Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2246 Thunder and lightning are strengthened, half step to the quasi-immortal emperor realm

At this time, Qin Chuan was a little confused and dizzy. After all, it was the first time this happened, and he didn't know if it would be dangerous.

Even if there is a death-free gold medal, this does not mean that death can be avoided absolutely. It can only be avoided under normal circumstances and does not exceed the endurance range.

Just like a spring, once it exceeds its limit, it will collapse and will not bounce back.

The golden thunder beast is lifelike and enchanting, with lightning flashing all over its body. It is as beautiful as a work of art, and there is no sense of danger.

The more this happens, the more uneasy Qin Chuan becomes, because there must be a demon when something goes wrong. In the calamity of life and death, Qin Chuan does not believe that this thing that appears is not dangerous.

The reason why he couldn't see or feel the danger was that the danger was beyond his imagination, so now he rationally told Qin Chuan to avoid this golden thunder beast.

Qin Chuan actually wanted to try to absorb it, but he knew he couldn't take the risk, so he endured his strong curiosity and slowly backed away while looking for a lightning absorption suitable for him.

This is the last wave. As long as he absorbs it once more, even if it is a complete success, his strength will be stabilized and he will become a half-step quasi-immortal emperor.

Half a step to becoming a quasi-immortal emperor.

Don't underestimate this half-step quasi-immortal emperor. This is a symbol of the strong in this world. As long as you can be linked to the immortal emperor, you are strong.

Immortal Emperor, quasi-immortal emperor, half-step quasi-immortal emperor.

These are all strong people, so even if Qin Chuan is the worst half-step quasi-immortal emperor, he is still a strong one. What’s more, Qin Chuan’s situation is different. He is in the realm of half-step quasi-immortal emperor, but how strong his actual combat strength is. It is estimated that the current Qin Chuan didn't even know very well.

Suddenly, Qin Chuan's eyes widened and a look of horror appeared on his face, because the golden thunder and lightning beast rushed towards him.

A river of lightning was drawn wherever it passed. The spectacular scene was indescribable, shocking, impactful and beautiful.

But now in Qin Chuan's eyes, it was not beautiful at all, it was indescribably terrifying, and the most important thing was that the speed was too fast, and lightning could not be described.

Qin Chuan wanted to avoid it, but at this moment he found that his body felt stiff. He didn't know if it was an illusion, or whether it was his own fault or the ability of this golden thunder beast.

what to do?

Qin Chuan was so anxious that he was sweating all over because he didn't have much time to think.

In just a moment, the golden thunder beast had already rushed in front of Qin Chuan.

There was no time to hesitate, Qin Chuan gritted his teeth and absorbed.

There is only one way now. The golden thunder beast is also thunder and lightning, and it is the essence of thunder and lightning.

Qinchuan needs to be selective when absorbing thunder and lightning to temper his body, and this thunder beast is definitely the essence of this thunder and lightning. In principle, it is more powerful than any thunder and lightning here.


Qin Chuan felt his body tremble for a while. The golden thunder beast had entered his body, and his whole body seemed to have lost consciousness for a moment.

Qin Chuan was in a state of confusion at this time. If her body hadn't been strong enough, she would have been wiped out by now.



The roar of the dragon, the mooing of the gods and Buddhas, the rotation of the yin and yang diagram accelerated a lot, and the body was constantly being destroyed and reorganized at this time.

Qin Chuan felt like he was in purgatory at this time, especially after he slowly regained consciousness. The pain at that moment almost made Qin Chuan give up.

It's too painful, this is purgatory, the physical and mental pain is indescribable, this kind of pain is no longer simply excruciating to describe.

Fortunately, Qin Chuan's endurance was enough. At this time, his body was soaked with blood, and the pores on his body were constantly leaking blood, not to mention his seven orifices.

Qin Chuan couldn't control his body at this time. His body was healing itself, and the abilities in his body were fighting against the golden thunder beast.

The golden thunder beast was still wreaking havoc on Qin Chuan's body, causing constant damage to Qin Chuan's body wherever it passed, like a chicken or a dog.

At this moment, Qin Chuan's body's ability to repair was revealed. One was his terrifying self-healing power, and there were several treasures, which were Qin Chuan's natal treasures.

These things, especially the repair ability of the Yin-Yang Diagram, can be said that without the Yin-Yang Diagram, Qinchuan would definitely be doomed. Now with the powerful restoration of the Yin-Yang Diagram, Qinchuan's life or death is uncertain at this time.

This time is extremely dangerous. Even now, Qin Chuan is still not out of danger. He doesn't know what to do next, so he can only wait.

He didn't know if this golden thunder beast would continue to change, such as suddenly becoming more violent, which would be a devastating disaster for Qin Chuan.

I just want to keep it like this, wait for his body to slowly return to the past, and slowly refine this golden thunder beast in his mind.

One hour, two hours...

Three hours later, Qin Chuan was able to control his body, and then began to try to use the energy of the dragon, the energy of gods and Buddhas to restrain him, so as to prevent the golden thunder beast from continuing to destroy his body.

Nothing can be broken, nothing can be established!

After being destroyed by the golden thunder beast, Qin Chuan found that his body had undergone subtle changes.

It has become more powerful, and the connection with the natal treasure has become closer. The realm of the treasure has also improved, and the quality has also improved.

It seems that it is a blessing and a blessing. It was originally an unimaginable threat, but if it is overcome, it may be a huge opportunity.

The aura of the golden thunder beast became weaker. This change made Qin Chuan very excited, because in this case, there was hope of refining it.

In this way, your life and death calamity will not be considered a failure, and there will even be special benefits.

The golden thunder beast weakened again. At this time, Qin Chuan exhaled, knowing that his life was finally saved.

But he didn't dare to relax and mobilized all the abilities in his body, such as fire, dragon soul, treasures, yin and yang energy...

The golden thunder beast seems to have a little spirituality. It is the spirit of thunder and lightning, but his spirituality is limited after all.


The thunder and lightning beast disappeared, and an extremely pure energy entered Qin Chuan's body.

At this moment, Qin Chuan seemed to be bathed in the light of Buddha, and his whole body and mind received a huge baptism.

The half-step to the quasi-fairyland is stable, and it is even one step away from the quasi-fairyland.

The body is full of explosive power, and this feeling of full energy and energy is really good. This feeling is like eating and drinking, a kind of satisfaction from the inside out.

Also, the ray of golden lightning in his body has more than doubled in size.

Qin Chuan used to be a little worried, but now he discovered that this was one of his abilities, allowing him to summon thunder and lightning to attack.

The power of the previous thunder and lightning was a bit weak, but it can be used as a control ability. It is instantaneous and cannot be evaded. It paralyzes the target during the attack. The length of time is related to the target's strength.

This ability is good and Qin Chuan likes it very much. The most important thing is that the physical body is stronger this time, and the tempering effect is several times better than normal lightning.

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