Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2232: Bei Chulang is worse than dead

Midas touch!

This blow is like a golden avenue. It was too fast. He rushed out quickly. At that moment, the world was golden.

Resplendent, this is what everyone felt. At that moment, it didn't seem to be panic, as if it was a golden avenue with Buddha's light shining all over it.

But Bei Chulang was shocked. He instinctively avoided and his whole body was tense. At that moment, he was filled with fear.

It was too fast, so fast that people couldn't see it, and it was unexpected. Bei Chulang wanted to avoid it, but found that he was powerless and couldn't hide at all.

Even if it was an instinctive avoidance, he did not escape.




This was Bei Chulang's reaction. The golden light passed through his body without any feeling, it was just a ray of light.

But instinctively he knew that this was not the case, and it was certainly not that simple.

Qin Chuan's current ability to turn stone into gold is especially performed from the Forged God Sword Hammer. After all, the current God Forged Sword Hammer is a divine weapon with different powers. Naturally, the ability to turn stone into gold is greatly increased.


my hand?

Bei Chulang's expression suddenly changed, because his hands turned into gold-like existences, not only his hands, but also his feet, and they were still spreading.

This is the Midas touch!

He finally understood that this ability was very terrifying. After all, it directly turned the target into gold for a period of time. However, after the time was over, if it was a human, he would definitely die. It was said that this ability had no solution.

Turning stones into gold is terrifying and powerful, but there is one thing. It is very difficult to practice to a great extent. It is even more difficult to practice to the point where you can turn objects into gold at will.

Qin Chuan has been practicing Midas to Gold for a long time, and his attainments in the Midas to Gold are absolutely formidable, but all this time, the Midas to Gold has been used as a deceleration auxiliary.

He didn't think about turning the target into gold and stone, he just wanted to slow down the target and make his body stiff.

This does not mean that the success rate is only 100%.

It only takes about one hundred uses to succeed.

If the success rate is low, then it is basically certain that it will not be successful. A 1% success rate can be directly judged as being unable to successfully cast it in terms of turning stone into gold.

Qin Chuan did not expect to succeed this time. Qin Chuan just wanted to slow down the opponent's speed, and then quickly win the next battle with his Shinto Steps and Divine Weapons.

But I didn't expect that the battle would end immediately with one move.

Bei Chulang was extremely frightened at this time, because at this time, his arms and legs had almost completely turned into gold, and he would definitely die if he continued like this.

No one is not afraid of death, it’s just whether death is worth it or not. Then everyone is afraid of death. If there are times, then there is no fear of death.

For example, if the tragedy happened when Hall Master Wu died, the tragedy would not have happened. Then at that time, he would not be afraid of death at all, and would even yearn for it.

This is a spirit.

Many people have it, even most people have it, because it is the value of most people.

But now Bei Chulang is very scared, almost to death, even the clothes on his body are wet, and there is a bad smell.

I was so scared that I peed!

He didn't stop until his entire lower body turned into gold, well, he stopped, his arms, legs, all the way to his waist.

This time I was fine and could survive, but I lost any sense of feeling in my arms and below the waist.


This is the power of turning stone into gold. It disappears silently. If it doesn't succeed, it will be useless. Once it succeeds, there is almost no solution.

At least Qin Chuan now has nothing to do with a person who has been completely turned into gold and stone.

As for this kind of person who has half his body turned into gold and stone, Qin Chuan still doesn't know if his medical skills are good enough.

However, Qin Chuan did not intend to heal the other party. Even if he could, he would not do it.

Bei Chulang turned pale and shouted: "I give up, I give up, please save me and help me melt away."

Now Bei Chulang puts all his hopes on Qin Chuan, and he still has a lot of hopes, and feels that he can still recover.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "I'm sorry, I never thought that turning stone into gold would be successful. Also, I can't resolve it..."

This sentence sounded like a bolt from the blue to Beijulang. If this could not be resolved, then he would be completely useless.

Both Bei Chu Shao and Bei Chu Gong have broken legs. They will be able to recover when the time comes and there will be no problems.

What about yourself?

This is a waste, completely unconscious, not only unable to move, but also unable to become a man...

For a moment, he felt sad. This blow made him dumbfounded wherever he stood, because he had never thought about this demerit.

He knew that he could not die, because neither Bei Chu Shao nor Bei Chu Gong died before. He thought that the most he could do was break a leg. Although it hurt to break a leg, he could bear it by gritting his teeth, not to mention finding a good doctor and good elixirs. Yes, it can be restored in a few days.

So he stood up, but the result was completely beyond his imagination. For him, this result was more terrifying than death.

They say death is scary, but in fact there are many things scarier than death, such as endless darkness.

An absolute darkness, a darkness that never sees light, is more terrifying than death.

Unbearable pain, overwhelming anger and resentment...

The seven emotions and six desires, as long as they are reached to the extreme, are more terrifying than death, just like a sentence.

Life is worse than death!

Now Bei Chulang couldn't move, almost standing on the edge of collapse. He didn't even have the thought of speaking, and his mind went blank.

The people around him were already excited.

"Hold the grass, this move is cruel, this move will not kill you, but it is different from death. You can't move your arms, you can't move your legs, and you can't feel your buttocks and lifeblood."

"My neck can move, I can still eat, and I can still satisfy my cravings. In fact, life is not bad."

"I can eat, but I have incontinence..."

"This is to cut off our descendants!"

"Bei Chulang has a good background and good looks. Many women want to marry him, but now it is estimated that even the most ordinary women don't want to marry him."

"Yeah, maybe this is retribution. The number of women Bei Chulang has abandoned can be counted on both hands and feet. The one I remember most clearly is Miss Ding who he abandoned three years ago."

"Miss Ding, indeed, in that matter, this Bei Chulang was indeed not a human being. Just because of Xinhuan's words, he aborted the child in Miss Ding's belly and kicked her out of the house. This was his child. "

"It seems that Qin Chuan's Midas touch is successful, and it's only half a body. Isn't this retribution? What is it? It's God's will!"

The people from the Beichu family took Beichulang down. Those people came up and looked at Qin Chuan with very unfriendly eyes, but Qin Chuan didn't seem to see it.

He was walking slowly.

But at this moment, a voice came.

"Wait a moment!"

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