Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2260 Demon Soldier

The three great Yama Lords have a great reputation, and the strongest one is the Beichui Sword of the Beichui family. Maybe he is not the most powerful in terms of force, but he definitely kills the most people.

Of course, there is no doubt about the strength of Beichu Dao. It is very powerful. Qin Chuan has experienced it before, and it is unfathomable.

It's just that Qin Chuan was slightly stunned when he listened to the discussions around him. This man was actually Yan Jun, and he killed people like hemp, but there was no strong murderous intention or bloody smell in him.

This is strange. You must know that some butchers kill many people, and the murderous, evil and bloody aura on their bodies cannot be hidden.

There is a law of cause and effect here. No matter how clever you are, in principle you cannot completely hide it, but Qin Chuan can't feel the slightest murderous intention from this Beijue sword.

Qin Chuan is still very confident in his perception ability. Even people who are much stronger than him are not as good as him in perception.

Fortunately, Qin Chuan has broken through now, and the Golden Divine Eye has also broken through. When he looked at the Bei Chu Dao again, he found that it was different from before.

It was unfathomable before, but now Qin Chuan can actually see through the other person directly. Seeing through, it feels like an ordinary person faced a huge lion before, but now it is a dog, although it has teeth and limbs. They both bite, but it's completely different.

Qin Chuan was absolutely sure that he could win against the Bei Chu Dao in front of him.

Qin Chuan slowly walked onto the martial arts field amidst the commotion around him. At this time, Bei Chu Dao slowly opened his eyes and looked at Qin Chuan.

He had been keeping his eyes closed before, and this gesture was very pretentious. Maybe he wasn't pretending. After all, this was Yan Jun's Bei Chu Dao, and no one thought he was pretending.

If it were before, Qin Chuan would not think that the other party was pretending, but now Qin Chuan feels that the other party is just pretending.

He is definitely stronger than him now, but he doesn't want this gesture, it's just pretending. Thinking of this, Qin Chuan couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Bei Chudao spoke slowly, with a very bad tone.

During the battle, Qin Chuan's smile was seen as an insult by the opponent, who was not serious enough and looked down on his opponent.

What's more, Qin Chuan's smile is indeed very obvious. In the eyes of many people, this is a disdainful laugh, and Bei Chudao can naturally see it.

Normally, when he reaches the level of Beijidao and is ridiculed by his opponents, He Kuang is still a young man. He shouldn't be angry. He is Lord Yan. If this happens, he will be angry.

It's so inconsistent with his identity.

In fact, Beijudao was not angry, but he was angry on purpose, because it would be justifiable to kill Qin Chuan when the time came.

So Bei Chu Dao, who had seized the opportunity, was naturally angry, and Qin Chuan's eyes and smile were even colder at this moment. Qin Chuan could naturally see clearly what the other party was planning.

Qin Chuan is very young, but he has been fighting and killing outside for decades, and has been in contact with all kinds of people, and Beizhudao's acting skills are really bad. Maybe this is the first time he has cheated. It's too inconsistent.

Beijudao held a single sword in his hand. This sword was black, about two meters long and one palm wide. It was as black as ink. Not only that, it was also covered with black mist, as if it was emitting black smoke.

But the black smoke condenses on it and does not disperse. This is evil spirit, pure evil spirit, extremely pure.

Now Qin Chuan understands that the old man actually got a magic weapon. This magic weapon can be regarded as a magical weapon. It is connected to the blood of Beizhu Dao. The evil spirit and murderousness all over his body are in this magic weapon.


Qin Chuan suddenly understood when Beijudao took out this magic knife. Otherwise, it would be impossible to kill so many people without murderous intent.

The battle begins!

The old man did not hesitate at all, nodded towards Qin Chuan, and took action directly, slashing towards Qin Chuan with a knife from a distance.

It was violent, accompanied by a thunder-like sound, black smoke billowing, and with a knife coming out, the world seemed to be split open.

Black smoke billowed and split into two, the earth shook, and the sky became dark.

Qin Chuan narrowed his eyes at this time, because he now saw the knife strike, and the screams were like ghosts crying and wolves howling, as if completely wronged souls were returning to Qin Chuan.

The whole person's brain became a little sluggish at this moment, but Qin Chuan's mind felt refreshed for a moment, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He understood how terrifying the old man was. The other party's attack had a soul-stirring effect, or it could be said to be an attack on the soul.

This ability is very powerful. This is the scary part. You must know that the ability to attack the soul is very weird. Even if your body is intact, you can die suddenly.

It doesn't matter whether you are wearing Hoho armor or not, this is an invisible attack, and people who don't know how to do it don't even know how to die.

It's impossible to defend against it, or in other words, he doesn't know how to defend against it. Now Qin Chuan is facing such an attack, but one thing is that Qin Chuan's soul power is terrifying.

I don't know if it was the reason for his original rebirth. He was born with an extremely powerful soul. The reborn person can actually be said to be the fusion of two souls. The power of the soul is far greater than one plus one equals two.

What's more, Qinchuan practices some spiritual and soul abilities such as the Five Elements Divine Refining Technique, the Nine Divine Dragons, the Yin and Yang Diagram, and even the most precious gods and Buddhas, which are of great help to the soul.

In addition, Qin Chuan's Haoran Hegemony is not only several times stronger physically, but also mentally and soul.

So when faced with the Beizhu knife, Qin Chuan felt horrified, but he didn't feel suffocated. He jumped up and quickly took nine heaven-defying steps in the air.

Qin Chuan did not attack, but used the Nine Heaven-defying Steps to increase his momentum and defense.

The Bei Chu Dao's sword was already close to his body, but Qinchuan's Holy Buddha's Five Elements Formation blocked most of it.

At this time, Qin Chuan's eyes flashed with golden light, and this golden light quickly formed like a golden shield in front of him.

The remaining power of Beizhu Dao was blocked directly, and not a single bit touched Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan was stunned at this moment. The Golden Divine Eyes actually had this effect, which was beyond Qin Chuan's expectation.

His golden divine pupils can condense the golden divine prison, and his golden divine sword can now condense into a shield to resist.

This made Qin Chuan pale all of a sudden. His ability could condense many things, such as animals and weapons, when facing some attacks.

But all of this is to attack mental power and soul, or to defend against mental power and soul attacks.

"You can try mine too." Qin Chuan looked at Bei Chu and said with a smile.

There was a flash of golden light, and a golden divine dragon appeared. Then the doctor roared and rushed directly towards Beizhu Dao.

Qin Chuan used this golden light-like aura to condense a divine dragon into whatever shape he wanted. This was the image of the divine dragon seen by the nine divine dragons in Qinchuan's sea of ​​consciousness.

The appearance of the divine dragon immediately made Bei Chu Dao dumbfounded. In fact, it was not only Bei Chu Dao who was dumbfounded, but also countless people around him. Many people thought that the real divine dragon appeared at this moment.

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