Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2202: Mrs. Jiang with an ugly face

"Aren't you with Zhao Hao?" Qin Chuan asked. ??Required?·??Books?·

"He is not suitable for me. I don't like him. Now I feel that you are better than him and you have great potential. I am optimistic about you. Although you seem to be superior to me now that you are with me, in the future, you will definitely be able to stand out. Then no one will say that you are trying to reach me, I don't mind, I will be good to you." Jiang Ranran said emotionally.

After listening to Jiang Ranran's words, Qin Chuan wanted to say one word now, so he said one word to Jiang Ranran.


After Qin Chuan finished speaking, he turned around and left. He had no intention of arguing with her. This kind of stupid and arrogant woman was the most annoying thing.

"Qin Chuan, just wait for me, I will make you look good." Jiang Ranran shouted loudly.

With many people watching around her, she finally stomped away.

If she were normal, no matter who she liked, even for the teacher's sake, he wouldn't care, but what she did made Qin Chuan disgusted.

Back at Jiang's house, Qin Chuan went to see the palace master.

"Chuan'er is back!" The palace master saw Qin Chuan and casually asked him to sit down.

"Teacher, nothing happened recently!"

"The martial arts exchange conference is already being prepared. Don't leave during this time. This exchange conference is very grand. Not only Chuzhou, but many surrounding places are participating. Moreover, the exchange conference is not only about martial arts exchanges, but also treasures and elixirs. What kind of communication, this is a grand event.”

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up after hearing this. This was something he didn't expect. He had a lot of things in his hands, including pills and many useless treasures.

And some of them are quite good. Qinchuan Chaos Furnace can refine them. For example, those useless and low-grade treasures can be refined together directly, and a new treasure will appear. ????·??Book·

Of course, the ability of this new treasure is biased toward refining, or it can be said that this treasure has various abilities, but its power fluctuates. Therefore, the current state of the Chaos Furnace, even if it fluctuates to the maximum, is very limited. If it is not refined, Qin Chuan was shocked by the treasure.

So this time I can try my luck at the exchange meeting, and maybe I can find some unexpected good things.

Jiang Ranran also came back, not in high spirits and with an ugly face. After coming back, he went directly to find his mother.

"What's wrong with Ran Ran? Who messed with our Ran Ran?" Mrs. Jiang Tao said with concern.

"Mom, Qin Chuan is mean to me, scolds me, and tells me to get out!" Jiang Ranran started crying as she spoke.

The woman's face was extremely ugly, and she sneered and said: "In my house, you eat my food, drink my food, and live in my house. You look like a wolf and tell my daughter to get out. He will get out of my house today."

Jiang Ranran has thought about it and wants Qin Chuan to get out. Don't you look down on me very much? I will let you get out.

The woman and Jiang Ranran rushed directly to Qin Chuan and the palace master.

"Qin Chuan, you white-eyed wolf, get out of here. Get out of my Jiang house immediately. I don't want to see you again." Mrs. Jiang shouted loudly.

The palace master went out and said in confusion: "Brother and sister, what's going on?"

"Brothers and sisters? Huh, whoever gets along with whoever they are. Ask this kid what he did. He hurt my Ran Ran and told her to get out. Do you think there is any justice left? He must get out today." Mrs. Jiang said forcefully. said.

Qin Chuan shook his head slightly, too lazy to say a word or even look at Jiang Ranran. He smiled at the palace master and said, "Teacher, see you at the martial arts exchange conference!"

"Chuan'er, what's going on?" The palace master frowned.

"Teacher, believe me. I didn't do anything. I'll go live in the college!" Qin Chuan said.

"Hmph, it's our family's contribution that you can enter the college. Believe it or not, I will ask you to get out of Chuzhou College immediately." Mrs. Jiang said unforgivingly.

"Try it!" A voice came at this time.

When Qin Chuan heard this,

Of course you know who is coming.

Zhao Han!

Zhao Han's attire has not changed. She is stunningly beautiful and indescribably beautiful. Her current attire has not changed, but her hairstyle and some details are all those of a girl.

Anyone who looks at it now will think that she is a peerless beauty.

"Who are you?

Mrs. Jiang asked tentatively.

"Mom, she is Zhao Han, Zhao Hao's sister, the genius of the Zhao family." Jiang Ranran said with displeasure.

Just Zhao Hao made the Jiang family fawn over him. What was Zhao Hao, just a playboy, and what was Zhao Han, that was the treasure of the Zhao family.

The woman couldn't calm down now, but he had no other abilities. He was very capable of flattery and flattery. Of course, he added insult to injury, used excuses, and had a strong instinct to look down on others.

"It turns out it's Miss Zhao. I'm looking for you to come to my Jiang family. It really makes my Jiang family shine. Come on, I'll go into the house and talk..."

Zhao Han didn't seem to hear her, but walked up to Qin Chuan and asked with concern: "Are you okay? As long as I'm here, I won't allow others to bully you!"

Qin Chuan was moved and amused in his heart. This woman, if she said that he was not true, she was just eating soft food...

But it didn't matter if he was eating soft food. Qin Chuan didn't feel much. Instead, he was very happy and gently held her hand.

"Why are you here!" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

"I just wanted to come and see you. I didn't expect them to bully you like this. Why didn't you tell me that if you don't want to argue with them, just move out and live with me at Zhao's house, okay?" Zhao Han said earnestly.

"I'm afraid your father will beat me to death." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Father loves me the most, no way." Zhao Han said with a red face.

"I definitely can't live here anymore. I'll just live in the college!" Qin Chuan said.

There was a hint of disappointment in Zhao Han's eyes. Qin Chuan naturally saw it and smiled: "After the martial arts exchange conference is over, I will go to your house to propose marriage, okay?"

Zhao Han knew that Qin Chuan had seen what she was thinking, and his face turned red and he said angrily, "Who said I was going to marry you."

Qin Chuan couldn't help but smile when he saw her cute appearance. Girls, beautiful girls are particularly touching when they are shy and coquettish.

"You really don't want to marry me?" Qin Chuan smiled softly.

The two people were talking softly here. Although the others couldn't understand what they said, their expressions made people envious.

After all, Qin Chuan is the most good-looking among men, and needless to say, Zhao Han, the two of them together are truly a match made in heaven.

Besides, the two people's physiques are really the best match, a perfect match.

Mrs. Jiang is panicking now. The Zhao family can't afford to offend them. If Qin Chuan becomes the uncle of the Zhao family, especially if he becomes Zhao Han's husband, it will be okay. Then it will be easy for him to ravage the Jiang family...

"Miss Zhao, listen to me, don't be deceived by him. He is just an incompetent disciple of mine who worships his brothers. He is not worthy of Miss Zhao at all. He is a liar. He originally wanted to marry Ran Ran of my family, but his background Too low, he is not even worthy of my Ran Ran, how can he be worthy of finding a young lady..."

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