Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2191 Level 16 Talisman Seal

Qin Chuan never felt anything about Jiang Ranran, was not angry, and never liked her, so he always treated her as a stranger he knew. This article is sponsored by www. lwχs520. com first release


Although Qin Chuan knew that the other party might be waiting for him, he didn't know that the relationship between the two had always been bad, so Qin Chuan had always ignored her. Of course, Qin Chuan was also ignored by Jiang Ranran.

Only this time Jiang Ranran stopped Qin Chuan.

"Something's wrong!" Qin Chuan asked.

"Qin Chuan, the Falling Flower Goddess is not suitable for you." Jiang Ran said seriously.

Qin Chuan instinctively wanted to refute her, but he thought that she had nothing to do with him, so why bother arguing with her.

"Is this why you came to me to talk to me?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Qin Chuan, I am doing this for your own good. Think about your background. You have to rely on my father to get into Chuzhou College. Do you know how powerful my brother's family is? They are much more powerful than mine."

Qin Chuan said nothing.

Jiang Ranran thought Qin Chuan had listened, and her face softened a little before she said, "A woman like Luo Hua is not something ordinary people can have. Beauty has been a disaster since ancient times, and I don't want you to lose your life because of it."

Qin Chuan smiled bitterly. Do you want to thank her for this? Is this for your own good? Why does it feel weird? As expected, the following words prove it.

"Qin Chuan, you can't compare with Crazy Young Master or Zhao Hao. It's better to find an ordinary girl. It's good for you and everyone. I don't want it to be difficult for me to lower my price because of you. Who can Everyone knows that you are close to my Jiang family."

Qin Chuan was in pain, but he couldn't refute, or he didn't want to refute, not at all. Of course, he wouldn't agree with Jiang Ranran's words.

But since it was about family, Qin Chuan simply kept silent. Sometimes silence is actually the best answer.

Another thing is that Qin Chuan should not bother to answer anything now.

Jiang Ranran is a typical powerful girl, and Qin Chuan dislikes her very much.

Along the way back, Jiang Ranran kept talking about great principles, with a preaching expression. He seemed to be getting more and more addictive and could hardly stop.

"We're home!" Qin Chuan didn't even look at her.

Leave directly and return to your own courtyard.

This is the independent place of Qinchuan.

Sit down and start practicing as usual, first try the basic martial arts taught by today's teacher, and then start trying, integrating and extending.

This process is a wonderful one. Qin Chuan likes this process very much. It feels like turning decay into something magical.

It seems to be a process of growing from small to large, a process of rapid growth. This feeling can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

It can't be spread because no one believes it.

In three days, Qin Chuan suddenly broke through a small realm, and the magical weapon was incomparable. Qin Chuan also knew that this would become slower and slower until it loses this effect.

Then Qin Chuan started carving talismans and seals. Now this breakthrough was just a step away, so Qin Chuan was going to retreat for a while.

I hope I can break through, and then my own strength can be broken through, and I hope I can deal with the trouble of the crazy young man in front of me.

There is this rule of non-behavior between warriors. There is no deep hatred and hatred. The other party cannot be disturbed when they are in retreat.

So now Qin Chuan's seclusion is a safe way. Of course, Qin Chuan is not afraid, but rushes to the seclusion to break through. Then you can compete with that crazy young man.

Carving, pieces of jade are broken, and then continues. As time goes by, the talismans on the jade become clearer and more complete.

But it was still breaking into powder, but Qin Chuan continued methodically and steadily as if he didn't feel anything.

One day has passed!

Two days have passed!

a week has passed!

The crazy young man went to find Qin Chuan, but found that Qin Chuan had not shown up for a week. Now there were rumors outside that Qin Chuan was afraid and was hiding.

"This Qin Chuan is still very smart. He knows how to hide. This is the ability to bend and stretch. If he confronts the crazy young man head-on, he can only be a fool."

"As a warrior, he actually flinched. A warrior can't flinch even if he bleeds. This is the heart of martial arts. This Qin Chuan is disgraceful. It's useless for me to think highly of him. He turns out to be so unbearable."

"You are so powerful, then why don't you go play with Crazy Young Master?" Someone nearby couldn't help but say.

"Why should I go? The crazy young man didn't bother me?"

"Oh, damn, I'm sorry that crazy young man didn't trouble you. What can I do if I trouble you like this? Come on, I've troubled you, what can you do?"

The man said this and went up and kicked the man directly.

The man didn't hide, as if he couldn't hide at all. Then the man said, "How do you feel?"

"Not very good? But how do you feel now?"

After saying this, the man raised his foot and kicked it out as fast as the wind.


"If you kick me with your leg, I will break his leg."

It was deathly quiet.

There is actually no reason for this. Fighting between warriors is normal. It doesn't matter if you get injured or something, as long as no one is killed.

In fact, sometimes dead people are not a big deal.

In fact, Qin Chuan is already somewhat famous in Chuzhou College. This is because of Luo Hua. During the orientation event, Luo Hua took the initiative to throw himself into his arms and then left together.

Many people have seen people go to Yuanyang Lake, the Yuanyang Forest, where men and women meet for trysts, and even where men and women can be intimate.

So many people were heartbroken, and because of this, Qin Chuan's reputation spread quickly.

After all, many people thought that Qin Chuan had already picked this extremely beautiful imperial daughter flower.

Although nothing actually happened between the two of them, they were indeed like a couple, with that kind of harmony and that kind of psychological feeling.

Although it is a bit strange, it is extremely familiar inside. Everything seems to be back to the past, back to that time.

For Luo Hua, Qin Chuan loved, fell in love, cherished, truly loved her, and this would not change, even if it was just because she was willing to leave her only chance of survival to herself.

On the ninth day, Qin Chuan held a complete jade stone with a lifelike dragon pattern on it. It was extremely complex and exquisite, exuding mysterious power.

Level 16 talisman!


At the same time, the energy of heaven and earth poured into Qinchuan's body and transformed into Qinchuan's own vitality.

Carving talismans communicates between heaven and earth. The moment it is carved, a mysterious dragon talisman has actually been formed in Qin Chuan's body.

The new, sixteenth-level realm absorbs the energy of heaven and earth, and at the same time allows Qin Chuan's realm to continuously break through.

Two small realms.

Now that Qin Chuan has reached the ninth level of the Immortal King Realm, his strength has greatly increased, and this is Fu Zhuan. The breakthrough of Fu Zhuan means that Qin Chuan's formation and formation divine status will also break through in the near future. At that time, he can try to attack the Immortal King. territory.

If Huan was not so confident before, but now there is a magical teacher teaching the basics of martial arts, with this blessing, there will definitely be no problem.

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