Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 237 Quicksand between fingers, 4 flower gods...

"I'll say it again, get out!" Qin Chuan said coldly.

"Presumptuous, looking for death!" The figure of the middle-aged man in the lead rushed towards Qin Chuan with a long afterimage, and stretched out his hand to pinch Qin Chuan's throat.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Qin Chuan's mouth, and he waited until the middle-aged man arrived in front of him, and when the hand was less than a foot away from his throat, he suddenly reached out.

Yin Yang hand!


Qin Chuan's hand violently hit the middle-aged man's wrist, directly smashing the bones of his wrist.

Then with a wave of his palm, he slapped the middle-aged man directly on the face with his backhand.


With a slap across the face, the middle-aged man was directly pulled out of the Dahuang Medical Hall by Qin Chuan, and flew out like that, half of his face quickly swelled like a pig's head.


Deathly quiet!

The remaining two couldn't come back to their senses at all. The three of them were in the Ninth Level of Transcendental Realm, and the guy opposite was only so old. When they met each other, they abolished an existence of the Ninth Level of Transcendental Realm at will. What kind of strength is this? It is impossible to do below the alchemy state.

Could it be that this young boy is an alchemy fighter?

This idea made them shake their heads intuitively, it is impossible, alchemy state, although they are all in the extraordinary nine-layer realm, as long as they take a step forward, they will be in the alchemy state, but this step is as difficult as reaching the sky, this step is a natural moat, and this step is what they have to do all their lives. An insurmountable gap.

"Get out by yourself, or should I help you?" Qin Chuan said coldly.

The two middle-aged men looked at each other, turned around and walked out. Qin Chuan gave them the feeling that it was too wicked.

Qin Chuan turned his head and saw Qin Nian staring blankly at him.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, with me here, no one will bully you anymore." Qin Chuan smiled.

Qin Nian didn't expect Qin Chuan to be so powerful. Before, he just felt that his medical skills were good. After seeing those three people before, Qin Nian even felt that it was over. This time, he couldn't run away anymore.

"Nian'er, who are they and why are they chasing you?" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

"They are members of the Fengxue family. The young master of the Fengxue family wanted me to marry him, but I didn't want to, so I ran out." Qin Nian said hesitantly.

Qin Chuan knew that he had scruples, so what he said should be true, but many things were omitted.

However, this made Qin Chuan very angry, but he thought in his heart that this is also a good thing, and said with a smile: "Nian'er, you will stay with me during this time, and you will stay here and not go anywhere, so it's settled."

Qin Nian actually wanted to stay here too, but living here for nothing and being taken care of by others made him feel ashamed, after all, he was neither relative nor relative.

Qin Chuan seemed to see her estimate and said with a smile: "If you are in a hurry, you can start here."

Qin Nian nodded happily.

"Don't look outside, treat this place as your own home." Qin Chuan smiled.

Qin Chuan really wanted to tell her that he was her brother, his own brother, but he was afraid that it would be too sudden. If things went in the opposite direction, it would be bad.

When Qin Chuan walked outside, those people had already left, but Qin Chuan knew that this was only temporary, and more powerful warriors would come soon.

Cultivation, the other is to try again to let the dragon leopard break through.

This little thing is too important to Qin Chuan, as long as it breaks through the alchemy realm, it will be a breeze to cooperate with it to kill the strong and powerful alchemy realm.

At this time, Qin Chuan suddenly felt that it was right to stay here for good deeds, bring them here, and arrange a way out for them. Not only did he feel at ease, but also met Qin Nian, otherwise a huge accident would happen.

Does this count as good rewards for good people!

Formation, Qin Chuan studied the formation, and the Sanhua god position also reached a peak. He calmed down, entered the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and continued to deduce and perfect the study of the Sanhua god position.

The third-level Sanhua god has already reached a critical point.

Qin Chuan felt like a cat's paw at this moment. He caught something, but he couldn't hold it. He knew that as long as he caught it, he could break through to the fourth level.

The Sanhua Deity will also be upgraded to the fourth level, and the power of the Sanhua Deity will also increase greatly.

Quicksand between fingers!

Qin Chuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and his mind relaxed!


The three divine flowers in the sea of ​​consciousness directly bloomed brightly, among which the main seat exploded, and a new golden flower seat appeared.

The Four Flower Gods!

Break through!

It turned out to be like this, breaking through, the fourth level realm, there is actually one more god position, and the three flower god position has also become the four flower god position.

The value of one more position is immeasurable. At the fourth level, coupled with one's own physique and the effect of the eye stone of the beast array, the increase of the god position has increased from the original 120% to the current 160%, which is 1.6% times.

1.6 times, 1.5 times more than 10%, what a terrifying increase.

The god of the formation is really a god, and it can definitely be called a god.

Qin Chuan is feeling a little excited now, the level 4 realm, the God of Four Flowers, if it is the level 5 realm, is it the God of Five Flowers, the God of Six Flowers...

And the power is becoming more and more against the sky. When the time comes, you and your own monsters, or fight in a team battle, and give your teammates a formation god, it will definitely be crushed...

The breakthrough of the gods in the formation made Qin Chuan feel at ease again, and Qin Chuan, who had nothing to do, took out the treasure map.

Since I got it last time, I haven’t looked at it. Maybe I can try to find the treasure before going to Fengxue’s house. This can also increase my bargaining chips. Maybe I can get huge benefits, so going to Fengxue’s house will also become a treasure trove. smoother,

The treasure map is not big, about two feet long and wide. It is made of animal skin paper, but it is not ordinary animal skin paper.

There are mountains, forests, water, a river...

Well, there is also a waterfall.

Qin Chuan then cast the golden pupils. It looked different from before. The small river disappeared and turned into a huge lake. The waterfall in the distance directly reached the lake...

And Qin Chuan saw three words.

Jinlang Mountain!

Qin Chuan put it away, and after a while, he can go to Jinlang Mountain to find the treasure first.

Qin Nian is very quiet and usually rarely initiates conversations with others.

She will be alone in the room unless she helps out.

She has a quiet personality, even a little withdrawn, and the longer the time, the more uncomfortable she feels here, not relatives, why should he help herself, even if he helped herself, how could she accept it so calmly?

She is very contradictory, but she has nowhere to go, and she also broke into this great barren medical hall in a daze...

No, I can't stay here all the time, I have to leave.

late at night!

Qin Nian got up and walked out of the room slowly, but when he got to the first floor, he saw bright lights below, and Qin Chuan was drinking alone.

Qin Nian was taken aback, she was holding a sword in her hand.

Qin Chuan looked up and saw her, knowing that sooner or later this day would come, how could he let her leave alone, that would be too dangerous.

"Big brother, you're not asleep." Qin Nian showed an embarrassed smile.

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