Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 200 News of Master Chu Qingzhu【Please...

The two embraced each other quietly, Qin Chuan was very satisfied at this moment, and his heart was indescribably quiet, it was more like a kind of silence speaks louder than sound.

Yuan Su leaned quietly in his arms, looking at the mature handsome face, a little confused, but also a little indescribably happy.

"Susu, what are your plans?" Qin Chuan said softly.

Yuan Su has already acquiesced in this title, it sounds better than that little Susu...

"In a little while, I will rebuild the magic array gate. Some survivors have already been contacted." Yuan Su said softly.

"Well, what identity do you want me to be, deputy sect master? Or the husband of the sect master?" Qin Chuan laughed.

"I will come here by myself at Zhenxianzong, and I will rely on you to help me when I get to Xuanyu." Yuan Su said that he was very jerky when he asked Qin Chuan to help.

Qin Chuan stroked her back: "You are one of my closest people, your affairs are my affairs, no matter what happens, you can't abandon me, silly woman."

"You're stupid!" Yuan Su glared at him coquettishly.

"It looks good. I just like my Susu's staring appearance. She's really feminine." Qin Chuan smiled happily.


"I hate it!" Yuan Su couldn't help laughing.

"Come on, girl, one more sentence, this sentence is really nice." Qin Chuan raised her chin.

Yuan Su bit Qin Chuan as soon as she opened her mouth. This little bastard is getting worse and worse now, but instead she feels her heart is enriched, and she is indescribably warm.

This was an unprecedented performance for Yuan Su, and she had never felt so relaxed before, and it was the first time that she enjoyed such happiness so simply.

Qin Chuan moved his mouth to let her bite, and there was another fuss. Qin Chuan dragged her to Jiuling Mountain, and galloped across the mountain on the golden dragon and bear on the earth.

The cool breeze in the air is very comfortable and makes people feel comfortable.

Qin Chuan is now in a relaxed mood. Although there are still many things to do, generally speaking, he is not walking on eggshells as before, and now has a certain ability to protect himself.

"Qin Chuan, do you hate me?" Yuan Su said softly.

"Don't hate,

No hate at all. "

"Why? You don't hate me when I treat you like that?" Yuan Su looked at him.

"I'm a bitch, I just like you, I can't extricate myself from you." Qin Chuan laughed.

"Go to hell, be serious." Yuan Su glared at him.

"I don't understand either, I just like you, I just want to care for you, take pity on you, and want to treat you like a little girl. Although you say you use me, I really don't feel that you use me. The woman I like, as long as you don't go beyond Bottom line, you can do whatever you want, and I will support you and bear it for you." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Yuan Su really felt a little happy in his heart, a little shy, a little nasty, but he felt warm in his heart at this moment, and it felt good to have a warm embrace to rely on.

Looking up at Qin Chuan: "What's the bottom line?"

"Wild, disrespectful, abusing children..."

"Stop it, I understand." Yuan Su was speechless, and even came out to abuse children.

"Susu, do you think we will have a boy or a girl in the future?" Qin Chuan asked with a smile.

"Go to hell, who is going to have a baby with you." Yuan Su blushed and slapped Qin Chuan.

"Ah, don't you have sex with me? Then who will you have sex with? Absolutely not. You can only have sex with me." Qin Chuan said anxiously and seriously.

Yuan Su was speechless, and opened his mouth to bite Qin Chuan.

A woman like her used to vomit blood from beating people directly, but now she opened her mouth to bite, and of course Qin Chuan was the only one who could bite, and only Qin Chuan could make her show such an angry look of a daughter's family.

"Okay, don't talk about it, let's talk about it when you want to give birth, okay?" Qin Chuan hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Bad guys, bad things are getting more and more hateful." Yuan Su said angrily.

But she knew that she was not angry at all, and she even felt a little indescribably happy and fulfilled, and unconsciously her mentality was different.

Passing through mountain streams, turning over mountains, and crossing creeks, all the way the earth ran smoothly, the two chatted, joked, and occasionally Qin Chuan would sneak up on her and kiss her bitterly.

Qin Chuan is like a child who steals food, he seems to never have enough kisses, Yuan Su let go more than before, and even took the initiative domineeringly...

In this way, until it was dark, Yuan Su would not let Qin Chuan do anything except kiss, and he would not let Qin Chuan touch her with both hands.

Qin Chuan is nineteen years old and no longer has the restrictions of a great martial arts master, but fortunately, she has never experienced a woman, otherwise it would be difficult to hold back.

Qin Chuan temporarily lived in Jiulingzong, studying formations, practicing together, taking walks and eating together, but Qin Chuan returned to his room at night.

A month later, Qin Chuan planned to visit Master Chu's house in Cangyun City, and he wanted to find Master Chu Qingzhu.

Yuan Su sent Qin Chuan out of Jiulingzong.

"Come on, little Susu, I'm leaving, don't you take the initiative." Qin Chuan smiled and moved his face closer.

Yuan Su blushed and took the initiative to kiss him.

Qin Chuan knows how to taste the marrow these days. I don’t know how many times he has kissed her these days. It’s not enough to kiss her. Unfortunately, he can’t do other things, but he has made some progress in a month. upper body only...

Qin Chuan went directly to Cangyun City.

It has been too long since the last time I went to Cangyun City, and Qin Chuan felt very different when he came back this time. At the beginning, a Yun family in Cangyun City almost killed him.

Master Chu's house!

When Qin Chuan stood at Master Chu's house again, he was really moved. The guard standing at the gate of Master Chu's house was obviously taken aback when he saw Qin Chuan.

Because he knew Qin Chuan.

"Young Master Qin!" the guard said in surprise.

"Is the young master there?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Yes, I'll report to you." The guard left quickly after speaking.

Soon Chu Shiyu appeared, with the same demeanor and incomparable chic, accompanied by a woman with a beautiful and dignified appearance and a tall figure. She was holding a child, who should be only a few months old.


Chu Shiyu quickly walked over, and Qin Chuan was also very happy: "Brother Yu!"

The two had a bear hug.

"You're actually married, sister-in-law!" Qin Chuan greeted the woman.

Take out a talisman amulet surrounded by golden light, and bring it to the little guy as a meeting gift.

"Hi, I often hear Yu talking about you." The woman greeted Qin Chuan with a smile.

"Well, by the way, why did you remember it, let alone miss me." Chu Shiyu said suddenly.

"Our aunt has been away for a long time, and there has been no news. Let me come and see. I need to find her urgently. Has she come back?" Qin Chuan laughed.

"I know that's the case. A year ago, my aunt came back once and left a letter. If you come to her, let me give this to you." He took out a sealed letter and handed it to him.

Qin Chuan opened it directly, and was stunned when he saw it.

"Qin Chuan, when I read this letter back then, I was already in the sea of ​​ice crystals. Maybe you already know about my physical condition. You call me aunt. If possible, I hope you can protect Mr. Chu's family."

don't read!


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