Nine Realms God Emperor

Two hundred and six, she is the eldest princess, with the air of an emperor

"If you keep pretending to be stupid, I'll kill you!" the woman said coldly.

"Revenge for kindness, I will save you time and time again, let you drive, and serve as a horse for you to ride. What, now kill the donkey, and kill it when it is used up. You kill me, can you do it? You are a ruthless, merciless, ruthless, femme fatale woman, I should have pushed you away from the very beginning and let them kill you, lest I get into trouble and make a fuss." Qin Chuan said angrily.

The woman was defeated again. Although she knew that what Qin Chuan said was a bit exaggerated, and she didn't really intend to kill him before, she said it after all. "Okay, I was wrong, I apologize to you!"

The woman found that today was like a dream, so unreal, even after today, he himself would not believe that he apologized to a man twice a day.

"Forget it, I see that you have a good attitude in admitting your mistakes, so I forgive you, let's not make an example." Qin Chuan said.

The woman already knew that Qin Chuan did it on purpose, and that he did have good medical skills: "Can we make friends?"

"Forget it, friends can't save money." Qin Chuan said.

The woman was so choked that she almost couldn't breathe, this guy who desperately wants money.

Are you not as good as money?

Qin Chuan narrowed the needle: "Take a good rest, rest for a few days and you'll be fine."

"Are you leaving?" the woman asked.

"You haven't given me the money yet," Qin Chuan said.

"You don't have to pretend, it's almost done." The woman looked at Qin Chuan and said.

"Well, I just arrived at Ba Dynasty's imperial city today, so I won't let you stick to it." Qin Chuan smiled.

In an instant, the wind was calm, and the woman's eyes lit up with that kind of temperament. Before this guy pretended to be a philistine who is a money fanatic, he pretended to be very similar...

Could it be the special physique she encountered? Now she finds that Qin Chuan is more and more different, and she doesn't feel any discomfort now.

Qin Chuan, who returned to his room, took out the little dragon beast, played with it slowly, studied it, and was thinking about women at the same time.

What is her identity, she was born with a human body, this background must not be low, and she was hunted down by so many people?

Isn't it too unwise to wade into this muddy water by yourself?

Unknowingly, three days passed, and the woman's injuries were basically completely healed. In the three days, Qin Chuan helped her get acupuncture six times, and also helped her boil medicine.

Women are inherently cold and indifferent. Qin Chuan rescued her twice, and Qin Chuan has not teased her these days. With his physique and aura, women feel that they should seize this opportunity, or they will be alone for at least a hundred years. , or even a lifetime.

The woman recovered, hesitated for a moment and said to Qin Chuan, "Thank you!"

The two walked out of the Junfeng Pavilion, and the woman took out a gauze and covered her face, only showing her indifferent eyes, like the moon in the starry sky, bright and beautiful.

"Aren't you curious about who I am?" the woman asked as she walked.


"Then why don't you ask?" The woman turned to look at Qin Chuan.

"If you want to say it, you will naturally say it. If you don't want to say it, you just get some lies and lies." Qin Chuan laughed.

"I am the eldest princess of the Overlord Dynasty." The woman said with a sigh.

This identity really stunned Qin Chuan, the only one in Mortal Realm, the identity of this woman can be said to be extremely noble, and the achievements of being born with the emperor's bones are limitless.

"Who wants to chase you down?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Third Prince!" The woman sighed.

Qin Chuan understood that it was still a struggle of interests and power, and he had no interest in it.

"What are your plans?" Qin Chuan asked.

After getting along for a few days, he can barely be considered a friend, so he's just a friend. He doesn't want to make himself uncomfortable due to misogyny.

"I want to go back to Overlord City!" the woman said softly.

She looks very tired, but she is very tired in her heart.

"Forget it, if a good person does it to the end, I'll give you a ride!" Qin Chuan said.

The woman looked at Qin Chuan seriously, and the distance between the two was only about three feet. She looked at Qin Chuan, at that handsome face exuding naturalness, delicate and delicate, and those eyes were clear and beautiful, especially beautiful. Pretending to be a money fan and fooling herself makes me want to laugh. This is one of the most beautiful memories in her life.

"Isn't it pretty?" Qin Chuan said.

"Well, good looking, you are the most beautiful man I have ever seen." The woman smiled lightly.

"I, I'm still a boy, a baby." Qin Chuan said coyly.

Seeing Qin Chuan's death, the woman blushed unexpectedly: "Get lost!"

When the word came out of her mouth, it had a special charm, coquettish and feminine.

The two of them rode the woman's Flying Golden Wolf and only flew out for less than an hour. The eldest princess' face changed, and Qin Chuan also saw it. Several black spots in the distance chased after them.

The eldest princess was about to fall, but at this moment Qin Chuan said: "Fly to the heights!"

She seemed to trust Qin Chuan very much, and directly let the Flying Golden Wolf fly high.

Soon the opponent came after him.

It turned out to be Gale Eagle Shadow. This kind of monster's strength barely reached the Transcendent Realm, but its speed was absolutely top-notch, at least in the Mortal Realm.

The Gale Eagle looks like an eagle, but it is ferocious. It looks particularly ferocious. Its body is 20 meters long, and its wings are nearly 100 meters wide. It is a wind-type monster, and its speed is its biggest specialty.

"Eldest princess, today we have also opened our eyes. When will you be able to meet men? I have admired the eldest princess for a long time. If you marry me, it will not be considered an insult to you." A middle-aged man smiled and said.

Qin Chuan looked at this man calmly. He looked young, but his age should be over a hundred years old, and his strength had also reached the extraordinary nine-level realm.

He is a master of the third prince's subordinates, and he has a lot of status. If the third prince can really succeed, then this person's status will naturally not be low. It is really okay to marry a princess.

The eldest princess did not speak, and this man was not surprised. He looked at Qin Chuan and said, "Young man, you make me envious. You can win the favor of the eldest princess, and you can die without regret."

"You don't have to be envious, and you can't be envious. When you get old, you still have to look like an old man. Don't you feel sick like this?" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

This man has a good face, and he doesn't like people saying that he is old, especially he doesn't like it.

"Boy, have you ever heard of beauty's troubles? It takes strength to like beautiful women. The most difficult thing to bear is beauty's favor. Can you bear it?" The man narrowed his eyes, his eyes were like blades.

There are still several Gale Eagles around, and there are several old men on it.

"Want to kill me? Come, let's see who kills who." After Qin Chuan finished speaking, the Flying Golden Wolf flew high into the sky.

"Hmph, did you run away?"

Several gale eagles chased Qin Chuan and the eldest princess in a besieging manner.

God Pupil Xianwei!

The golden light flashed!

directly suppressed.

With a smile on Qin Chuan's face, he took out a mysterious heavy bow and attached a talisman arrow to it.

Tyrannosaurus Archery!

The golden light is shining!


Qin Chuan directly locked on the Gale Eagle with an arrow and shot it away.


With the locking of the golden pupil, the Gale Eagle couldn't escape at all.

The arrow branches overflowing with golden light directly shocked the old man above, this arrow was really too violent.

The Gale Eagle was shot, and the old man above rose into the air.

He was about to call others to save him.

But at this moment, another arrow shot.

He watched helplessly as this gorgeous arrow shot through his throat.



And the middle-aged man rushed towards the eldest princess.

He opened his palm, that hand was crystal clear with jasper, and mysterious energy spewed out from the five fingers, like a spider web, he grabbed towards the eldest princess.

Emerald Spider Silk Hand!

The eldest princess raised her hand and shot it with one hand.

There was a natural emperor's air, but at this moment, that jade hand seemed to have a kind of coercion like a mountain.

Born to be an emperor!

This is the ability of the human emperor bone.


It directly shattered the man's attack, and even sent the man flying back upside down, his blood rolling.

"Your injury is healed?" The man looked at the eldest princess in disbelief.

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