Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2434 A Difficult Battle


At this time, Qin Chuan asked Yu Qing not to take action. He quickly hit forty-nine times, no more and no less. The time was very short, because if the time slowed down, it would be useless. === Sanwei's Bookstore ===

In fact, Qin Chuan had the urge to ignore him before, because Taihou didn't mention the trump card of this brother's mutated seven-headed demonic dragon snake, and he didn't tell him how to break it at all.

We are all partners. This is the trump card of the mutated seven-headed demon dragon and snake, but it is not his trump card. Even without saying anything, it is not difficult to guess the intention.

But I can't care about it now, this person must be alive, otherwise it will not be easy to kill the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake, and even he and Yu Qing will face great danger.

So there is no way to keep this Taihou alive. After all, the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake still has three lives.

Qin Chuan interrupted the attack of the mutant seven-headed devil dragon snake. Taihou breathed a long sigh of relief and turned pale. This showed that the mutant seven-headed devil dragon snake's trump card should be very terrifying.

Being interrupted, the mutant seven-headed demon dragon snake calmed down. It was wise, and the other party knew that this place would be weakened this day, and its own trump card was cracked again and again.

This shows that the opponent knows his trump card and the way to break it, so the mutant seven-headed demon dragon snake has already decided to retreat, because he knows that if nothing unexpected happens, he will not be able to defeat the opponent.

Now that the other party is here, I have a lot of confidence, and I have already lost three lives, and I only have three left, which makes me feel extremely distressed.

Looking at the baby dragon, the treasure right in front of you is the absolute treasure among the treasures. For the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake, this baby dragon is the treasure among the treasures, the treasure that can make it reach the sky in one step.

Not willing to give in, but unable to defeat, this is greed. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to choose. The greater the risk, the greater the benefit.

The mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake can also feel that he still has hope of swallowing the baby dragon, but he may also die here.

This is like gambling. If you have lost, it is difficult to quit as long as you still have money in your hand. You have to lose everything, lose everything, and regret it when you are heavily in debt, but you still can't understand it.

At this time, the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake is really unwilling to give in. If he wants to make a huge gain, he must take risks. He still has three lives, but he has already lost three. As long as he can swallow the little dragon, he can all recover. There are more than a dozen names, and the strength will be greatly increased, and you can also transform...

The mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake finally didn't leave,

He was very careful about this battle and delayed it for a day. As long as he delayed it for a day and entangled them, he would succeed.

In addition, your trump card must be used to its advantage, and cannot be interrupted or wasted by the other party. You must force the other party into chaos, let the other party take the initiative to attack, and make the other party panic.

After a confrontation for a while, Taihou took action, but the super-defensive mutant seven-headed demon dragon snake tightly protected the weak point so that it was no longer exposed to the eyes of everyone.

There is no real damage to the baby dragons elsewhere.

Taihou was anxious now. He couldn't do this. If this continued for a while, they would run away, but what should they do now?

Qin Chuan also frowned. This big guy suddenly became smarter, but Qin Chuan was not in a hurry and continued to attack with one move after another.

The general trend of the world can make his attacks stronger and stronger. Now, even if he hits the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake in a position that is not a weak point, it still makes this big guy uncomfortable.

The person who was originally the least looked down upon by the mutated Seven-Headed Demonic Dragon Snake has now become the most threatening existence to him. This cannot continue.


After the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake let out a shocking roar, seven small snakes appeared around it. They were said to be small snakes, but they were just compared to the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake.

These seven little snakes are each twenty meters long. Some are green, some are black and shiny, some are golden, some are as red as fire, and some are as blue as ice. Surrounded by Qin Chuan, as long as Qin Chuan attacks, a small snake will attack him and can block Qin Chuan's attack.

More than that, Qin Chuan felt that his momentum would be weakened.

This surprised Qin Chuan. This ability is very powerful. You must know that Qin Chuan's ability is very unique. Along the way, he has almost never encountered anyone who can weaken his momentum or strength.

The weakening of this little snake is obvious, and its ability to withstand attacks is also very strong. This is an earthy little snake, the snake of the earth.

This mutated seven-headed demonic dragon snake is really not to be underestimated. Previously, this mutated seven-headed demonic dragon snake underestimated its enemy and did not take Qin Chuan and the three of them seriously. If it was regarded as a formidable enemy from the beginning, it would not Three lives were lost so quickly.

A stalemate would be detrimental to Qin Chuan and his party, but the current situation is not optimistic.

Qin Chuan is also thinking of a way. The general trend of the world is a magical skill, but it does not increase endlessly. It also depends on the state. Although it is said that as long as it can resist the big force, it will continue to increase.

But this has a time limit. Within a certain period of time, this time will also increase with the realm.

Now it usually only takes two quarters of an hour, half an hour, this time goes on and on, masters compete with each other, and the victory or defeat is determined in an instant, it only takes a moment.

However, the general trend of the world is used to defeat the strong with the weak. The prerequisite is to resist the attack and be able to hold on. Therefore, the general trend of the world is a special magical skill. In the eyes of many people, this combat skill is actually completely useless.

Because your opponent doesn't give you time to build up your momentum, and if you don't resist and hold back, the general trend of the world will be completely useless.

It's a magical skill for Qin Chuan, but he has been playing for two quarters of an hour now and has to reshuffle the cards, or it can also be called clearing.

It was useless to hit the mutated seven-headed demonic dragon snake's vitals when it reached its peak before. Although the mutated seven-headed demonic dragon snake could be smashed, it screamed, but it could not cause serious injury.

The general trend of the world actually has a lot of knowledge. Within a certain period of time, the damage will increase with every attack.

This means that the difference in damage between a thousand attacks and two thousand attacks in half an hour is huge.

So the essence of this lies in speed. As long as it is fast enough, the output will be like a storm.

Qin Chuan attacked again, using the Forged Divine Sword Hammer. He used this move repeatedly, getting faster and faster. Qin Chuan had practiced this move tens of millions of times, and he had already become perfect with practice.

The realm is very high, but what Qin Chuan wants is to continue to increase speed, to be simple and simple, to constantly break through the limits, and to turn decay into magic.

Qin Chuan didn't want to kill the mutated seven-headed demon dragon and snake by himself. Not to mention that he couldn't do it, he didn't think about it. He just wanted to hone himself.

"First chop off its black head, one person will hold it, and the two of them will work together to attack the black snake's head. Don't hit it seven inches, as it will be useless." Taihou said at this time.

Sure enough, Qin Chuan had already guessed that Taihou must have a way. 1

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