Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 216, Su Ho's life experience is very mysterious

Qin Feng was taken aback when he heard Qin Chuan's words, and finally sighed: "Chuan'er, I know you have your own adventures, and you are not a reckless person, but I still want to say, your mother and I hope you are safe, if you have anything Mishap, I really have no face to see her again. I have you all the way! m”

"I know, Dad, don't worry!" Qin Chuan said.

"Chuan'er, when your mother left, she kept calling your name. She asked me to raise you up and let you live a simple and happy life. She didn't want you to be so dazzling in this life. She only wanted you to be safe and happy. .”

Qin Chuan felt a trace of happiness and a trace of sadness in his heart, as if he saw the original scene in his mind, the beautiful woman left reluctantly.

Leaving behind his own flesh and blood, Qin Chuan was two years old, what kind of heartache it was...

"Chuan'er, behind the Lieyan family is the Fengxue family of Xuanyu, and your mother is the Helian family of Xuanyu. I don't know if your mother is in the Helian family or the Fengxue family." Qin Feng said.

Xuanyu, before going to Xuanyu, it is natural to resolve the conflict with the Lieyan family.

"Chuan'er, if you go to Xuanyu, don't act rashly, you must remember." Qin Feng said.

"I understand!" Qin Chuan nodded seriously.

"Father, I will go to Lie Yan's house after the next year, and you will go with me." Qin Chuan said.

Qin Feng thought for a while and said, "Okay!"


This time Qin Chuan will stay at home for a long time, so he didn't say anything today, and left after dinner.

Qin Feng left with the old man.

Qin Chuan looked at the sky outside and it wasn't too late, the little girl clamored to go out for a stroll.

Su Ho didn't speak, Qin Chuan found that it was fine now, the two adults were holding the little girl's hand, the little girl seemed to like it the most, maybe only Qin Chuan could hold her like this when he came back.

Qin Chuan looked at Su He, she was very quiet, as if he felt Qin Chuan looking at her, his face turned red, he didn't dare to look at Qin Chuan.

This made Qin Chuan very puzzled, even a girl would not be so shy, even if it was due to his own physique, but he felt that Su Ho was not entirely due to his physique.

Qin Chuan felt that she was more like a chick than a woman, and her physique was eaten to death by herself,

But where did her daughter come from?

Qin Chuan was startled and ignored this question all the time.

Also, can a person who can possess a wonderful bone body be an ordinary person?

When he first met her, Su Ho really didn't have any cultivation skills, which made Qin Chuan feel more and more mysterious. He even felt that the marriage between Su Ho and Lao Suntou's child was fake.

A woman like her will soar into the sky in the future, and even become a generation of unparalleled empresses.

How could it appear in such a small place as South Sea City?

Even the little girl Sun Baobao has nothing to do with Lao Suntou. This delicate little girl is definitely not from an ordinary family.

He didn't realize it before, but now he realizes that Su Ho is very mysterious, which makes Qin Chuan speechless.

But all of this is Qin Chuan's guess, and he doesn't know the details.

"Qin Chuan, what are you thinking?" Su Ho seemed to see Qin Chuan lost in thought, and asked in a low voice.

"Miss you!" Qin Chuan laughed.

Soho blushed.

"Father, do you miss me?" the little girl asked immediately.

"Yes, of course I want to, I miss you the most." Qin Chuan said in a deep voice.

Qin Chuan felt a little confused. Su Ho's eyes were the most special, making people unable to see through them. Those beautiful eyes were calm, clear, and calm. Maybe she didn't even know her life experience, otherwise, it would be impossible. It fell to being cornered by a woman.

She is the kind of woman who is naturally motherly, quiet and kind, dignified and gentle.

It was very late, the little girl fell asleep, Qin Chuan carried her back with Su Ho, the two walked very slowly, with a subtle relationship.

"Sister Su, where are you from?" Qin Chuan asked softly.

Su Ho was taken aback, but said without thinking too much: "I'm from South Sea City, but my parents and elder brother died early, so I'm the only one left."

"I'm sorry, Sister Su, we are one family." Qin Chuan reached out to hold her hand.

Su Ho blushed and smiled: "It's nothing, it's been a long time."

Carry the little girl to Su Ho's room, the familiar me is, the familiar ** couch, at this time Qin Chuan didn't know whether to leave or not.

The last time I lived here, but it's been a long time. If the little girl was awake, she would definitely not let Qin Chuan go, but now the little girl is asleep.

"Qin Chuan, you can sleep here, the girl is going to make trouble again if she wakes up and won't see it." Su Ho's voice was very low.

The voice was still a little trembling.

Those gentle words were so pleasant to hear, Qin Chuan hummed.

Su Ho helped Qin Chuan lay down the quilt. She was lying on the bed. From here, Qin Chuan saw that the blood rushed directly to his head, and his round buttocks were raised beautifully...

The beauty is indescribable, she presents the beautiful lines and soft curves of a woman most beautifully, vividly, just like the most beautiful flower blooming.

As if feeling something, Su Ho turned around and saw Qin Chuan staring at him...


Su Ho's face was red and bloodshot, and she stood up directly. She was so ashamed when she thought of her previous posture, and her eyes, although they were still clear, she still saw the eyes of a man.

Qin Chuan was caught straight, and his face was red. Suddenly, he felt that he couldn't stay here any longer. After all, he was caught looking at the other party's butt like that.

"Sister Su, go to bed early, I have something else to do." Qin Chuan felt that he was too dirty and wretched.

"Qin Chuan!"

Su Ho stretched out his hand to hold Qin Chuan, lowered his head slightly, blushed and said nothing.

With a faint fragrance and her seductive appearance with red cheeks, Qin Chuan knew that this woman liked him even if he was just a chick.

"Sister Su!" Qin Chuan called softly.

Su Ho raised his head, his delicate face was blushing, his calm, calm and beautiful eyes, now with a hint of moisture, were charming and so beautiful that it was impossible to look directly at them.

Qin Chuan's heart was beating very fast, very fast, with an impulsive heat, he slowly leaned over and kissed Su Ho's lips.

Su Ho's body tensed all of a sudden, and then he limp in Qin Chuan's arms.

Qin Chuan is now considered a master kisser, very proficient, but he was surprised to find that Su He's kiss was as clumsy and jerky as Yuan Su's before.

This made Qin Chuan feel strange, Yuan Su was just a baby, but Su He already had a child.

The sweat was dripping, and the fragrance was overflowing, but the clumsy kiss back confirmed Qin Chuan's guess more and more.

When Qin Chuan's hand landed on Su Ho's back, he had a perfect body, perfect lines, amazing elasticity, and a wonderful sense of touch.

Shout out!

Su Ho tensed up and bit Qin Chuan's shoulder.

This is a watery woman, Qin Chuan slowly unbuttoned her skirt, Su He instinctively resisted twice, blushing, Qin Chuan's dishonest hands couldn't help but shook twice.

The most beautiful round snowball shape, and the wonderful touch made Qin Chuan's heart rise to the peak. How could he have been so stimulated as a chick.

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