Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2416: It’s too early to be proud, things will change

The two sides took action against each other. With Qin Chuan and the woman on Qin Chuan's side, and with Long Baobao, he could basically kill a person as long as he was ready.

The other party was not to be outdone. At first when Qin Chuan and the woman attacked, they wanted to defend themselves, but found that they could not defend themselves at all.

But when they attacked, Qin Chuan, the woman, and a magical little beast actually defended themselves, which made them extremely regretful.

After several exchanges, when the opponent attacked Qin Chuan, they gave up their defense and took action at the same time, killing one person on Qin Chuan's side.

But the difference is that Qin Chuan and the woman killed the strong person, while the other person killed the weak person on Qin Chuan's side, who was relatively weaker.

There are now only three of the strongest people on the other side left. These three people's faces are pale because the shadow of death hangs over them and they are under a mountain of pressure. After all, they don't want to die.

For the three of them, as long as Qin Chuan takes action now, their mortality rate is as high as over 30%. Next time, the probability of death will be half.

Sometimes death is not scary. What is scary is the waiting before death and the shadow of death. This is what scares the most. It is this shadow of death that can make people crazy.

But now they can only hold on, hoping that Zhenfa will be able to work quickly and let the huge meteorite fall as soon as possible.

They thought of many possibilities, but they did not expect that they would be passive in frontal combat, mainly because they were taken advantage of by the opponent from the beginning.

That woman was too powerful. They knew that this woman was the empress of this world, but they did not expect that she would be so powerful. She was much more powerful than the information they had received.

This is really confusing to them and they can't understand it.

But now they have no time to think about this, and it is impossible to withdraw now. If they run away now, others will not bypass them.

Now we can only show off our talents and see who has the last laugh.

Qin Chuan was not in a hurry. He was now in contact with the formation-devouring beast, asking the formation-devouring beast to destroy the formation, while he was looking at the meteorites in the sky that were getting closer and closer.

The meteorite is very big, and it is extremely dark here now. However, the warriors have very strong eyesight, so now they only feel darkness, but it does not affect their ability to see.

The speed of the meteorite is very fast, and the five-element big hand exudes strong suction, just like a god's hand,

Even though the meteorite is very big, it seems to be very small in front of this hand.

Qin Chuan looked at the woman beside him who was still calm. Only he pulled his hand by mistake last time and panicked when he was brought into his arms.

There was almost no panic the rest of the time.

Qin Chuan slowly reached out and took her hand.

The woman trembled and instinctively broke away. There were people here. Although it was dark, everyone could still see things, but not very clearly.

Qin Chuan liked to see her flustered look, it was very cute. After all, for a woman like her, as long as she showed a little bit of cuteness, it would be a strong visual impact.

"What time has it been and you are still making trouble?" the woman said angrily.

Qin Chuan smiled: "I'm afraid something might happen, and I won't have a chance to hold your hand again."

"Okay, if this crisis can be resolved, there will be time. Be obedient." The woman said softly.

"After resolving this crisis, will you promise me everything?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

The woman trembled and said nothing.

Qin Chuan knew that it would be extremely difficult to get a positive answer from this woman to such a question, but the current situation was different, so maybe he could.

"What are you afraid of?" Qin Chuan asked.

"I don't know!" The woman looked at Qin Chuan.

"Okay, I said I will never force you to do anything. Don't worry, I have a lot of confidence now. Unless something unexpected happens, they will definitely lose."

The "real" woman was slightly surprised.

Qin Chuan prepared three formations. Even if one failed or two failed, three could not fail. To know where Qin Chuan was most confident, the first one was the formation.

At this time, a faint halo appeared around the opponent's body. Qin Chuan did not take action. This was a defensive ability, a very powerful defensive ability, but it had a time limit.

So Qin Chuan didn't take action.

The other party looked at the sky and prepared something else. Qin Chuan knew that the other party had the ability to leave at the moment of success.

When the meteorite falls, they will leave at that moment, and if Qin Chuan and his party do not have special abilities to leave, they will definitely die.

In this situation, there are really not many people who can leave. After all, it is too difficult to leave here instantly and leave this world in a short time.

The requirements for treasures and personal abilities are very strict.

As time passed, the faces of the other party showed a proud look, but Qin Chuan used the Taboo Bead at this time.

The meteorite was already like the end of the world, covering the sky and falling with a crash. The scene at this moment was extremely scary and indescribably terrifying.

There is no light in the sky and the earth, no beauty in the sun and moon, the sky is dim and the earth is dark, and the pressure of the air flow caused by the falling meteorite can crush people to pieces.

However, Qin Chuan had already asked the formation-devouring beast to take action, and it was successful. The formation failed, but it was not obvious. More than that, Qin Chuan asked the formation-devouring beast to destroy all three positions.

Now is the critical moment. As long as the time is determined, the attraction of the meteorite cannot exceed that moment. Once it exceeds that moment, it will fall without any formation.

The trajectory of the meteorite cannot be destroyed, so we must destroy the formation in front of the trajectory to make the invisible big hand lose its senses.

But now even the formation master probably doesn't know that it has malfunctioned.

Now the meteorite falls due to inertia. As long as it lasts for a while, it will return to its own trajectory.

It was almost time, and the smiling faces of these people turned pale instantly.

Because they wanted to leave and found that they were imprisoned.

The treasure is malfunctioning.

If the treasure malfunctions, there will only be one end, and they will have to die here.

They thought that Qin Chuan and others were bound to die, so it was normal for them to support them. At this time, if they had the ability, everyone would choose this choice. After all, it may also be an extremely happy thing to support their enemies. .


Suddenly, many people felt something was wrong, because the strong sense of oppression did not seem to increase any more, and the meteorites that were still falling seemed to slow down.

Well it's really slow.

Not only did it slow down, it also stopped, and then people were surprised to find that the huge meteorite was rising rapidly.

How can it be

Many people were extremely surprised and looked at the sky in disbelief.

Originally, the sky was blocked and the sun and the moon had no light. Now there is a glimmer of light, which is really like a bright light in the dark night.

This beacon of light is getting brighter and brighter.

It gets bigger and bigger, and finally tomorrow the sky will be clear and cloudless, only the wind in the air is still blowing.

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