Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2234 Quasi-Immortal Emperor, Immortal Emperor Realm

In theory, everyone knows this, but it is very difficult to do it. After all, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. Now she has a bad feeling.

He knew how powerful his poison was, but now the poison was unable to affect Qin Chuan, and the other party's ability was still restraining her.

She didn't mind restraining him at first, because she had felt before that even if the other person's training restrained her, there was a huge gap in strength and he couldn't restrain her own poison.

This was what I thought before, but the result now is exactly what I thought. The other party's cultivation easily restrained his own poison. Although it was not his strongest poison, the other party's attack seemed to be a casual blow.

She knew that today's situation was definitely not optimistic.

Qin Chuan's fight was indeed easy. It must be said that this ugly woman is a devil to many people. Beings with the same strength, or even much higher strength than her, will not be taken seriously by this woman. In front of her Vulnerable.

But Qin Chuan's cultivation level is too special. He is originally a Haoran hegemonic body, and his body contains the purest Haoran righteousness.

Haoran's righteousness is the most righteous energy in the world. This kind of aura can absolutely suppress evil ways and heresy.

The scary thing about ugly girls is their poison, but now that the poison has no effect on Qin Chuan, it is naturally not scary anymore.

On the contrary, in the eyes of the ugly girl, Qin Chuan's attacks are just as poisonous to ordinary people. In the eyes of the ugly girl, Qin Chuan's attacks are extremely poisonous.

More poisonous than hers.

It's like darkness meets light.

See who can devour the other.

A single spark can start a prairie fire, light can restrain darkness, and a little light can illuminate an area, so in this regard, Qin Chuan has an absolute advantage.

Besides, Qin Chuan's current level of strength has almost caught up with beings of the same age, and now Qin Chuan's accumulated power has fully exploded.

Young people, Qin Chuan can have absolute confidence in sweeping the younger generation, even if they are at the level of ordinary old people, he is not afraid.

This is the foundation. Qin Chuan has a lot of foundation because he has enough trump cards.

Nine steps against heaven!

Qinchuan turned around and went up,

As soon as he took one step, the whole world trembled. Qin Chuan climbed up slowly and calmly, just like climbing a ladder to heaven.

He had his hands behind his back at this time, his upright figure was tall and elegant, with white hair, like a fairy, with a natural aura...

Many people were dumbfounded because the aura Qin Chuan revealed at this time was so powerful.

But this time, Qin Chuan did not hide anymore and exploded his aura, because he knew that if this battle did not scare some people, someone would definitely assassinate him and Hall Master Wu.

The reason why Qin Chuan revealed these things did not mean that the other party would not take action or come to assassinate him if he revealed these things. He just let them know what they wanted to do and weigh their own strength.

One step, two steps...

Qin Chuan's strength increased dramatically with every step he took, and the world became more turbulent.


In the fifth part, fine cracks appeared in the sky, and the world seemed to be shattered.

Countless people looked at Qin Chuan in horror at this time. The aura was so violent and terrifying that it was indescribable, as if it was stepping on everyone's hearts.

The ugly girl's face changed drastically, and he felt the danger, but she gritted her teeth and refused to admit defeat. She felt that Qin Chuan was using his momentum to scare people.

Qin Chuan took another step forward.


The sky and the earth around the sky were shattered one after another, and they continued to fall. The looming pitch black void, where many people saw the twinkling sun, moon and stars.

Is that a cosmic black hole? Is that another world? It's strange that those black holes seem to have an invisible attraction, which is scary but also desirable.

Many people even think about going to another world through these black holes. Maybe when they get there, they can become a human being.

When you get there, it may be a low-level plane, where you can be king and dominate, with glory and wealth, and beauties like clouds...

But they also know that they may not be able to reach anywhere before they will be torn apart by space and turned into ashes, or even evaporate without even ashes.

Diamond Dragon Claw!

Qin Chuan struck at the ugly girl with one hand without any reservation. The golden light burst out, and a huge golden dragon's claw roared towards the ugly girl.

Everything goes too fast.

Majestic, domineering, indifferent, violent!


There was a cloud of turbidity and smoke. Even the extremely hard special martial arts field collapsed at this time, and the ugly girl disappeared.

Qin Chuan no longer cared whether he had killed the ugly girl or not. Even if he died, he still deserved to die. Killing such an evil person would bring him merit.

If he is not dead, then his life should not be cut off, so Qin Chuan disappeared without paying attention. He should be dead. Since he disappeared, he should be dead.

Qin Chuan stopped. At this point, it was basically over. Next, he had to guard against the Beijue family's revenge.

After all, I have made the Beiju family lose face. Of course, it would be best if the other party can take a long-term view. If not, I am not without the ability to resist now.

Of course, that means resisting.

"The ugly girl was defeated and died. Now it's better. The Beichu family is passive."

"Yes, but the Beiju family is so powerful, and they will definitely not let it go after losing such a big face today."

"So what, if the Beizhu family dares to be the first grader of junior high school today, then as long as Qin Chuan doesn't die, they will wait until the fifteenth to die!"

"The big family has survived until now, but you can see things that others can't see." Someone said disdainfully.

"That's right, you are all unfounded. Don't worry so much. This is not your place to worry about."

Qin Chuan couldn't care less about other people's comments. Now he had to be prepared to take precautions.

So he left directly with Zhao Han, Lao Luo and Hall Master Wu.


Formation is still needed. Qin Chuan is confident that he can resist the sixteenth-level formation. He will still improve his cultivation level in the next time.

Quasi-immortal emperor, as long as he reaches this realm, everything can be solved, and at that time, it is time for him to leave.

I just don’t know if the quasi-immortal emperor has the qualifications to go to the Nine Heavens Land. Thinking of this, I can’t help but smile bitterly, feeling that the possibility is very slim.

The quasi-immortal emperor realm seems to be only one step away from Qin Chuan, but Qin Chuan knows that this step may be able to stop him for a long time.

If things go well, a breakthrough may be achieved within one or two years. It is normal to have bad luck in 30 to 50 years.

The quasi-immortal emperor realm is a very special realm. Once reached, it means that one has certain qualifications, such as the legendary Nine Heavens Land.

As long as you can reach the level of Quasi-Immortal Emperor, you will have great hope of entering the Nine Heavens in this life.

You can enter the world at the level of Jiutian Land, secret realms, caves, etc. This is a kind of rule and restriction of heaven and earth. Only those who have reached Quasi-Immortal Emperor and Quasi-Immortal Emperor or above can enter. This is a ticket to the law.

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