Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2410 Return to the Mountain Top

The next day, a group of people gathered together, because they knew that those people would definitely show up again.

Last night, Qin Chuan didn't ask the woman what her relationship was with the snake-like man, or what they had going on with each other.

He was not curious about these things and had no desire to know. Now he just wanted to stop these people from killing.

Qin Chuan would do it even if he didn't have any merit, because merit lies within the human heart.

This time Qin Chuan really understood this sentence, because many times rules are not actually constraints, but a bridge for progress.

Why some people can make rules and others can only follow them.

Vaguely, Qin Chuan already understood that merit, merit, and sometimes merit are a manifestation of one's own self, not an ability obtained from the outside world.

The body of merit is born from the inside and formed naturally, not by external force. It is a kind of inner cultivation, a kind of awareness, and experience. Only through continuous growth and transformation can the body of merit be formed.

Qin Chuan felt as if his body was staring at him for a moment. He had the power of merit and even cultivated a body of merit.

I used to think that I had a body of merit, but my state was low, but now I know that the body of merit has been growing all along.

This achievement of his is really not worth mentioning, but his previous insights made him take the most critical step in his meritorious body.

Merit lies within the human heart!

This is the essence. Only by truly understanding the meaning of this sentence and jumping out of the circle of traditional rules and traditional merit cultivation can you truly master the method of cultivating the body of merit.

In the past, Qin Chuan saw characters like the Butcher and gained merits after killing them, so he has always used this method of killing evil people to eliminate evil and promote good to cultivate his body of merit.

This is correct, and it can even be said that this is the way most people practice cultivation, and this is also the correct way to practice.

However, many times, the correct method of cultivation is not actually the most brilliant method. Besides, some can be taught and some cannot be explained.

If the Tao is not preached lightly, it will be useless if it is preached.

So what Qin Chuan felt at this time was an unprecedented sense of relaxation and joy, and the awe-inspiring righteousness in his body had condensed by three points, making it purer.

The realization comes in a moment,

After enlightenment, you can directly reborn, but this is very difficult. It requires the right time, place and people, talent, acquired experience and environment, and finally an opportunity.

These conditions are indispensable, but as long as you are enlightened, it is worth years of hard work, or even how long you have to work hard. After all, there are some things that cannot be cultivated through hard work.

This is why Buddhists always talk about destined people.

After last night, Qin Chuan and the woman seemed to be more familiar with each other, their eyes communicated, and there was a faint smile on the woman's face.

Others were not qualified to comment. Many people saw how different Fairy Qing was, but they didn't think much about it.

The leader of the Tianzong is nominally in charge of the overall situation, but the real core is the woman. At this time, the leader of the Tianzong is very frustrated and does not know how to proceed.

"Okay, don't worry. As long as the other party doesn't come to us during this period, we should act rashly." Fairy Qing said.

The others naturally agreed, but they were confused and didn't understand why. Now that Fairy Qing spoke and looked relaxed, they felt relieved.

Most people here don't know how strong Fairy Qing is, even the master of Tianzong doesn't know, but they can feel that their strength is more than a star and a half behind others.

Qin Chuan only showed his ability. In addition, it is not clear whether he can destroy the opponent's formation.

However, the law of things is that it is generally difficult to get things right, but relatively easy to break them. Of course, it is really not easy to break some things.

Just like the formation, this thing is meant to trap people and kill people. How can it be broken so easily? In that case, the formation is broken.

Therefore, in terms of the most difficult thing to break, formation is one of them. If you break the formation, breaking the formation is also considered as breaking the formation. If it is easy, then it is considered as breaking the formation.

However, for formation masters, they are naturally much better than ordinary people, but formation masters with poor attainments are still useless.

What Qin Chuan has to do now is to see if there is a breakthrough point in the formation. If it fails, he must act in advance and rely on force to win.

But this is the last resort. If the formation can be destroyed, this is the best. If possible, then use a two-pronged approach to find opportunities to destroy the formation during the battle.

This may be the most promising approach to success.

"Let's go and see the opponent's formation. I'll cover you." Fairy Qing said, thinking about Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan has been there before. His concealment ability is good, but he doesn't dare to get too close. After all, those people on the other side have high levels of cultivation. If there are any treasures or strange beasts, they will be easily discovered.

But now that this woman has spoken, she is basically foolproof. If she can watch and study it with confidence at a close distance, she might actually be able to find a way to break the formation.

There is no perfect formation, and any formation has flaws. The reason why there are no flaws is because you are not sophisticated enough to discover them.


The two people walked a certain distance and disappeared directly in front of others.

"No one can see us or feel us now, at least those on the opposite side can't yet, but if someone attacks and approaches, they can touch us, so as long as they don't make any noise or are touched, the other party can't find us. "The woman explained.

Qin Chuan nodded: "Yes, I understand."

This ability is very powerful. I don't know if it is a treasure or a magical power. It is a life-saving method. It disappears directly from the place. As long as it is not directly attacked, it can be truly invisible.

Top of the mountain!

Arriving at the top of the mountain again, the formation had basically taken shape. Qin Chuan asked the formation-eating beast to hide and did not attack the formation again.

"How is it? Can you tell anything?" Qin Chuan spoke in a voice that only two people could hear.

Qing Xianzi also understands formations, and can even be said to be proficient in them, but she is not a major in them. The reason why she understands them is for a better survival.

Although many warriors are not formation masters, they still have good attainments in formations. Not only formations, but also detoxification, medical skills, etc. have some research.

"It is impeccable in my eyes." The woman sighed, knowing that her formation skills were not good enough.

Hope can only be placed on this little man.

Qin Chuan didn't know what the woman was thinking, but slowly approached the formation and observed it carefully.

The woman followed Qin Chuan. There were many people guarding the place, just in case. He had to be by Qin Chuan's side, one to escort him and the other to prevent any sudden accidents.

Because at this time she saw that Qin Chuan had forgotten himself, she was really worried whether Qin Chuan would touch someone or make any noise.

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