Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2263 The situation of the Beijue family

People around were talking a lot, and all the major families were discussing quickly. The Beizhu family was the only one in the past, and it was definitely the top existence in Wuzhou.

But now the Beichu family will face a huge danger. If Qin Chuan attacks the Beichu family this time, it will be an opportunity.

Although the Beichu family is nominally the most powerful family, there are actually many families and even some hidden families, and most of these families may not be as good as the Beichu family.

But there are also some who are absolutely dissatisfied with the Beijue family, but they have never had a proper opportunity.

What's more, there must be a hidden family in Wuzhou. It's hard to say whether this hidden family is stronger than the Beizhu family. It's really hard to say.

But sometimes this is the case, and the delicate balance has been broken. Regardless of whether Qin Chuan will take action against the Beizhu family, this balance has been broken.

In the future, Qin Chuan will not take action, but many people will target the Beichu family. It will be difficult for the Beichu family to survive.

Powerful, after so long, no one knows how powerful the Beizhu family is, but Qin Chuan has given it a test this time, and someone will definitely take action.

It is said that wealth can be found in danger, so after this battle, the Beichu family is in danger. How many people want to step on the Beichu family and get into power? There are too many people, and there is no shortage of people who seize the opportunity and take the risk.

Qin Chuan left. The head of the Beizhu family sat there without moving for a long time. His mind was very confused now and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Beichui Dao is not the most powerful in the Beichui family, but he is definitely one of the most powerful people. But now that Qin Chuan easily defeated Beichui Dao, almost no one in the Beichui family can do anything to Qin Chuan.

If Qin Chuan comes to kill, then the Beichu family will be saved even if they are not dead, not to mention there are many people around who are watching eagerly, and these people should not be underestimated.

Even if Qin Chuan didn't take action, the Bei Chu family would be in danger. If Qin Chuan didn't take action, the head of the Bei Chu family felt it was impossible, and the other party would definitely take action.

Qin Chuan does know how to do it, but he won't kill too many people. There are just some people who must be killed, and there are also several families related to the Beizhu family. He just killed two evil young men before.

The remaining few have not taken action yet, so Qin Chuan will definitely kill them, but Qin Chuan will not do it himself, but will let the Beizhu family take the initiative.

This directly gave the head of the Beiju family a huge problem. You must know that those families are not ordinary families. It would have been nothing in the past, but now it affects his whole body. If he really kills those evil young men, then The other party will definitely fight against his family.

But if he doesn't take action, then the Beiqi family's only chance will be gone, facing Qin Chuan, or facing some families in Wuzhou.

The head of the Beiju family felt that he was in a dilemma at this time. He never thought that such a day would come. No matter which road he took, it would be extremely difficult.

Facing Qin Chuan, he no longer had the courage, otherwise he would definitely be doomed, but killing those bad boys would force him into an embarrassing position.

In the eyes of others, those families all followed your Beichu family. In fact, the Beichu family didn't feel anything at first, but they didn't refuse directly at the time. The Beichu family also ordered each other around.

But now this has become a fatal problem. If those bad guys are killed now, the reputation of the Beiju family will be completely ruined.

Reputation is so important to a family, it is the foundation for establishing a foothold in the world. Without reputation, even if you stand firm with your strength, problems can easily arise.

This has been the case since ancient times. It must be in line with the great road, the orthodoxy, the cycle of cause and effect, and the divine power of heaven.

Many things are invisible, but they are fatal. But now that there is no other way, the head of the Beiju family still agreed to Qin Chuan.

The Beiju family took the initiative, and the other bad boys naturally died, but those families were naturally unhappy, although they did not get angry or turn against each other at the time.

But the root of the disaster has been laid. As long as there is a chance, these families will definitely bite the Beizhu family like hungry wolves.

Because of Qin Chuan, the Beizhu family didn't say anything about having to do it when they went to kill those bad boys. It was Qin Chuan's reason.

In fact, it goes without saying,

Those people also know that Qin Chuan must have forced it, otherwise the Beizhu family would not have done this, but they don't care whether you forced it.

Anyway, they know that they have done a lot for the Beichu family over the years, but in the end they became the victims of your Beichu family.

They are all proud people who know how to be patient. Now is not an opportunity, so they will tolerate you, but don't let me catch the opportunity, otherwise you will die without a burial place.

Several families also interact secretly, because they can come together because of love, and they can also come together because of hatred. It is because of hatred that these families are now closer to each other.

Even if the Beichu family knows now, there is nothing they can do. He really wants to kill them all and avoid future troubles forever, but if he really does this, the Beichu family will soon face a huge disaster.

How many second young masters you kill, anyone with a discerning eye will know that it was Qin Chuan who asked you to kill them. Although this will make people talk and criticize, this selfish behavior can still be understood by others.

But if you kill all the people at this time, then it is estimated that many people will not be able to tolerate you. If you don't kill and keep you, you will be in trouble. If you kill you, you will be in trouble immediately.

One wrong step, one wrong step, every step was a dilemma. At this moment, he suddenly realized that the largest family in the five continents had reached this point. This was something he had never dared to imagine before.

Everyone has to be responsible for their own choices. Qin Chuan is not willing to kill people, but that doesn't mean that he can forget about it, so Qin Chuan comes and makes them bite each other, turning them against each other and laying the foundation for disaster.

Perhaps soon, and it will not exceed two or three months at most, there will definitely be an outbreak. Whether the Beiju family can survive it depends on their luck.

Qin Chuan doesn't care about these things. The matter here is already over. Even if the Beizhu family has ten courages, they don't dare to pay attention to Hall Master Wu anymore.

And Hall Master Wu is now free, and he even has thoughts of death, because he has been free for so many years, but suddenly he doesn't know what to do.

Because of hatred, I have ignored everything for so many years and struggled hard. Now my heart is empty, what should I do?

This world is strange and sad.

So now he doesn't care about life and death. Today he went to burn incense on the graves of his parents, wife and children. Qin Chuan and Lao Luo didn't say anything. They knew that Hall Master Wu would definitely say a lot there.

It's better to be alone. As for safety issues, there is no problem. Now even people who have their brains kicked by a donkey will not go to Hall Master Wu to trouble him.

But Qin Chuan saved Hall Master Wu and naturally hoped that he could survive, but he didn't know what to do, so he and Lao Luo were discussing this issue now.

Lao Luo also discovered this problem,

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