Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2149 The Hou family is destroyed

[Book title: Nine Realms God Emperor Text Chapter 214: I am a redundant person]

The latest chapter of "God Emperor of the Nine Realms" Dear ~ The domain name of this website: "1, easy to remember! Highly recommended for good novels: Peak of Martial Arts, Legend of the Dragon King, Eternal Heart, King of Ten Thousand Realms, Martial God, World of Snow Eagles, Lord of the Ancient Stars, Treading the Sky Wuhen Qinchuan becomes more and more comfortable as he fights. They say that fighting against masters is a reward in itself. This statement is correct. In addition to cultivation and strength, you also need to have knowledge and experience.し

These are also very important, just like those gangsters who fight in the streets. Ordinary people who have practiced martial arts for several years are no match for them. These people have too much practical experience and they fight badly.

Dazzling eyes, kicking in the crotch, pulling hair, throwing lime to disturb...

Anyway, they are just using dirty tricks one after another. Generally speaking, their strength is not very different, so they are no match for them. If they don’t know their details, they will easily suffer disaster.

And the monkey was already getting irritable.

Although he is smart, he is not a human after all. Humans are the top of the primate species. Even humans can sometimes be stupid, confused, difficult to choose, and at a loss in times of crisis.

What's more, this is just a monkey. Monkeys are the easiest to get angry and angry. Naturally, they can't calm down at this time.

The monkey began to fight with all his strength. He didn't care or even dodge anymore, and faced Qin Chuan. This time, Qin Chuan could use many of his methods.

The battle gradually became completely tilted. At first, everyone could see that Qin Chuan was no match for the monkey, but now the monkey was no match for Qin Chuan at all.

The monkey's brutal emotions completely broke out, and the more furious he became, the monkey was now thinking about how to kill Qin Chuan and tear Qin Chuan into pieces, but at this time Qin Chuan had completely mastered the rhythm.

Bang bang!

This monkey was extremely resistant to beatings. Qin Chuan's attacks found it difficult to injure it, but the yin and yang divine power made the monkey suffer so much that he almost went crazy.


The golden light flashed, a brilliant golden light spread across the ground, and then Qin Chuan was surprised to find that the monkey disappeared. Qin Chuan used the Dragon Seeking Technique to feel it, and was extremely shocked. The monkey ran away and went directly to an extremely distant place.

This distance is no closer than the distance between Chu Master Qingzhu's breath.

It was good that it ran away, otherwise Qin Chuan would have to kill it, but he didn't want to kill it. Now that the monkey ran away, people like the head of the Hou family lost their protective umbrella, and it was time to end.

Qin Chuan looked at the head of the Hou family with a smile.

The head of the Hou family suddenly flashed and fled into the distance.

But no matter how fast he was, it was useless. Unless it was the ground-spanning golden light similar to the monkey's before, he would not be able to escape at all. The Earth Golden Dragon Elephant directly used Earth Movement, immediately making the distance he ran out in vain.

Nine palaces transposition!

The earth moves!

Then the head of the Hou family found that he was running rapidly in the direction of Qinchuan. He was shocked for a moment. He was obviously running in the opposite direction of Qinchuan, but now he was running towards Qinchuan.

There is no need to think about the reason. At least this shows that it is not difficult at all for the other party to catch him.


This time Qin Chuan was no longer polite. He almost lost his life before, so this time he used Shinto Steps to cooperate with Yao Hai's attack, making him unable to guard against it.

The head of the Hou family covered his throat with both hands, blood pouring out from the corners of his mouth. Qin Chuan's previous blow directly hit the opponent's throat.


At the end of the battle, everything is pale in the face of absolute speed. Absolute speed allows thousands of troops to just watch and kill whoever they want.

The Hou family is over. The Imperial Master has not killed many people, not even Young Master Hou. However, he is now bound to die and in pain. He cannot see, hear, or move. His whole body is in great pain, and his consciousness is even a little confused.

The Hou family is over, but someone will soon come to power to support the Hou family, but this has nothing to do with Qinchuan. The Hou family in the Qingtian Kingdom is over. Some are happy and some are worried. The royal family of the Qingtian Kingdom is naturally happy, but very worried.

Because if the other party can destroy the Hou family, they can also destroy their royal family, so they are worried whether the other party will take action against them, but they know that this possibility is very small.

The royal family paid great attention to this matter from the beginning, and naturally knew the reason. This was revenge, and the revenge of the Xiao family in their own country. Therefore, the royal family had already made its own plans to support the Xiao family to replace the Hou family.

Qin Chuan, Di Shi and Xiao Qifeng returned to the Xiao family. Di Shi and Qin Chuan went to the burial place of Di Shi's mother. Di Shi was very sad, but he felt much more relaxed.

In fact, her parents doted on her, and she couldn't help but feel distressed when she thought of her mother's voice and appearance. She missed her mother very much, but there was no hope of seeing her again in this life. It had been many years.

Missing you is a disease and pain. Sometimes it makes people really sad, sad and painful. It hurts so much that you can't breathe.

But the past has passed and you can never come back. Cherish, learn to cherish, cherish what you have now, because you don’t feel anything now, but when you lose it, you will realize how luxurious it was at the beginning.

Only when you lose it do you know how to cherish it, only then do you know how to regret it, and then you regret why you didn’t know how to cherish it in the first place.

The emperor kowtowed a few times in reality, and Qin Chuan also followed. This is the emperor's elder, the emperor is his woman, and this head should be kowtowed.

The Imperial Master wanted to say something, but didn't. He just looked at Qin Chuan with softer eyes.

She was sitting there talking softly, recalling bits and pieces of the past, or talking about interesting things from her childhood.

It was only when I went back that I realized something big had happened to the Xiao family.

Xiao Qifeng is dead.

Only a letter was left for the emperor. The emperor shed tears and pressed a letter in his hand. In his heart, Xiao Qifeng asked the emperor to live well, live well, and live happily. She was very happy and asked her not to be sad.

He made his own decision. He told the Imperial Master that he missed the Imperial Master's mother so much. The reason why he had been living so hard all these years was because he was unwilling to do so. Now that his great revenge was avenged and he was free, he was going to see her mother.

The emperor's master was very sad. He came, but his father also left. But it was better to leave happily than to live in pain.

There is no longer any concern for her here. Her mother is gone. In fact, she is mainly here for her father. Now that her father has untied his heart and is freed, he has left. The emperor knows that he will not come here again in the future.

After burying her father, she felt empty in her heart. At least she still had some thoughts before, but she knew that there is no such thing as a banquet that never ends. It was just a little early. No one in this world can accompany you to the end, only you.

Not even your children, not even your partner, can stay with you until the end.

Living is a kind of loneliness. You must learn to adapt and adjust, otherwise it will be really difficult to survive.

Qin Chuan and the Emperor's Master left. The Xiao family tried their best to save them, but the Emperor's Master didn't respond at all. She was merciful by not doing anything to these people.

Going back is naturally simple, just use Tianmen Escape.

This time, it was like a dream. The Imperial Master looked at Qin Chuan, looked around, and sighed softly. 166 novel reading network

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