Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2290 Mysterious Stone Statue

??In general, Qin Chuan is very satisfied. This ability is definitely the most suitable skill for him in his hands. After a breakthrough, his mood suddenly calmed down.

After washing up and changing his clothes, Qin Chuan looked at the place where he had lived alone for more than half a year. It was time to leave.

Fan Qingchen has been gone for half a year. I don't know how she is now, but with Fan Qingchen's current cultivation level and her own permission, no one can touch her.

I still have my own things to do, so it’s time to leave. With the Immortal Emperor’s strength, maybe he can go to the Land of Nine Heavens.

He was a little excited when he thought of this, but there was no way to enter the Nine Heavens Land now, but he didn't panic. The Dragon Seeking Technique allowed him to feel the approximate direction and distance.

After reaching the realm of the Immortal Emperor, Qin Chuan used the Dragon Seeking Technique to sense things very clearly, unlike before which was very hazy and ethereal.

Now I can clearly feel the location, but the distance is really a bit far. It will probably take decades to get there at my current speed.

But Qin Chuan is very happy at this time, because this shows that his current strength is very close. Even if it is not suitable to go now, if he gets a way, he can actually go to the Nine Heavens Land.

However, Qin Chuan knew that if he could reach the Land of Nine Heavens, regardless of the time, his strength should at least improve to a greater level.

Putting aside the thoughts in his mind, Qin Chuan decided to move in the direction. Anyway, if nothing happened, move forward. As for the so-called strength, just let nature take its course.

Anyway, it is now automatically absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the speed is not slow, it is very pure. During this period of time, I am rushing and let nature take its course to solidify the foundation.

Riding on the colorful dragon bird, Qin Chuan lay leisurely on it. The blue sky and white clouds drew a streamline in the sky and disappeared into the distance.

Qin Chuan left. Looking back at the place where he had lived for several years, he still felt a little reluctant to leave. After all, this was his home of Fan Qingchen.

I will definitely come back here to have a look in the future. Maybe Fan Qingchen will live here again in the future.

It has been half a month, and Qin Chuan has always been surrounded by wasteland. He has not flown out for half a month, which makes Qin Chuan puzzled.

You must know that the colorful dragon bird is very fast and can't fly for half a month. How big is the wasteland below.

Looking at everything in the surroundings at a glance, the golden eyes swept across, and I was sure that this was not an illusion, it was real.

This made Qin Chuan understand why he couldn't reach the Nine Heavens. This world was too big, vast, and terrifying.


When Qin Chuan was about to look back, he saw something like a huge golden attic in the distance.

It's big and abrupt.

After all, it is surrounded by wasteland, and this is at least the center of Dahuangyuan. There is a huge attic here with extraordinary momentum, which is really a bit puzzling.

Qin Chuan did not look away, but looked over seriously.

No words!

Qin Chuan wanted to look for any writing on the golden attic to determine its origin, but after reading it several times, he couldn't find any writing.

Skilled people are bold. Qin Chuan is not afraid now that his strength has greatly increased. He continues to move forward and flies towards this golden loft. He wants to see what it is.

Although Qin Chuan is not like the so-called "running to death" in Wangshan Mountain, it still took him a long time, half a day's work to get there.

The closer he got to the huge golden loft, the more surprised Qin Chuan was, because although he felt that the golden loft was huge before, he didn't realize how huge it was until he got closer.

The material of the pavilion is carved from gold and stone, not built, just like a mountain.

It was chipped, carved, and carved.

It took a whole day, and it was made by nature, because it was carved from a special stone. This stone is as hard as iron, and it is also an insulating stone.

This so-called insulating stone isolates vitality. As long as people enter this golden attic, their vitality cannot be used and they can only rely on the physical body.

There is also this kind of insulating stone that can isolate the formation and everything. In it, you can return to yourself. You can only rely on your own body, and all external objects are useless.

When seeing this, Qin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. If he could only rely on his physical body, Qin Chuan would be a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

But Qin Chuan didn't dare to be careless. He wanted to feel it and use his spiritual sense to make sure there was no one here.

In this desolate place, a truly desolate place, it is a bit unbelievable that such a dazzling huge golden loft is carved from a special material.

There are actually people, not just one.

Qin Chuan soon discovered that there were actually a lot of people here. They were wearing uniform clothes, golden clothes, both men and women.

At this time, they were all worshiping a huge stone statue in a hall.

Each of them looked solemn and extremely pious, but Qin Chuan did not see what kind of Buddha statue it was. It was not a monk or a Taoist.

The stone statue looked fat, probably very strong, and integrated into one body. The more Qin Chuan looked at it, the more extraordinary he found this stone statue.

Suddenly, Qin Chuan felt as if he was being stared at. Well, at this time, he was surprised to see the stone statue he was observing open his eyes.

These are a pair of blood-red eyes, and his figure is clearly shown in these huge blood-red eyes.


Qin Chuan's instinctive feeling was extremely strange. The next moment, his body flew uncontrollably towards the golden attic.

Qin Chuan panicked a little at this time, and quickly started to struggle, but found that he could not break away from the other party's pull.

This kind of power is so magical that it makes Qin Chuan a little unpredictable. For this reason, he doesn't know how to resist.

He couldn't break free, so he didn't break free at all. Soon, Qin Chuan arrived in this golden attic.

As soon as he entered, Qin Chuan felt as if his whole body's vitality had been sealed, and almost all his martial arts, treasures, magical powers, and other abilities had no effect.

The people around him surrounded Qin Chuan.

The eyes of the mysterious stone statue were closed.

Qin Chuan is still looking at this stone statue, the patron saint statue. This is the patron saint statue in the attic.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Do you know the consequences of entering here?" A middle-aged man at the head said coldly.

Qin Chuan looked at these people. There were hundreds of them. At this time, they were all staring at Qin Chuan with murderous intent in their eyes. This made Qin Chuan wonder, did he come here unintentionally? Is there such a big hatred?

Is it because of this mysterious stone statue?

Qin Chuan looked at the mysterious stone statue again, and this time he accidentally looked at these people, and found that their eyes were even more murderous.

It is indeed this mysterious stone statue. Is this stone statue some kind of treasure?

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