Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2248: Destroying Young Master Beijui in front of Beijidao

"You can't escape my grasp."

Beijidao looked at Qin Chuan with a sneer. At this moment, his face showed pride, and there was also a kind of suppressed release and relaxation.

Qin Chuan had a smile on his face, but it was very light and cold, looking at him as if he were an idiot.

Now that Qin Chuan's strength is half a step to the quasi-immortal emperor level, he looks at these people differently now.

You may have felt that you were no match for the opponent before, but as long as you are associated with the word Immortal Emperor, your strength will change drastically.

A half-step quasi-immortal emperor is not even a quasi-immortal emperor, let alone an immortal emperor, but it is somewhat related to the immortal emperor, especially when Qin Chuan has reached this level.

So now he is confident. The so-called poison that the other party relies on is not worth mentioning in Qin Chuan's opinion, and the other party's strength is not in Qin Chuan's heart now.

The Beijue family tried their best to make themselves appear and enter their encirclement and trap. Now that they got their wish, they are naturally very proud.

It is said that good fortune and misfortune share weal and woe, and changes are prone to occur in great joys and great tragedies. This may be the law that things must be reversed when they reach their extremes, and it is also a rule of heaven.

For Beijidao, this is a great joy. After all, it felt like there was no way out before. If Qin Chuan didn't show up, it would be a dead end.

Unexpectedly, he appeared at the last critical moment and fell into his own trap.

Beichudao was very confident about this trap. Moreover, his group was surrounding the opponent. In his opinion, Qin Chuan would be unable to fly this time and would definitely die.

"I told you that you would die. If you hide, I really can't do anything about it, but if you run out regardless of life and death, you are seeking death yourself." Beizhudao said lightly, but he could not hide the pride in his tone.

"Have you said enough?" Qin Chuan asked with a slight frown.

Bei Chudao was stunned. After being frustrated for so many days, he finally found an opportunity. At least in Bei Chudao's view, this was an opportunity. Naturally, he wanted to humiliate Qin Chuan and see the other party's despair.

But now he didn't see the other party's despair, unwillingness, or even his extremely dull expression, which was inconsistent with normal logic.

Shouldn't the other party be panicked, shouldn't he beg for mercy...


Even when death is imminent, he is still so arrogant. "Master Beizhu said coldly at this time.

When it comes to who hates Qin Chuan the most, Master Beizhu is definitely the one. He has had everything he wanted since he was a child, and he has never suffered any injustice.

But Qin Chuan broke his legs and slapped him, causing him not only to suffer a lot of pain, but also to lose face. He was also in danger of being removed from the family.

So he naturally hated Qin Chuan with all his heart, and now he took the opportunity with a cruel smile on his face. He wanted Qin Chuan to die miserably, and his eyes drifted past Zhao Han from time to time.

He didn't expect this woman to be so beautiful. The more he looked at her, the more interesting she felt. With his Beichu family, if he had met her earlier, he would definitely be his.

Now he has no intention of letting her go, but judging from the situation, this woman is already Qin Chuan's woman. It's a pity that someone took the lead first, so naturally she doesn't feel comfortable.

Qin Chuan looked at Young Master Bei Chu, looking at his proud look, scolding himself, and looking at Zhao Han from time to time, the meaning in his eyes was obvious.

He sneered and stared at Mr. Beizhu.

Young Master Beizhu trembled when Qin Chuan stared at him: "What do you think I'm doing? I don't know whether to live or die."


Qin Chuan's figure split into two and rushed directly towards Master Beizhu, his figure was unimaginably fast.

Yin and Yang incarnate!

"How dare you seek death!" Beizhudao shuddered, roared angrily, and punched Qin Chuan's figure directly.

He could tell that this figure was definitely real, so he was not very worried, but was angry that Qin Chuan dared to take action at this time.



There was a moment of surprise on one side, and a scream on the other, because Master Bei Chu was kicked in the Dantian by Qin Chuan. The powerful force not only destroyed Master Bei Chu's cultivation, but also his fertility. .

The severe pain made Beijudao scream, and he lay on the ground like a shrimp, curled up and struggling, which made Beijudao feel extremely distressed.

After all, this is his son, but now he is so miserable, angry, and extremely angry, but he doesn't know why he is clearly blocking the other party's true body?

Thinking of this, Beizhudao's expression changed, because he realized that these two were real bodies.

This is actually the incarnation of yin and yang, the emptiness and reality of yin and yang. These two figures automatically switch. Unless both disappear at the same time, you will never be able to achieve the goal of destroying Qin Chuan by eliminating one.

Bei Chu Shao was struggling somewhere and screaming in pain. Bei Chu Dao felt very hurt. This was his son. He beat his son in front of him. He had never thought about this day.

"Okay, okay, you're fine for hurting my child in front of me." Beijidao was so angry that he wanted to cut Qin Chuan into pieces.

"He died a thousand times and ten thousand times without being able to offset his sins. But if you don't teach your child well, you should also deserve to die. If you hurt your child in front of you, why, who do you think you are? Soon you will Then you will know that I will kill you." Qin Chuan said disdainfully.

Palace Master Wu clenched his fists very close at this time. He looked at the miserable state of Master Bei Chu and exhaled a long breath in his heart. Master Bei Chu was not dead, but he was now a useless person. At this time, Palace Master Wu felt that it would be better not to kill him for the time being. He was too cheap.

But Mr. Beijui must die, he must die, and it is best to die of torture. Unless he dies, he will not be able to let go, and he will not be able to give an explanation to his family, wife and children.

In fact, Hall Master Wu had already given up when he saw being surrounded by people. He just felt that Qin Chuan, Zhao Han and Lao Luo had been implicated, and he felt bad.

But now, I didn't expect Qin Chuan to take action directly, and even under Beizhudao's nose, he still destroyed Master Beizhu when he intercepted.

This shocked and surprised him. Even if he died, it was worth it, but he still felt that the three of them were involved.

"You have been poisoned and you only have twelve hours to live. I don't know how you feel now." Beijudao gritted his teeth and looked at Qin Chuan.

"Haha!" Qin Chuan chuckled. Full of disdain.

"Why are you laughing? You are about to die. You can still laugh."

"Do you think you can poison me to death with this unsavory poison?" Qin Chuan's tone was full of contempt.

Bei Chudao was stunned.

He was very confident about this poison. Now that he heard Qin Chuan's words, he was startled. He didn't know if his personal successor said that on purpose, or if he was really not afraid of his own poison?

He couldn't see it now. After thinking about it, he decided to take action and kill them. As for whether they could be poisoned, he didn't consider it.

"I don't care whether I can poison you to death, but now I don't want to wait any longer. Okay, you can go and die." Beizhu said as he walked towards Qinchuan.

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