Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2279: Give birth to a child

Qin Chuan did not ask Fan Qingchen if he was the same as him. He waited until both of them stopped and left together. Music-Wen-

At night, one was still in the bedroom and the other was outside. Qin Chuan would still talk to her, but usually Qin Chuan would ask and Fan Qingchen would answer.

However, apart from teasing her occasionally, the conversation was very miscellaneous, and they talked about everything, because Qin Chuan wanted to describe the happiness of a normal human being.

Naturally, there is a description of love, family affection, friendship, etc. Not only do you talk about it, you also ask her.

Unknowingly, Fan Qingchen was being changed little by little.

Fan Qingchen's change does not seem to be difficult, but it is not, because many things require finding the right method.

Before, Fan Qingchen kept away from strangers. Think about it, no one can touch her, how can she change her?

And Qin Chuan, because of some reasons in the past, Fan Qingchen trusted him, and this was the only man who could be so rude in front of her.

He was also the only man who could be alone with her like this, and she even took the initiative to kiss him not long ago.

A man who could make her accommodate would even make Fan Qingchen put down his attitude because of his grievances.

One day or two days...

In this way, we would look at the Buddha statues during the day, talk about something during rest at night, and go to bed after midnight.

When he gets up in the morning, Qin Chuan makes something to eat and then has a good meal.

A month passed in a flash.

There are thirty more golden Buddhas in Qin Chuan's body, but they are not photographed together. Because the positions are exactly the same, they are scattered sparsely.

But there has been a lot of vitality, giving the place a sense of majesty and solemnity.

In addition, Qin Chuan's strength has improved by two small levels.

This improvement is not only due to the restoration of the charm of these Buddha statues, but also to Qin Chuan's understanding of the Buddhist scriptures of the gods.

The days were fulfilling, but too monotonous. Qin Chuan also meditated on Buddhism during this period. For some reason, his mood became very peaceful.

This frightened him, don't make yourself so depressed, it will make you sick if you are not a womanizer.

Thinking about it, fortunately, I don’t feel that way. My hobby is still women...

Today, after breakfast, Fan Qingchen stood up, and Qin Chuan quickly grabbed her: "Let's take a day off today and go back tomorrow."

Fan Qingchen was stunned and looked at Qin Chuan in confusion.

"Let's go shopping. There are some interesting cities nearby. Let's go and see them together." Qin Chuan couldn't help but pulled Fan Qingchen and left.

Now that Fan Qingchen has a certain immunity to Qin Chuan, she has no objection to holding hands or hugging him.

"Okay!" Fan Qingchen nodded and agreed to Qin Chuan's proposal.

Qin Chuan originally wanted to see where Fan Qingchen had fun, but the result was just as he imagined, this woman was not familiar with this place at all.

Forget it, in this case, let's just find a random city to have a look, just to relax.

Holy Fire City!

Qinchuan, the name of the city here, has long been immune. The name is just a symbol. Although the names of many cities are related to the city, many things can be known even through the name of the city.

This Holy Fire City, judging from the name, if it is real, then there is a story, but Qin Chuan is not very curious.

The two of them walked along the city, and there were people coming and going on the streets. There were thick attics, some big and some small, the big one was like a hill, dormant like a giant beast.

For powerful people, the mansions they live in are very impressive, so you can tell the family's background by looking at the aura of the mansion.

Of course, you also need to be able to read, but ordinary people can also read. For example, the simplest thing is to see the small and high.

This is in appearance.

The real warrior looks at the momentum, which is the momentum. For example, a small mountain and a huge mountain range, the feeling is the difference in momentum.

Fan Qingchen looked around casually, Qin Chuan smiled: "Come to relax, just relax, don't think about anything, just treat yourself as an ordinary person."

"Well, Qin Chuan, what does family love feel like?" Fan Qingchen asked gently.

She didn't look at Qin Chuan, she just said it casually.

Qin Chuan actually didn't know much about Fan Qingchen, but he knew that she was alone, but now he might be sure that she might have come here alone since she was a child.

Qin Chuan hesitated for a moment. She didn't know how to tell her specifically, because she didn't. If she did, it would make her even more uncomfortable.

The better you describe it, because the other party doesn't have it, which is a kind of harm in itself.

After thinking about it, Qin Chuan smiled and said, "It's actually very simple. Let's have a baby and you'll know it right away."

Qin Chuan just wanted to liven up the atmosphere, and besides, he had been teasing her a lot these days, so this would not make her go berserk.

Besides, Fan Qingchen is very calm, and it is difficult for Qin Chuan to make her angry. Recently, you can sometimes see her looking slightly angry, which is a huge improvement.

Qin Chuan was ready for her to be angry or ignore him, but Fan Qingchen stopped and looked at Qin Chuan seriously.

Qin Chuan felt a little hot at the sight, and smiled awkwardly: "Well, I'm telling you a joke."

"Maybe you can try this!"

After Fan Qingchen finished speaking, he continued to move forward, but Qin Chuan was dumbfounded and confused. He had a thousand answers but did not expect this answer.

Qin Chuan rubbed his head, feeling that today was abnormal and everything became so unreal.

He quickly took two steps to catch up with Fan Qingchen. Unknowingly, the two of them walked into a street. Only when they walked in did they realize that this was a lover's street.

Every city has a Lover's Street, which is specially prepared for couples. Generally, if you are not a couple, you will feel awkward walking on this street.

Couples are not allowed to travel together in carriages and horses. It is also a pedestrian street, and the business here is mainly for young men and women. The atmosphere here is good.

Flower sellers, jewelry sellers, food sellers...

"Uncle, my sister is so beautiful, why don't you buy a flower?" A childish voice sounded.

Qin Chuan looked at a seven or eight-year-old little girl in front of him, carrying a flower basket with roses in it.

But what Qin Chuan is wondering is, since he is an uncle, why is Fan Qingchen his sister?

Qin Chuan asked in confusion: "Little girl, why am I the uncle and she is the sister?"

The little girl was stunned. The little girl was not very beautiful, but she was particularly pleasing to the eye. She was quiet and cautious with careful eyes. She was wearing old clothes, but they were washed very clean.

"Because it sounds so smooth..." the little girl thought about it and said happily.

Qin Chuan bought a flower, but he gave her the money for dozens of flowers. He didn't dare to give her more because he didn't know if the little girl was being controlled.

As for why Qin Chuan didn't save him, it was because he didn't know what he was guessing. Besides, he was not the savior and couldn't save him. If he encountered it, he would give it more so that the little girl could have a good meal without affecting her normal life. This is the most correct approach.

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