decisively.


Qin Chuan has already given the increase to the white tiger with the roar of the sky-shaking tiger. You must know that the white tiger is too strong. It has already surpassed the Tianzun realm. Now after being increased by Qin Chuan, Qin Chuan does not know how strong it is. .


The white tiger drew a long white light, and its huge body rushed over, roaring like rolling thunder, the earth cracked, the surrounding rocks collapsed, and the world became chaotic in an instant.

The faces of the people of the Xihai family changed drastically when they saw the white tiger. At this point, they immediately knew that this was the mythical white tiger. Besides, they had been to the Fallen Immortal Valley more than once, so they knew the existence of this white tiger.

In fact, many people know that, and many people have even thought about hunting the mythical white tiger, because it is too difficult to tame, but if you can catch it back and slowly tame it, you may one day succeed.

Once successful, it will become a legend.

But now they actually saw the scene they least wanted to see. Their opponent, the person they wanted to kill, actually tamed this divine beast. This shock made them forget everything for a while and stood there in a daze.

This mythical beast may not be enough to fight against the Xihai family.

But the Xihai family had no way to deal with this woman.

And this is only temporary. The potential of the mythical beast is unlimited. Maybe it won't be long before this woman will destroy the Xihai family.

The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became, but I was so absorbed in this horror that I forgot that the danger was approaching.

Until they felt the danger, they hurriedly evaded, but at this time everything was too late. These people evaded in embarrassment, but most of them could not avoid it, and they were the first to bear the brunt and were killed on the spot.

And some who escaped were seriously injured, even fatally injured.

Only the few remaining old men escaped most of them, and with some special methods, they were slightly injured and ran away at this time, desperately running away, but Qin Chuan didn't want them to run away.

Golden Dragon Vine!

The brush hit some positions in front of these people, and they will definitely not be able to pass. If they don't slow down, they will be restrained by the golden dragon vines. If they stop, the golden dragon vines rising into the sky will directly block the road in front of the opponent.

It can be bypassed. It takes a little time. In fact, it only takes a moment. In the eyes of an expert, it is an opportunity, a decisive opportunity.

In fact, Qin Chuan still underestimated Bai Hu's current strength and speed, not to mention his terrifying growth rate. These people had no chance to escape.

The white tiger's pursuit was extremely easy, and they were all instant kills. A few old men among these people were the backbone of the Xihai family, but they were vulnerable to the mythical beast white tiger.

A divine beast is a divine beast after all. Even if it has a weak bloodline, it is still a purebred divine beast.


Qin Chuan and his party did not take action at all, these people were all killed without any suspense. When the people around saw the white tiger, most of them ran away directly, but some of them watched from a distance.

When Qin Chuan exited the illusion before, he found that there were many people here, just like the golden pool in the past, and he felt that there might be a treasure born here.

Many people have left, and it is impossible to stay here to snatch treasures. Now there is a killing god with a sacred beast. What are you doing if you don't run away? There will be no benefits. If there is any conflict, those without strength will be the first to suffer.

So the smarter people left.

The rest are greedy, and there are those who have strength and feel that they can run away. Besides, treasures can only be obtained by those who are destined, and it requires luck or something. It does not mean that whoever is strong can get it.

But they have only heard that treasures are obtained by those who are destined, but they have never heard that fate and opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

What is preparation? For example, if you are strong, the chance of a strong person getting a treasure is always much higher than that of a weak person.

At this time, Qin Chuan looked around and saw the place surrounded by people. He was stunned when he saw it. It was a stone statue, a huge human being, riding an even bigger monster.

This monster is a tiger.

And that stone statue can look like a woman at a glance.

The woman, Tiger, Qin Chuan was stunned and looked at Yue Qingyin and Bai Hu.

This is a legacy.

The inheritance of the White Tiger God of War!

Others may not be able to see it, but Qin Chuan can see that this inheritance can only be obtained by women, and this white tiger is an opportunity. This shocks Qin Chuan. Opportunity, this is opportunity.

It's really amazing. Qin Chuan never expected it to be like this. It seemed that every step was prepared for Yue Qingyin.

No one can take away this inheritance except Yue Qingyin, and Qin Chuan is very happy.

Yue Qingyin seemed to sense something, after all, he had branded the mythical beast White Tiger with his essence and blood.

Qin Chuan asked Yue Qingyin to step forward. With the protection of the sacred beast White Tiger, no one dared to do anything. This inheritance did not last long, but it lasted for three days.

In three days, Yue Qingyin's strength had undergone considerable changes, as well as his overall temperament.

This is the inheritance of the God of War, the inheritance of the White Tiger God of War. A God of War who can ride on a divine beast to fight is naturally extremely powerful.

Three days later, Yue Qingyin opened her eyes. She had a pair of cool and holy eyes, as bright as stars, but that kind of powerful aura, majestic and majestic, made people stop. It was a kind of fierceness and unparalleled, a kind of dominance from a high position. The breath of all things.

Qin Chuan was also a little overwhelmed. He suddenly felt that Yue Qingyin seemed a lot stranger. His temperament changed, as if he was a different person, his eyes and breath.

But when Yue Qingyin saw Qin Chuan, she smiled, walked over, and held his hand.

Qin Chuan smiled.

Seeing Yue Qingyin's changes, others had already guessed that the inheritance had been lost. At this time, many people looked at Yue Qingyin and her white tiger and realized something.

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