Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2437 Taihou’s sneak attack

Qin Chuan also hesitated again and again, and finally made a decision with great determination, because he was now very sure that as long as he killed this mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake, he and Yu Qing would face a great danger. === Sanwei's Bookstore ===

Unknown dangers are the most terrifying. If Qin Chuan knows what the other party is doing, then he feels that he can definitely work out a way to deal with it, but if it is too sudden, it will be difficult to find a way to deal with it.

The horror of many treasures is immeasurable. For example, it is said that they can tear apart the world and transport you to a completely unknown place. It is hard to say whether you can survive, and even if you survive, it will be difficult to come back.

Qinchuan has the Five Elements Immortal Flag, and in principle he can come back, but the Five Elements Immortal Flag cannot be used in some places. In that case, it is basically impossible for Qinchuan to come back.

However, there is no solution if he doesn't kill this mutated seven-headed demonic dragon snake, unless he runs away, but now that the treasure is right in front of him, it would be a pity to give up.

Mysterious heavy bow!

Qin Chuan still took action, Tyrannosaurus Archery and Demon Killing Arrows, which were forged by Qin Chuan himself and added with powerful runes.

For the existence of the dragon bloodline, the lethality can be said to be greater. You must know that the dragon's vitality and resistance to attack are super powerful.

The dragon blood of this mutated seven-headed demonic dragon snake is very powerful. Now that it is last alive, its defense ability has once again surged in this state. In this ancient dragon tomb, his current defense and resistance are suppressed. In the end, there was basically no existence that could break through the defense of the mutated seven-headed demon dragon and snake.

But now, Qin Chuan took out the mysterious heavy bow. When he took out the mysterious heavy bow, the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake felt a little uncomfortable and felt a little uncomfortable.

And when Qin Chuan took out the Demon-Slaying Arrow, he became even more uneasy at this time. The Demon-Slaying Arrow was broken by Qin Chuan's spinning dragon arrow.

And they are all tempered by dragon blood. Not only that, but mainly when Qin Chuan used the mysterious heavy bow and the tyrannosaurus arrow method to open the mysterious heavy bow and loaded it with the demon-killing arrow.

The body of the mutated seven-headed demon dragon and snake was trembling. The instinctive trembling was not that it was frightening or terrifying, but that it was a little uneasy and uncontrollable by the thinking brain.

Instinctively, it felt that this arrow was terrifying, so it was a little panicked. Originally, in this state, it was very confident and had a good chance of winning. As long as it entangled these people, these people would not be able to hurt itself anyway.

As long as the time is delayed, he can directly kill these people and devour the little dragon beast. From then on, he can be regarded as a carp leaping over the dragon gate and directly set foot on the peak that he dreams of.


Qin Chuan shot an arrow, and he was shocked. He had not used the mysterious heavy bow for a long time, but after the runes were broken through, he would carve the strongest talisman on the mysterious heavy bow.

Divine dragon talisman!

This pair of talismans and seals can suppress the dragon clan, especially when engraved on the mysterious heavy bow and demon-killing arrows. When paired with the tyrannosaurus arrow method, let alone the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake, which is not a pure dragon blood, even if Those with pure dragon blood will also be suppressed.

Because this is the Divine Dragon Talisman Seal, this is not the main reason. The main thing is that Qin Chuan has nine divine dragons in his body.

This kind of suppression is like a cat and a mouse, regardless of size or strength, it is suppression, suppression by momentum, suppression by strength and weakness, and absolute suppression by equality of strength.

Now that Qin Chuan's arrow was more powerful, he could naturally suppress it without any suspense. However, the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake was in a special state after all, but even so, a large piece of flesh was still exploded by the arrow.

It was very big. If the body of the mutated seven-headed demonic dragon and snake were not strong enough, this arrow would probably be enough to cut off the mutated seven-headed demonic dragon and snake.


The mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake roared, blood gushed out, and its body curled up in pain. The injury was not fatal, but the power of the arrow caused horrific wounds.

The mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake was scared, terrified. He originally thought that he was an iron lump. In this ancient Longling, he was the king and no one could hurt him.

But now he feels very scared, only fear, because Qin Chuan's second arrow is ready. If this continues, even with his huge body, he can't help tearing himself apart with one arrow like this.

But when the second arrow was shot, the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake was even more frightened, because the location of Qin Chuan's arrow was the location of the first arrow.

Lock on, burst, and have a strong ability to ignore defense.


The mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake let out a miserable cry. This arrow really hurt it. If the previous arrow was considered a skin injury, a slightly severe skin injury, then this arrow could almost be said to have exploded from it. a piece of meat.

The painful and tearing feeling made his body want to break. If it broke, half of his life would be lost.

Taihou's face was filled with emotion, and he was very excited. He had been ready to escape before taking the last life, but he was unwilling to do so.

After all, he was unwilling to fall short in the last step. He didn't expect that Qin Chuan would create another miracle in the end and have such terrifying attack power.

This made him frown a little. What should he do next? The previous strategy seemed to be no longer working well. This young man was even scarier than Yu Qing to a certain extent.

When Taihou couldn't kill the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake before, he was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, but now he should be able to, but he found that he still had no solution.


Qin Chuan's arrows shot one after another, and no matter how hard the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake tried to dodge, he couldn't dodge, and the location where he was shot was still the same.

This position is under the head. You can't hide it, run away, hide, or avoid it. The mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake became angry and rushed towards Qin Chuan.

Rather than being wasted little by little like this, it's better to fight.

Qin Chuan had a smile on his face. It could be said that the outcome had been decided now, but he had been preparing. He was afraid that if Taihou found the opportunity, he would kill him without hesitation.

The mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake rushed towards Qin Chuan, but it was useless. Qin Chuan's Yin Yang Nine Palace Steps easily dodged and fired arrows at the same time.

The compiler-headed demon dragon snake went crazy and once again opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards Qin Chuan.

But at this time, when Qin Chuan was avoiding, he suddenly found that his body could not move, and his face was shocked.

Just in time to see Taihou's proud and cold eyes.

He still took action, actually taking action when the mutated seven-headed demonic dragon and snake was still alive, but now it was certain that one person could kill this mutated seven-headed demonic dragon and snake.

The fishy smell became stronger and stronger, and Qin Chuan could no longer even see the sky and the earth.

However, Qin Chuan's consciousness was not restricted at this time, so he directly used the reversal of yin and yang.

He Taihou!

Switch places instantly!

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