Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2281: Buddha's hand shows off its power

Although Qin Chuan was surprised, someone now had an idea for his woman, and he really didn't know how to live or die.

Fan Qingchen frowned slightly, but Qin Chuan was actually not worried. The other party's so-called charm ability had no effect on Fan Qingchen.

That kind of despicable method, under the constitution of both Buddhism and Taoism, is like a clown, evil way and evil trend. Not only can it not charm Fan Qingchen, but it will make Fan Qingchen hate him even more.

"Qin Chuan, let's go!"

For some people, what hurts them the most is not your yelling or scolding, they won't feel any discomfort even if you do something.

But ignoring it is the most harmful thing to these people. In their eyes, this is a great shame and humiliation.

Even if Fan Qingchen is a peerless beauty, ignoring her will still make this man furious.

Qin Chuan smiled, Qian Qian took Fan Qingchen's hand and said with a smile: "Baby, there are some blind things, you have to hit them once they need to be hit, otherwise they will chase after them like dogs."

As soon as these words came out, the man's expression became even uglier. Who in the Holy Fire City would dare to speak to Xuanyuan Honglie like this? When had he been so despised?

Originally, he didn't take Qin Chuan seriously. Such a young man was not even qualified to look him in the eyes.

But this young man was embarrassed in front of this beautiful woman, and this young man actually held this woman's hand and called her affectionate.

This made him very uncomfortable. People's ambitions are unlimited. Unless they have status and status, when they meet a beautiful woman, they want to take it for themselves.

It was the first time Xuanyuan Honglie saw such a beautiful and temperamental woman, and he immediately strengthened his inner belief that this woman must be his.

He would do anything for this woman. She was so attractive. At Xuanyuan Honglie's level, ordinary beauties, even if they were very beautiful, could not attract him.

What he needs is a shock, a challenge, a beautiful woman whose heart beats faster, but at his level and with the special skills he has practiced, women have always been fascinated by him when they see him.

A big problem of human beings is that things come too easily and they don’t cherish them, and the stronger they are, the more they like challenges.

When he used the strange technique, the woman had no reaction. This made Xuanyuan Honglie not only not depressed, but even very excited.

But there was an annoying boy here, so he spoke: "Young man, I don't care about you. Leave her as far as you can, and I will spare your life."

"Boy, do you hear me? I spared your life and you still kowtow to thank me. This is your only chance. If you miss it, it will be gone." A man next to Xuanyuan Honglie said quickly.

"Without you, uncle, we are a bunch of fools, idiots, ****, why don't you go eat shit?" Qin Chuan said with a sneer.

Qin Chuan often encounters this kind of stupid thing. In fact, he is used to being arrogant. It seems that this man is definitely an extraordinary existence in the Holy Fire City.

Qin Chuan scolded these people stupidly. After all, they were important people. They had never been scolded like this before.

But there was one thing. Qin Chuan's scolding completely made these people angry. The man who spoke before spoke directly.

"Come here, break her limbs for me. I want to see if your mouth is tough or your legs are tough?" the man said with a sneer.

He gritted his teeth as he spoke, hating Qin Chuan deeply.

Sometimes it's so magical, just a few words when meeting for the first time can make the other person hate him to death.

Although Qin Chuan was surprised, someone now had an idea for his woman, and he really didn't know how to live or die.

Fan Qingchen frowned slightly, but Qin Chuan was actually not worried. The other party's so-called charm ability had no effect on Fan Qingchen.

That kind of despicable method, under the constitution of both Buddhism and Taoism, is like a clown, evil way and evil trend. Not only can it not charm Fan Qingchen, but it will make Fan Qingchen hate him even more.

"Qin Chuan, let's go!"

For some people, what hurts them the most is not your yelling or scolding, they won't feel any discomfort even if you do something.

But ignoring it is the most harmful thing to these people. In their eyes, this is a great shame and humiliation.

Even if Fan Qingchen is a peerless beauty, ignoring her will still make this man furious.

Qin Chuan smiled, Qian Qian took Fan Qingchen's hand and said with a smile: "Baby, there are some blind things, you have to hit them once they need to be hit, otherwise they will chase after them like dogs."

As soon as these words came out, the man's expression became even uglier. Who in the Holy Fire City would dare to speak to Xuanyuan Honglie like this? When had he been so despised?

Originally, he didn't take Qin Chuan seriously. Such a young man was not even qualified to look him in the eyes.

But this young man was embarrassed in front of this beautiful woman, and this young man actually held this woman's hand and called her affectionate.

This made him very uncomfortable. People's ambitions are unlimited. Unless they have status and status, when they meet a beautiful woman, they want to take it for themselves.

It was the first time Xuanyuan Honglie saw such a beautiful and temperamental woman, and he immediately strengthened his inner belief that this woman must be his.

He would do anything for this woman. She was so attractive. At Xuanyuan Honglie's level, ordinary beauties, even if they were very beautiful, could not attract him.

What he needs is a kind of shock, a challenge for him, a beautiful woman whose heart beats faster. But at his level and with the special skills he has practiced, women have always been fascinated by him when they see him.

A big problem of human beings is that things come too easily and they don’t cherish them, and the stronger they are, the more they like challenges.

When he used the strange technique, the woman had no reaction. This made Xuanyuan Honglie not only not depressed, but even very excited.

But there was an annoying boy here, so he spoke: "Young man, I don't care about you. Leave her as far as you can, and I will spare your life."

"Boy, do you hear me? I spared your life and you still kowtow to thank me. This is your only chance. If you miss it, it will be gone." A man next to Xuanyuan Honglie said quickly.

"Without you, uncle, we are a bunch of fools, idiots, ****, why don't you go eat shit?" Qin Chuan said with a sneer.

Qin Chuan often encounters this kind of stupid thing. In fact, he is used to being arrogant. It seems that this man is definitely an extraordinary existence in the Holy Fire City.

Qin Chuan scolded these people stupidly. After all, they were important people. They had never been scolded like this before.

But there was one thing. Qin Chuan's scolding completely made these people angry. The man who spoke before spoke directly.

"Come here, break her limbs for me. I want to see if your mouth is tough or your legs are tough?" the man said with a sneer.

He gritted his teeth as he spoke, hating Qin Chuan deeply.

Sometimes it's so magical, just a few words when meeting for the first time can make the other person hate him to death.

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