Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2200 The extremely depressed Zhao Hao

Sometimes people are like this. Saying something good is based on principle and persistence, but saying something bad is self-contradiction, and it's just to support yourself. Fastest update

There is obviously a shortcut right in front of us, and it is orthodox. As long as we go through it, everything will be achieved, but we hesitate.

Now Qin Chuan has not chosen to take another path, because as long as he is with Zhao Han for seven days, he has not deviated from this path.

If Zhao Han disagrees and Qin Chuan uses bad means for his own cultivation, then it is Qin Chuan's fault. This is the devil's way, and he will do whatever it takes to improve his cultivation.

But now that Zhao Han has volunteered, he still doesn't want to take this path. To be honest, Qin Chuan himself despises himself a little.

You said there was a knot in your heart, but the knot in your heart has been solved. Besides, there is no need to pursue the knot in your heart, just like when Yuan Su took action.

It's the same, there are reasons. Where are the facts? You can forgive Yuan Su, why can't you forgive Zhao Han?

Yuan Su for his own innocence, Zhao Han for his brother?

Qin Chuan thought about it, if it were him, if his relatives were bullied, he would take action, so why should he be resentful?

If you are worried about something and mind something very much, doesn't this prove that you care about Zhao Han?

I keep telling myself that I don’t like her, why don’t I like her, why do I still do this if I don’t like her?

Everyone has a love for beauty. Qin Chuan is a normal man. It is normal to like women, but it is abnormal not to like them. The reason for this is that there is a little guilt in his heart that having too many women is unfair to every woman.

But the powerful men in this world have many women, especially in big families. The more powerful the powerful, the less likely they are to have heirs. If there is only one woman, then all of them will definitely be extinct.

This is also a reason, so if it is a man, of course a strong man will have many women.

Shaking his head, Qin Chuan now knew that he and Zhao Han would definitely come together. If nothing else, the two of them would do the same.

This is fate, something that is difficult to get rid of in life. Even if you grit your teeth and fight, you will find that it is in vain.

Zhao Han, who returned to her place at the same time, was heartbeating very fast. She was a little worried when she thought about it today. Her list was too big, and the more she thought about it, the more she blushed.

Especially what I saw and what she said, my face feels hot when I think about it now, but I don’t know why I was so happy. My heartbeat was really pounding like a deer.

This feeling is very beautiful. She has also heard it in books. After all, many people praise the beauty of love and the feeling of heartbeat. How many people sacrifice everything in pursuit of their love.

There are too many of these stories, and there are even some fairy tales. They are all love stories, which shows the beauty of love.

She also felt something today. That kind of feeling cannot be exchanged for anything else. When you encounter this kind of thing, you must cherish it and grasp it.

So she bravely took this step. Even if she failed, she didn't regret it. She fought for it, because she knew that if she didn't fight for it, she might really have no chance.

"You are really my nemesis!" Zhao Han said softly, with a shy smile on his face as he spoke.

At the same time, a young man in another courtyard was extremely depressed.

Zhao Hao!

Today I saw my sister and Qin Chuan together. He is not a fool. It can be seen that my sister has fallen in love with this boy.

He didn't like Qin Chuan, he didn't like her very much, he even said he hated her to the core. Originally, he thought he had stolen the girl Qin Chuan wanted to be engaged to, and he was very happy and proud, and the man's heart was satisfied.

But looking at it now, it's not like that at all. Jiang Ranran is very beautiful, but she is far behind Luo Hua, and far behind her sister...

But now both women are attracted to Qin Chuan.

When he robbed Jiang Ranran, in Zhao Hao's view, he was the one who robbed Jiang Ranran.

He snatched his beloved woman from Qin Chuan's hands.

He deliberately spread this matter, and many people knew about it, and he was proud of it. Many people would talk about it, and Qin Chuan also heard a lot about it.

But Qin Chuan didn't take it to heart. After all, he didn't like Jiang Ranran, and he didn't think about it. Zhao Hao hadn't been put in Qin Chuan's eyes yet, and he didn't feel any provocation.

But the slap in the face was too fast and too hard. Luo Hua threw herself into Qin Chuan's arms in front of everyone. Luo Hua is a god, Luo Hua is the goddess, and this is the most beautiful woman in Chuzhou College.

Such beings are all taking the initiative to throw themselves into their arms. What does Jiang Ranran mean? Not on the same level at all.

Apart from anything else, no one would think that Qin Chuan likes Jiang Ranran now. After all, in everyone's eyes, having the Luo Hua Goddess as a woman is enough.

If he still has another woman, then this man is sinful and unforgivable, so it is also because of this that Zhao Hao loses his face.

Regardless of whether the flower mentioned before is real or fake, even if it is real, it is just a broken shoe taken from Qin Chuan, and he regards it as a treasure.

But now, the matter between Qin Chuan and Zhao Han has been completely spread, and someone has even confirmed that Zhao Han is a woman. This was learned from Zhao Hao, because she called her sister and accidentally let it slip.

Just like this, the storm blew up again. After all, Zhao Han was no less a goddess than Luo Hua. She had a better family background and was also a genius.

And Zhao Hao once again became a joke. This time, he robbed someone of a broken shoe. Of course, according to Zhao Hao, he was the one who robbed Qin Chuan's Jiang Ranran.

In fact, no one believes that Zhao Hao robbed Jiang Ranran now, because no one feels that Qin Chuan would like Jiang Ranran.

Now, all his sisters who are like goddesses have followed him. You just wanted to embarrass the Ran family, who is more embarrassed now?

Qin Chuan was unassuming and unassuming. Not only did he win over the Luohua Goddess and Zhao Han, but he also defeated Crazy Young Master and others.

For a time, he was in the limelight and became a famous figure in Chuzhou College. Even many elders, teachers and others knew about it.

Many people envy Qin Chuan, he is really lucky.

Some strong men in the academy also thought of using some means, but the Luohua Goddess was very powerful, and they had no choice.

And Zhao Han doesn't know whether he is a boy or a girl. Some people can ignore the gender. After all, Zhao Han can kill everyone like this.

But Zhao Han is a member of the Zhao family, and no one of these people dares to mess around. Besides, Zhao Han's abilities are unfathomable.

Well now, Zhao Han is indeed a woman, which makes countless people jealous of Qin Chuan and want to kill him and replace him.

Now Qin Chuan is becoming more and more mysterious. Many people want to know where Qin Chuan comes from, but they can't find out. As for Zhao Hao saying that he came from a small place, others will naturally not believe him. He is so outstanding.

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