Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2244 Trap

When Bei Chudao saw his son, he felt angry. He was actually very anxious. He was angry that his son was useless, but he also knew that this was because of his own habit.

There are too many geniuses in the Beijui family, and this dandy son has become Bao'er. Even the old man likes this incompetent grandson very much.

This is sometimes the case with big families, especially when this side becomes the most powerful existence, and when the family is particularly outstanding.

At this time, it is easiest for a dandy to appear, because this is the product of a big family, a big family, which is also a kind of glory of strength.

The more dandy, the less effective, and the more arrogant and domineering, the more it reflects the family's power and status here.

Young Master Bei Chu is one of the few in the Bei Chu family who is the most unique. He, my father Bei Chu said, is also a special existence in the Bei Chu family.

Beijidao was originally the most advantageous candidate to compete for the family head, and many people even felt that Beijidao was the most suitable family head.

But sometimes fate plays tricks on people, and Lao Tzu from Beichu Road died unexpectedly, causing Beichu Road to fail in its competition for the head of the family.

To put it simply, at this time, Dad still needed support, so Beijidao failed.

If you fail, you fail. It's no big deal. Beijidao's status is still very transcendent in the Beijui family, but it is different from before after all.

If the family leader catches him this time, he will never have a chance to make a comeback. Beijidao still doesn't give up on his position as the family leader.

"Dad!" Young Master Beizhu said softly.

"What a good thing you did!" Beizhudao glared at him. It was already the case and he didn't say anything more.

"Dad, we must get rid of him as soon as possible as soon as possible. We can't keep him anymore." Young Master Beizhu said anxiously.

"Why?" Beizhudao asked casually.

"They are very strong. They will definitely not forgive me for what I did. They will even anger my father and family. That Qin Chuan is so young and already so powerful. If we can't kill him as soon as possible, we will let the tiger go back to the mountain. There will be endless troubles."

"Huh? It turns out you have something on your mind. I thought you had a pig brain." Beizhudao said calmly.

"What, I'm very smart..."

Bei Chu said speechlessly and looked at the sky: "You think I don't want to kill him?

It's very difficult to kill him now. They can come out silently and go back silently. We can't guard against him at all. "

"Dad, I have a way." Young Master Beizhu said.

"Let's talk about it." Beizhudao said absently. He had no hope for this son. He originally planned to let him be a playboy. He originally thought that there would be no trouble in anything he did in Chuzhou.

It's a pity that something like this happened, no matter how big or small.

"Zhang Ziye is the one following his son. They are going to attack him this time, so next time they will definitely be the ones around me. As long as we ambush these people, I don't believe we can't catch him. If not, we can set up some traps." , wait for him to fall into a trap." Young Master Beizhu said seriously.

"Oh, this is okay." Bei Chudao's eyes lit up.

This method may not be a particularly amazing method, but it is different when it comes from the mouth of Master Beizhu.

Besides, this method is effective. Just wait and wait, although it is a bit stupid, but it really works, and for now, this is the best method.

There was a hint of pride and a hint of cruelty on Young Master Bei Chu's face. He was thinking about how Tu He would torture Qin Chuan and how he would torture Hall Master Wu.

Young Master Beizhu thought of Zhao Han, the daughter of the Zhao family. Although the Zhao family was also a big family, one of the five major families, it was still far behind compared to the Beizhu family.

That Zhao Han is very beautiful, and she seems to be Qin Chuan's girlfriend. This is good. When the time comes, I will **** Zhao Han in front of Qin Chuan...

Thinking of this Young Master Beizhu's blood was surging, and he was extremely excited, but suddenly he felt a cold breath coming over him.

He shuddered involuntarily, and he lowered his head in fear when he saw his father looking at him sharply.

He is still very afraid of Bei Chudao, he is a dandy, but these days he also knows that the trouble he has caused is huge and must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

"Get out. If there is a next time, I will take it upon myself to let you leave this world." Beizhudao's voice sounded.

Young Master Beiju trembled again, responded solemnly, and exited the room with trembling legs.

He knew that his father always meant what he said, even if he was his child, as long as he could say it, he would definitely do it.

Beichudao arranged for manpower to ambush those few people, and not only that, but also placed special things there.


Extremely poisonous!

This is the fairyland created by Beizhu Dao. This kind of poison is so special that once it is contaminated by the gods, it is difficult to save it. This time, in order to expose his father, he has spent a lot of money.

I don't know all this. After Qin Chuan and Hall Master Wu did it once, they were ready to rest for a few days. After all, they were not stupid and knew that they would definitely do it again, so they had to wait for a while and wait for the other party to relax their vigilance before taking action.

Qin Chuan thought that the other party might take advantage of his scheme and use his own psychology to set up a dragnet and wait for him to plunge into it.

However, Qin Chuan is also very confident and is not afraid of the opponent's traps or methods at all. Now it is very easy for him to save his life and return intact.

Guan family!

Guan Peng!

The Guan family is actually not as good as the Zhang family, but it is also a top family in Chuzhou. Guan Peng is also a bitch of Beizhu Shao.

But unlike other losers, this Guan Peng still has some strength, and he is the most powerful warrior here in Master Beizhu.

Speaking of which, Guan Peng is also a little genius. He dares to fight and fight hard. Master Beizhu trusts him very much. Many things will be completed through Guan Peng.

This time Qin Chuan and his party wanted to kill Guan Peng.

Guan Peng did no less bad things than Zhang Ziye, even worse, because Guan Peng was the executor.

Young Master Beijui once did bad things, and Guan Peng was responsible for all the mess, such as killing people and silencing them, ignoring the elderly and children, seeing things that they shouldn't have seen, and knowing things that they shouldn't have known. All this requires a strong and trustworthy person to complete it.

Guan Peng was also uneasy about Zhang Ziye's accident, but fortunately, the Beizhu family had already intervened. He was protected by powerful warriors and a poison array, so he was not very worried and even looked forward to Qin Chuan's arrival.

Without getting rid of Qin Chuan, he couldn't calm himself down. The night turned dark before he knew it, but he felt that his heart was uneasy.

This may be the fear of darkness, which is instinct.

A day passed with no movement.

Two days passed with no movement.

Three days passed.

a week has passed……

This suddenly made Bei Chudao unable to calm down. After all, the Bei Chu family kept urging him and had already issued an ultimatum. If the solution was not good within three days, then the matter would be dealt with according to family law.

The family laws of the Beichu family are still very strict. If the punishment continues, Young Master Beichu will definitely die.

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