Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2206: The horror and shock of the Yin and Yang Steps of Heaven and Earth

[Title of the book: The 22nd Horror of the Nine Realms God Emperor text, shocking the author: I am a superfluous person]

The latest chapter of "God Emperor of the Nine Realms"~ The domain name of this website: "1, easy to remember! Good novels are highly recommended: God of War, King of Ten Thousand Realms, Martial Peak, Snow Eagle Lord, Dragon King, Legend of Eternity, Stepping on the Sky without Traces, Full-time Mage Qin Chuan saw Zhao Han's worry and said with a smile: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, you can eat well and sleep well, and you will be fat and healthy. 》し”

Zhao Han rolled his eyes at Qin Chuan angrily: "I'm not a pig..."

The atmosphere was no longer so depressing. Zhao Han leaned into Qin Chuan's arms and said softly: "The Lu family in Zhongzhou cannot be underestimated. They are very powerful."

"How powerful?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Our Zhao family can't keep up with us. We regret our marriage this time. Even if we are from the Zhao family, there are people who won't let us go. We have to be on guard." Zhao Han sighed.

Qin Chuan was stunned: "You mean there are people in the Zhao family who want to kill us?"

"I didn't know before. If I marry the Lu family now, someone in the Zhao family must know it. They are afraid that the Lu family will anger the Zhao family and will definitely kill us so that the Lu family will not be embarrassed." Zhao Han looked at it. Looking at Qinchuan.

"Doesn't your father care?" Qin Chuan asked.

"I can't control it even if I want to."

"Why?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Father must give them an explanation for this matter. If father says you can handle the Lu family, then they will bring it up to test us."

Zhao Han didn't stop as he spoke, and continued: "If my father stops me, they will say, if the two of us can't even deal with them, how can we deal with the Lu family?"

Qin Chuan shook his head: "People from the Zhao family will not feel sad if I kill you!"

"Don't be sad. If they want us to die, we must be prepared to die. This home is no longer the home I imagined." Zhao Han said slowly with his eyes closed.

Qin Chuan didn't say anything, nor would he comfort him. This was a step in everyone's growth, especially those from aristocratic families, which they must know.

When thinking about a big family, you have to rely on yourself and the blessing of your family. You should never want to be a pillar. Getting up early can give you blessing. If you want to be a dandy with no ambition to make progress, you can continue to accept the blessing.

But if you want freedom, want to soar into the sky, and want to break out of the circle of restraint, you have to become the strongest and surpass the family you belong to.

Zhao Han now has no choice but to die, or become an untouchable being to the Zhao family and directly confront the Lu family.

Many things happened very quickly. The next day, the three people arrived outside Zhao Han and Qin Chuan's small courtyard.

Although this is Chuzhou College, the Zhao family is very powerful, not to mention dealing with their own household affairs, so no one intervenes.

There were three middle-aged men who came. In fact, these three middle-aged men were brothers of the head of the Zhao family. Well, they were just half-brothers or uncles.

Qin Chuan and Zhao Han naturally knew why they came, and these people were not polite. The old man at the head said to Zhao Han: "Zhao Han, you ruined the Zhao family's family tradition. I won't say much else. According to the rules , it’s a capital crime, what can you say.”

Zhao Han frowned, and Qin Chuan said directly, "Do you know, if you care too much, you will die quickly. Since you are the elder Han'er, I will treat your previous words as farts. Get out now. I won't argue with you. If You don’t know what is good or bad, I don’t mind killing you here.”

"Presumptuous, you have no right to speak here. You will definitely die today, little bastard, if it weren't for you..."


The man who was still cursing opened his eyes wide, covered his neck with his hands, and blood was pouring out.


In the end, the law enforcement department fell down after a few short words, but Qin Chuan was still standing there, but now he had a bloody dagger in his hand.

Qin Chuan lowered the dagger in his hand, and the blood on it slid down and dripped to the ground, with blood droplets flying everywhere.

But the surface of the dagger has returned to its bright shine, not even a drop of blood is sticky, and it is shiny and clean.


The scene was quiet, deathly quiet, fast, too fast. Everyone knew it was Qin Chuan who killed him, but they could only see Qin Chuan's figure flashing.

They couldn't even keep up with Qin Chuan's speed with their eyes, so they couldn't fight at all. The speed gap between the two sides was really too big.

In fact, Qin Chuan was extremely shocked inside now, because this speed surprised him beyond words.

Shinto step!

After breaking through to the Immortal Emperor Realm, even the divine steps have undergone tremendous changes, but Qin Chuan knows that this is not entirely an improvement in strength.

It's more about the abilities brought by the Yin-Yang Avenue and this time's dual cultivation.

Yin and Yang are reconciled. Qinchuan's body was too masculine before, but now it has reached a true balance of Yin and Yang, so his abilities such as Yin and Yang Avenue will also undergo a qualitative change.

The Shinto Step is also called the Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang Step. In one step, the actual and false yin and yang can change at will, and the power is terrifying.

What surprised Qin Chuan was that he had improved too much, and Jianzhi had changed from a puppy to a fierce tiger before.

This kind of progress is no longer simple progress, it is a leap, substantial, and the realm may not have changed much, but the actual combat has changed.

It's like the essence has changed. It was just a piece of wood and now it's an iron lump. This change is huge.

Qinchuan has undergone tremendous changes, and so has Zhao Han. Zhao Han originally had a yin and yang constitution, but the yin energy was too strong. This time, after merging with Qinchuan's yin and yang, the yin and yang constitution reached a balance.

The yin and yang constitution has broken through!

This is also the reason why Zhao Han's cultivation level has improved a lot. However, Zhao Han's level is higher than Qin Chuan's, but she feels that Qin Chuan's actual combat strength is much stronger than hers.


It was very quiet. One of the three people who came at this time was dead, and the other two were pale, with cold sweat flowing down drop by drop, and they did not dare to move or wipe.

It can be said that their lives are hanging by a thread now. As long as Qin Chuan takes action, they have no chance of survival. Their heartbeats are constantly accelerating.

Qin Chuan spoke and said calmly: "This is the first time. For Han'er's sake, I don't want to kill anyone, so I take him away. Remember, no matter how many or who come next time, I won't be there." Show mercy.”

The other two people breathed a sigh of relief, bowed and nodded, thanked them, and left with their dead companions.

Zhao Han looked at Qin Chuan with a smile.

She didn't speak, but Qin Chuan saw that she was relieved.

Unless something unexpected happens to the Zhao family, no one will come to trouble him again, but this Lu family should not come for a while unless there is an accident.

For example, someone told the Lu family the news.

There are many forces here, and there are many people who want the Zhao family to die. If these people know the news, they will definitely spread the news. All they need to do is let the Lu family know the news.

You don’t even have to come forward, just stay anonymous.

So Qin Chuan knew that he didn't have much time left for him, so he had to prepare for the next step and stabilize his strength.

Well, martial arts exchanges are about to begin. Maybe this time is a good opportunity. 166 novel reading network

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