Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2287 Fulfilling the Promise

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This day feels like it has been a long time. I look at the sky from time to time and see that the sun is setting, but I am still feeling slow.

"What's wrong with you? What's the matter?" Fan Qingchen looked at Qin Chuan and looked at the sky from time to time, as if he had something to do in a hurry.

"It's nothing, I just feel like the day is so long and it's not dark yet." Qin Chuan said seriously.

Fan Qingchen didn't think much about it at first, she just didn't understand why Qin Chuan was waiting for it to get dark, but she soon understood.

I had just promised him that I could let him go to his bedroom tonight, so I felt ashamed and angry for a while, and was completely speechless about this guy.

She glared at Qin Chuan fiercely but didn't say anything. She knew that it was useless to say anything now. This guy was simply incompetent.

Qin Chuan enjoyed watching this woman glare at him. He had to say that she looked very good when she glared at him. When she was emotional, she was full of grace and beauty.

Originally she had no desires and desires, but now she has some vitality, and she is still graceful and graceful, just like a peerless beauty walking out of a painting.

Fan Qingchen felt a little uneasy when she thought about sharing the bed with this guy at night. On the contrary to Qin Chuan, she felt that the day passed too fast, and it would soon be dark as the sun set in the west.

The dinner Qin Chuan cooked was very rich. Not only that, he also opened a jar of wine. The light in the room was soft and the atmosphere was very warm.

The more this happened, Fan Qingchen felt a little flustered and hesitated: "Well, let's discuss something!"

"Except for me going to the bedroom to sleep, I promise you everything else." Qin Chuan said seriously.

"Uh, that's okay!" Fan Qingchen continued to eat.

Qin Chuan smiled happily. This woman was becoming more and more interesting.

In the past, Fan Qingchen would go back to his bedroom soon after eating, but today, he was chatting with Qin Chuan in the living room.

She is not a talkative person, so now her words are obviously perfunctory, not to mention her eyes and expressions cannot hide it.

Qin Chuan naturally knows it best. Not to mention that she is not good at disguising, even if she is good at disguising, it is so obvious that she knows it without even thinking.

Qin Chuan just feels very interesting now,

He didn't push her, he just stayed with her and said whatever she said. Qin Chuan could still easily handle chatting with Fan Qingchen.

But one thing is that if Fan Qingchen doesn't speak, Qin Chuan will not take the initiative to speak. He is waiting for Fan Qingchen to take the initiative to say to go to the bedroom to rest.

Qin Chuan could have followed him then, but Fan Qingchen seemed to know Qin Chuan's plan, so she refused to go back to the bedroom.

When Fan Qingchen didn't know what to say, he talked to Qin Chuan about cultivation, such as the Buddha statues in the cave.

During this period of time, both people's cultivation levels have greatly increased. Fan Qingchen's growth rate is even worse than Qin Chuan's, and the communication at this time is actually harmonious.

Unknowingly, it was already very late. The bright moon was hanging and the stars were dotted. The moonlight shone through the window, filling the room with a dreamlike simplicity and softness.

Beauties are more beautiful under the moonlight, and in fact, men are more handsome under the moonlight, especially Qin Chuan, who has a natural aura, and also has a feeling of being unparalleled and elegant.

Fan Qingchen looked at Qin Chuan, slightly in a trance. She was just curious, a kind of pure appreciation. She didn't know what kind of mentality she had. Anyway, her motives must be clean.

Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile, and when Fan Qingchen came back to his senses, his face turned slightly red. Even if she had no desires or demands before, she would still be embarrassed, but of course it would be smaller than that of ordinary people.

It is said that if you have no desires and no demands, there will be no shame, because you have no desires and needs. What else do you care about? Whatever you care about, it all has a purpose...

This may be true, but having no desires and demands is not completely laissez-faire. Some of the most basic instincts are still there, so having no desires and demands is not abnormal, but it is just that you look at many things very lightly.

Fan Qingchen is actually no longer free of desires during this period, so it is normal for him to blush and be shy, especially now, just like a little girl being caught.

Qin Chuan was very happy, but Fan Qingchen felt more and more embarrassed, even a little ashamed, and thought to himself that this guy would definitely seize this opportunity to tease him.

But Qin Chuan didn't say much. At this time, he held Fan Qingchen's hand, which made Fan Qingchen tremble slightly.

After all, it was so late. He was holding hands at this time, and he couldn't help but panic. He looked up at Qin Chuan, only to see the smiling and clear eyes.

This made her feel calm, Qin Chuan pulled her: "It's getting late, let's go and rest!"

Fan Qingchen trembled and said hesitantly: "Well, I'm not... ready yet."

Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile: "What do you want to prepare?"

As he spoke, he had already arrived in the bedroom.

The room was spotless, and the couch was not big, but not small either. It could sleep two people. At this time, Qin Chuan was also a little panicked.

"Are you sleeping inside or outside?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Outside...outside!" Fan Qingchen whispered.

Having already promised Qin Chuan and having no way to return, Qin Chuan went to take a bath, wearing pajamas and lying on the bed.

Fan Qingchen went to take a shower.

It's just that this bathing time was a bit long, and Qin Chuan fell asleep in a daze. After all, he knew nothing would happen. Sleeping here was also a huge breakthrough.

Fan Qingchen came back, dressed neatly. He breathed a sigh of relief after watching Qin Chuan fall asleep. Then he hesitated and carefully lay down on the edge of the bed, keeping a distance from Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan slept very comfortably.

Fan Qingchen almost stayed up all night. For a powerful warrior, it's nothing to go without sleep for a few days, so she didn't sleep.

But without sleeping, lying here alone is very boring, especially when there is a man sleeping beside me.

It made her feel ridiculous.

Things that she had never thought of before were now happening for real, and she couldn't help but look at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan seemed to be sleeping very soundly, and he was indeed asleep.

Fan Qingchen was puzzled. This guy fell asleep just to sleep here?

Looking at that familiar and warm face, Fan Qingchen smiled naturally, with a gentle smile. He didn't know why, but there was a slight feeling of happiness.

Because Qin Chuan was asleep, he didn't feel shy at all now, but he just felt weird that there was a man sleeping on his bed.

Qin Chuan turned over unconsciously and slept on his side, which happened to be facing Fan Qingchen. There was still a little distance between the two people.

But this time she turned over, she was almost next to Fan Qingchen. Qin Chuan's head was right on Fan Qingchen's shoulder. Just a little bit of contact, Qin Chuan's breath could be sprayed on her neck.

Fan Qingchen almost ran away, but in the end he didn't, but his body was very tight.

The night passed like this.

Nothing happened. Fan Qingchen didn't close his eyes all night. He got up early the next day. When Qin Chuan got up, there was no one in the room.

Qin Chuan got up, washed up, and found that Fan Qingchen had already made breakfast. He walked over curiously and looked at Fan Qingchen seriously.

Fan Qingchen's face turned slightly red when he saw him. He didn't know if it was because they slept next to each other yesterday. At this moment, Fan Qingchen felt very different when he saw Qin Chuan.

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