Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2214 Lin Zhichong’s Poison

He was beaten to tears without medical treatment. Qin Chuan really didn't expect how wronged he had to be before he could cry. A grown man was still a strong man.

"This, this, I cried after being beaten, am I right?" Someone said in disbelief.

"This coward didn't cry even though most of the others' lives were lost. Crying is useless. It's really embarrassing."

"A man doesn't shed tears easily, but he hasn't reached the point of sadness. Thinking about how miserable he was before the medicine failed to cure him, he has always been so carefree. How could he accept being so ugly in front of the world."

"This cry will make Yao Buyi unable to hold his head up for the rest of his life. It will also bring shame to the Zhongzhou Medicine Sect. It is estimated that he will be punished by the Zhongzhou Medicine Sect when he goes back."


A figure walked up to the martial arts platform and slowly said to Yao Buyi: "Go back, don't be embarrassed here."

Yao Buyi stopped crying. He seemed to have thought of something, his body trembled, he lowered his head and covered his face and walked away. He himself was a little out of control.

If it happened again, he would probably hold back his tears.

The medicine was gone, leaving Qin Chuan and a young man on the stage. This young man looked younger than the medicine.

But Qin Chuan knew that this person's actual age was more than twice as old as Yabu Yi. He just looked young and was considered a young man based on his age.

Because of longevity, the definition of youth is broader, not only looking at appearance, but mainly looking at vitality.

As long as the vitality reaches its peak, he is considered a young man. From what he said before about medicine not curing, it can be seen that he is also from the Zhongzhou Medicine Sect.

Yao Buyi is already a genius of Zhongzhou Medicine Sect, but this person can say this, and dare to stand up when seeing Yao Buyi unable to fight back, it shows that this person is stronger.

And being able to say that medicine does not cure, it means that his status in Zhongzhou Medicine Sect is higher than that of medicine does not cure, and it is not on the same level at all.

This man looked at Qin Chuan with a natural expression on his face. In fact, he was not very unhappy in his heart, and was even a little happy.

Because he made a fool of himself without medicine, and he was so ugly that he would never be able to recover. Otherwise, his talent without medicine would definitely give him a run for his money in many years.

His advantage is that he is stronger than medicine without treatment due to his age.

But the advantage of not curing the disease is that it is young. Now that it is better, it has lost a huge competitor.

As for the disgrace of the Zhongzhou Medicine Sect, it really had nothing to do with him, so he didn't hate Qin Chuan in his heart, but he couldn't pretend to be indifferent on the surface.

He wants to show anger and hatred, and he also wants to regain this position and face for the Zhongzhou Medicine Sect. When the time comes, he and Yao Bu Cure will be opposite, and the other will be right. This kind of contrast will make Yao Bu Cure no matter what will happen in the future. The chance of turning around will also disappear completely.

There is also huge pressure to give medicine or not, so he must play well today.

As for Qin Chuan, he felt that he could definitely win, but he just had to win beautifully.

"Hello, my name is Lin Zhichong, you should have heard of me!" The man looked at Qin Chuan with a very confident look. Although he looked angry, he still felt very arrogant.

"Never heard of it!" Qin Chuan said simply.

Lin Zhichong was stunned. He still had a reputation. The name of ghost doctor Lin Zhichong was still very good, especially among the younger generation.

As long as there is some strength, young people who are qualified to come here to participate in martial arts exchanges must know the strong ones among the younger generation of Wuzhou.

Lin Zhichong is a known existence, which is why Lin Zhichong is so confident, but he didn't expect Qin Chuan to not follow the routine.

In his opinion, Qin Chuan said this on purpose. After all, in his opinion, there were too few young people who didn't know him.

Even some elders would know their existence for the sake of the younger generation, so Qin Chuan naturally didn't believe him when he said he didn't know.

"I don't care if you know it or not, today I will teach you how to behave." Lin Zhichong said with his head held high.

"Be your uncle!" Qin Chuan rolled his eyes and said.

"You, you, you have no quality!" Lin Zhichong was really angry this time. After all, there are so many people, and he is generally a young man, so he will naturally be angry.

"You are worthy of talking about your quality. If you want to fight, just fight. If you don't want to, get out of here. Are Zhongzhou Medicine School full of trash like you? Are you annoying with your chirping?" Qin Chuan said lightly.

This sentence almost made Lin Zhichong vomit blood. Qin Chuan said this to him about the lack of medicine before. He didn't expect that he was wasting his words here and was choked back by the other party again.

Anger, if he wasn't angry before, it can be said that he is furious now, and his anger is burning to the top of his head.

"Since you are so eager to die, I will help you!"

Lin Zhichong raised his hand, and the sky was filled with black fog.


Yao Buyi is good at using poison, but he is only good at it. In front of Lin Zhichong, Yao Buyi's poison is absolutely nothing, and it is not on the same level at all.

This also made Lin Zhichong become anxious. He was so angry that he didn't want to give Qin Chuan any chance, so he directly used his best poison.

Facing the poisonous mist that rushed towards Qin Chuan, Qin Chuan seemed not to see it and had no intention of moving at all.

Everyone around was holding their breath.

Many people looked at Qin Chuan with regret, but many people actually liked Qin Chuan because he was able to defeat Qin Chuan without medicine.

Others are because they like the words that come out of Qin Chuan's mouth, those words that can make people vomit blood, so many people unknowingly think that Qin Chuan is very good.

Many of the women thought Qin Chuan was so handsome, good-looking, with white hair, dressed in white clothes, good temperament, and a hint of immortality.

In addition, the words he said were neither tepid nor hot, but made people vomit blood. That kind of madness, that kind of superiority over the other party, made many girls' hearts flutter.

But now that Lin Zhichong had used the poison, Qin Chuan's entire body was immersed in the poisonous mist, which made many people full of curiosity.

There are many people who do not favor any party. They just come to watch the fun, so who lives or dies has nothing to do with them.

There were also some people who wanted Lin Zhichong to win. These people couldn't stand Qin Chuan's arrogance.

Qin Chuan's performance is seen as arrogant by many people. In addition, Qin Chuan looks good, so many people will be jealous and think that Qin Chuan will be finished.

There were also some people who naturally hoped that Qin Chuan would be alright, just to see how he would counterattack and defeat Lin Zhichong of the Zhongzhou Medicine Sect.

Lin Zhichong's behavior was also very arrogant, and many people naturally couldn't stand him, so many people also hoped that Qin Chuan could beat Lin Zhichong until he cried as if medicine could not cure him.

The poisonous gas filled the air, and both Qin Chuan and Lin Zhichong were surrounded by the poisonous mist, but the poison was caused by Lin Zhichong. Natural beauty will be worried about him. Now there is only one outcome. Will Qin Chuan be poisoned?

It seemed that Lin Zhichong took the initiative in everything.

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