Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2389 Life Experience

In fact, when Qin Chuan saw this middle-aged man for the first time, he was already sure that this man must be related to the junior sister by blood, because there were similarities between the eyebrows of the two people.

The junior sister also looked at this man at this time. After all, she knew her life experience. The man in front of her had a very high status in the City Lord's Mansion, so even if he was not his father by blood, he should be his father's family by blood.

This man has a distinguished status. When has he ever been so contradicted by someone, and he is still a junior.

For a moment, he even forgot to scold him, because he felt like he was losing points, but the other party had already killed people in the city lord's mansion, so the best thing to do now was to get rid of this young man and his companions as quickly as possible.

This can reduce the reputation loss of the City Lord's Mansion, otherwise it will be a huge shame for the City Lord's Mansion.

"I advise you not to take action. I'm not looking for you today, I'm looking for Li Tianpeng." The junior sister said softly at this time.

Although this man saw the junior sister before, he didn't pay serious attention to it. It wasn't until this moment that he took a serious look at the junior sister. He was slightly startled at this sight.

The junior sister looks a bit like that person. Although they are similar, this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the junior sister is more similar to another person. That person is a woman and has been imprisoned for decades. Compared with that person, she is more Just young.

At this time, the man's face looked strange. Sometimes this is not intuition, but when he guesses, he is very accurate.

But he was shocked because it was so incredible. He clearly remembered the original situation. Although he didn't mean anything at the time, he knew that he had been looking for the baby for a long time.

In fact, it was just to silence him, but on the surface he didn't do it too obviously. Although it was out of caution, many people actually felt that this wandering baby could have some future.

Gradually, I forgot about it and no one mentioned it again.

He had forgotten some things, but it was easy to remember them. Now that he saw his little junior sister, he understood them all at once, which made him a little unbelievable.

After all, the probability of this was too small. After so many years, they even thought that the baby was no longer alive. Even if he was, he wouldn't be able to come here.

The middle-aged man who came back to his senses after a while looked at the junior sister: "Are you that baby?"

There was no change on the little junior sister's face, she just said: "Are you going to call him out, or should we go in to find him?"

The middle-aged man's expression was a little uncertain for a moment. He knew that what was happening in front of him was definitely not a good thing, but he still felt that the other party would not pose any threat and could not threaten the City Lord's Mansion.

But this woman is the eldest brother's daughter. Although she was said to be destroyed at first, she still survived after all. Now that she has grown up, if she does it now, will the eldest brother blame herself?

So he felt that it would be better to let the eldest brother handle this matter in person, but would he be able to do it when the eldest brother came?

If she didn't kill her, would this daughter be a hidden danger to the family? After all, what she did back then was too cruel. No matter what the reason was, it was too cruel.

If this daughter is left, then this daughter will be with her mother. Her mother sent her out and saved her life.

As long as she knew that she was going to be silenced in the first place, she would not have any good impressions of the City Lord's Mansion, so the wise choice was to kill her now, even if her eldest brother wanted to blame her.

This is why he hesitated, while the junior sister looked at him, seemed to be laughing, and said in a low voice: "Are you still worried about whether to kill me or not?"

It's okay to be guessed, it's not difficult, but when it's said out, the middle-aged man still feels a little embarrassed.

He is the other party's uncle, biological uncle, and this is his biological niece, at least in terms of blood relationship.

But now I am hesitating whether to kill her or not. If I had killed her before, it would have been okay, but now I think too much and I can't decide.

This is destined to be an unsolvable problem. It is unsolvable for him. No matter how he does it,

It's not right. Even if he does it, it would be better not to do it. If he does it, he might be a sinner or even take the blame.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man shuddered, thinking of his elder brother and his knot in his heart. The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he even broke out in a cold sweat on his back.

Because he knew that if he killed his niece, it would satisfy his eldest brother.

Because if the niece is dead, once the woman finds out, her last hope and pure land will be gone, and she will definitely commit suicide.

When this woman dies, most of the eldest brother's knots are relieved, but someone must take the blame, and that person happens to be himself.

Yes, he is his brother, so what, there are many brothers in the big family, he can even murder his own woman and daughter, let alone a brother.

Before, he had always thought about his eldest brother and his family. He had always felt that he was his biological brother, a biological brother from the same mother.

But now that I think about it, many questions suddenly become clearer.

"You guys come with me!" the middle-aged man said softly, exhaling a long breath.

Sometimes a person's decision directly determines his fate. Now he feels that this problem has been given to his elder brother, and he is relieved.

I don't know where this daughter is before, but it has already caused the elder brother a lot of torture, because if the woman is not dead, just seeing that woman will feel like a kind of torture.

Now that he has another daughter, he will probably be even more tormented and even go crazy. He is looking forward to the scene when his eldest brother sees his daughter more and more.

The three of them entered the City Lord's Mansion together and went directly to the main palace of the City Lord's Mansion. Very few people could enter there, and most people were not allowed to get close unless there was something important.

Even if you have something to do, you have to let others pass it on. There are no special guards at the door.

The guards here are much stronger than the guards at the door, and they usually follow the city lord and work part-time as the city lord's guards.

When the middle-aged man appeared here with Qin Chuan and his junior sister, the guard was stunned, nodded and walked in.

After a while, the guard came out and nodded: "The city lord lets you in."

The three people walked into this spacious and huge city lord's palace. It was empty inside, with eighteen huge stone pillars supporting the hall. It felt empty inside.

There are many tables and stools, including the Grand Master's chair and the Eight Immortals' table, and at the top is a large stone case with many files on it.

Standing behind the stone desk was an elegant middle-aged man with a good temperament and a pleasant aura.

The middle-aged man already had a trace of gray hair in his hair, but this gave him an indescribable strange charm.

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