Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2225: Break Master Beizhu’s legs

Hall Master Wu has no way out. Now that he can't bear it any longer, everything he has done before will be in vain.

Since you decided to endure it at the beginning, you must endure it until the end. Even if you still can't succeed in the end and you still die of humiliation, then accept it.

Although he met Qin Chuan and had a good relationship before, it was before that, if Qin Chuan showed his ability now, the effect would be greatly reduced, and there would even be no hope at all.

You haven't helped anything, so why should I help you?

Sometimes people are so strange. Some people know that they are playing with fire, but they still continue to play with fire. It's not that they don't know that it is dangerous, but that dangerous things are exciting.

He told Qin Chuan that he would do something for him if he had the ability in the future, but the conditions were very relaxed and there was no force. He just let Qin Chuan see the situation and be completely free.

I have to say that sometimes it is strange. Lao Luo is very accurate in judging people and is much better than this Hall Master Wu. However, for some people, Hall Master Wu is more popular and easier to convince.

Qin Chuan is such a person.

Qin Chuan likes to make friends with his heart. No matter how far this friend goes, it is still a good relationship. You must cherish this period of time that accompanies your life.

What are friends? They relieve each other's boredom, share some common trajectories, and can help each other to survive better.

Don't talk about using each other, in fact, using each other is not that dirty. Didn't Qin Chuan just want to find someone to bring him into this circle?

This is also taking advantage, and even thinking about paying some price to come in. This is the most normal, and it is also the law of the progress of the world.

As soon as Qin Chuan walked out of the small courtyard, Lao Luo came in a hurry. When he saw Qin Chuan, he said quickly: "Master Wu is being humiliated again. What should I do?"

Although Lao Luo has some abilities, he is really not worth mentioning in front of the Beizhu family, and his strongest ability is not in cultivation.

He is good at understanding people and forming good relationships, and he also has his own characteristics in appraising treasures and enlightenment martial arts. His many powerful abilities will make Lao Luo the enlightenment martial arts teacher of their children.

If it weren't for the Beichu family, Lao Luo would definitely have face. Everyone would give Lao Luo some face, but the Beichu family was not in this category.

Qin Chuan frowned: "Is he the enemy of Hall Master Wu?"


Beiju family, the largest family in Wuzhou, don't be impulsive, let's go see how we can stop it, I have no choice. "Lao Luo said anxiously.

Qin Chuan and Lao Luo walked while talking, and soon arrived at the martial arts field of Chuzhou Academy.

At this time, many people had gathered here, and Lao Luo had been beaten until he was covered in blood. The one who beat Hall Master Wu was a young man.

He looked okay, but his eyes were sharp and his lips were slightly raised. He stepped on Hall Master Wu's face and said disdainfully: "You think I don't know what you do, to be forbearing? You don't deserve it. I won't kill you. Others say I am." You’re playing with fire, but you’re not worthy enough to let me play with fire.”

This is what Qin Chuan saw after he arrived. At this time, he didn't care so much, he would save Hall Master Wu first.


Qin Chuan naturally didn't have any good impressions of Young Master Bei Chu. As for the Bei Chu family, which was the largest family, he didn't care about it, because he was a junior and would not allow the other party to use some super figure against him.

As long as they don't kill any important people in Beizhu's family, and as long as they don't understand their bottom line, they won't send out too many people.

So Qin Chuan is also unscrupulous now. The only reason for being unscrupulous is youth, and youth is his capital.

Even if the other party alerts a person of the same level as the ancestor, he will not take action because he cannot afford to lose the face of the big family.

After knowing about Hall Master Wu, I also knew that Hall Master Wu had endured the humiliation and burden for so long. In general, he had been favored by Hall Master Wu before.

So he took action and slapped the big ear directly.

After one stroke, he didn't stop, one stroke after another, and Master Beizhu just couldn't avoid it.

"you wanna die!"


"How dare you hit me!"


"I'm going to cut you into pieces!"


Qin Chuan didn't say anything. Even if Young Master Bei Chu said a word, Qin Chuan would slap him in the face. After a while, Young Master Bei Chu, who was originally handsome, was beaten into a pig's head.

Many of his teeth were knocked out, and there was blood in his mouth.

Hall Master Wu had been helped up by Lao Luo at this time. Seeing the beaten Young Master Bei Chu, he felt much better. He even wished that Qin Chuan would kill Young Master Bei Chu now.

But he knew he couldn't. If he killed Young Master Beizhu, they might all die. Qin Chuan was a young man. As long as he beat Young Master Beijui without killing him, not many people in the Beijui family could intervene.

However, this time Young Master Beizhu suffered a loss and would definitely find someone to deal with Qin Chuan, and would definitely find a way to kill Qin Chuan.

Young Master Beizhu was beaten badly. As for the lackeys around him, they naturally wanted to save their master, so they attacked Qin Chuan.

Young Master Beizhu could not be killed, but these people attacked Qin Chuan. Naturally, Qin Chuan would not show mercy and killed them directly. He killed several people in a row, and the rest did not dare to come forward at all.

And Qin Chuan walked towards Master Beizhu again.

Bei Chu Shao shuddered: "Don't come over, I'm from Bei Chu's family."

Qin Chuan smiled: "I know you are from the Beizhu family, so what, what can you do?"

Bei Chu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Qin Chuan to say this. He wanted to say that Bei Chu's family would kill you, but if he thought about it, he would definitely be beaten again. What if this person couldn't think about it anymore and didn't want to live anymore? If you are buried with yourself, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Shameless people are afraid of death, but the other party is not afraid of death. What can you do?

Now Young Master Beizhu was afraid that Qin Chuan didn't want to live, so he held him back, so he didn't even dare to say harsh words.

This was the first time he had seen someone beating his Beizhu family like this, and the most important thing was that this young man's strength was terrifying.

Beijui Shao Dandy, but one thing cannot be denied, he and the people around him have very strong cultivation, otherwise Hall Master Wu would kill him directly, that way the mission would be completed.

He was always the one who bullied others, but when he was bullied like this, he was extremely angry and furious. He wanted to peel Qin Chuan's skin and convulse him, but he had to choose to hold Qin Chuan in place. The future was long and it would be up to him to see who laughs last.

"I was wrong, please forgive me, I won't trouble you again." Young Master Beizhu laughed along with him, but his big, swollen head like a pig's head looked so funny.

Qin Chuan smiled, naturally seeing his plan, walked over and stepped on it.



One leg was broken by Qin Chuan.

The screaming Master Beiju, covered in cold sweat, turned towards Qin Chuan and fell into his hands. He would have a hundred ways to kill Qin Chuan.

But right now, he doesn't dare to even say a harsh word.

Qin Chuan smiled: "I welcome you to come to me for trouble. Next time, don't worry, I won't kill you. I will still break one of your legs. Life is too boring. I hope you can bring me some fun."

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